PPA | Nailsea Abattoir



3.1 The site is previously developed land (PDL). The National Planning Policy Framework

and adopted Development Plan prioritise the use of previously developed land

over greenfield land. The PDL nature of the site is a significant material

consideration and benefit in planning terms, particularly if it can be demonstrated

that there is no realistic prospect of re-use for employment, or an alternative use

appropriate for the rural location, and the proposal would deliver substantial visual

improvements to the site and landscape.

3.2 The Council is unable to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply and as such,

the Development Plan is not up-to-date. Paragraph 11(d) of the National Planning

Policy Framework (NPPF) dictates that permission is granted unless:

▪ Policies in the National Planning Policy Framework that protect areas or

assets of importance (including but not limited to protected landscapes such

as SSSI’s or AONBS; land at risk of flooding; or irreplaceable habitats) provide

a clear reason for refusing development; or

▪ Any adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the


3.3 Housing delivery is high on the Government’s agenda, and the NPPF requires

Council’s to “boost significantly” housing supply. These are compelling material

considerations that weigh in favour of a housing scheme on the site (although it

should be noted that they would not over-ride any adverse impacts that cannot be

mitigated, and which provide a clear reason for refusing development).

3.4 The existing abattoir is likely to impact negatively on the environmental and

residential amenity of the locality, by virtue of odour, as well as noise/vibration

associated with the use of machinery and vehicular movements by large vehicles.

On the assumption that the existing use is served by heavy vehicles, it may also have

an impact on highway safety in view of the narrow country lanes with limited

passing places and poor visibility. These impacts would fall away with a residential

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