▪ The proposal would deliver substantial visual improvements to the site and
wider landscape (such as reducing floorspace and hard surface area on the
site, increasing soft landscaping, and delivering a modest redevelopment
appropriate for the rural location of the site and character of the area); and
▪ The biodiversity value of the site is improved.
4.5 The Council would be unlikely to support development on the greenfield land (i.e.
the land within the blue line boundary at Figure 1). Any support for redevelopment
on the PDL land (i.e. within the redline boundary) would be likely to be restricted to
the existing area of built form/hard surface, and no greater than the existing GIA on
the site.
4.6 The Core Strategy’s overall approach is employment led due to its imbalance
between economic and housing development. Existing employment sites are
protected unless proposals deliver community benefits and do not compromise the
range of sites and premises available for business use. Any application for non-
employment uses (including housing) would need to demonstrate that the site has
been marketed for its lawful and permitted land uses (normally for a minimum 12
month period), on reasonable terms, and that this exercise has not generated any
interest for continued commercial use. Full details of the marketing exercise and
the interest generated will need to be provided.
4.7 The site is located in an area of known importance for Greater Horseshoe Bats and
within Consultation Zone B of the North Somerset and Mendip Bat Special Area of
Consultation. The site could also have value for other protected species. Protected
species surveys during the May to September survey season are likely to be required,
together with extensive mitigation and enhancement. Any formal application
cannot be determined (positively) in advance of the survey results therefore this
should be factored into the planning process.
4.8 The PDL part of the site (i.e. the area where the building and hard-surface is located)
is enclosed on three boundaries by very dense soft planting (possibly hedgerows
but likely to be trees). These are likely to have significant value for wildlife
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