WA Investment Prospectus (RDA)

Great Southern


Key Regional Resources RDA Great Southern – www.rdagreatsouthern.com.au Great Southern Development Commission – www.gsdc.wa.gov.au

Regional Summary 37

The Great Southern is Western Australia’s southernmost region, bordered by the Southern Ocean where the coast stretches for approximately 250 kilometres. Spanning over 39,007 square kilometres, the region represents 1.5% of Western

towns in the region, with populations of less than 2,500 include Kojonup, Woodanilling, Pingrup, Nyabing, Jerramungup, Bremer Bay, Wellstead, Cranbrook, Frankland, Tambellup Broomehill, Borden, Ongerup, Gnowangerup, Nornalup, Kendenup, Rocky Gully and Tenterden. The coastal part of the Great Southern region enjoys a

Australia’s total land mass and extends inland for 200 kilometres. The Region’s population in 2020 was estimated to be nearly 61,400, with a median age of 44. The City of Albany, the State’s oldest European settlement (settled in 1826) is the region’s administrative, business and financial hub. Albany is home to approximately 38,300 residents or 62% of the region’s population. The Great Southern region is made up of 11 local government authorities: Albany, Broomehill-Tambellup, Cranbrook, Denmark, Gnowangerup, Jerramungup, Katanning, Kent, Kojonup, Plantagenet and Woodanilling.

Mediterranean climate with typically warm summers and cool, wet winters. Rainfall decreases and temperature increases moving from the coast to inland areas. The north and east of the region is considered to be semi-arid with hot and dry conditions. Higher rainfall areas tend to support a wider range and greater diversity of industry activities. The Great Southern is bounded by the South West region to the west, the Wheatbelt region to

The Region’s population in 2020 was estimated to be nearly 61,400, with a median age of 44.

the north and the Goldfields Esperance region to the east. It is one of the smallest of the nine regions in Western Australia by the hectare, and third lowest by Gross Regional Product at $4.979 billion, but it is the second largest agricultural producer in

District Centres in the Great Southern region with populations of around 5,000 include the towns of Denmark, Katanning and Mount Barker. Smaller



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