by Jason Engelman
f you have ever been to a moti- vational or professional confer-
ence of any kind, I am sure you have heard the phrase “know your why.” It drove me crazy every time I heard it, not because I didn’t knowmy “why” or didn’t believe the power behind the message, but because I thought it was so cliché. “Get some new material,” I would think to myself. Now, every time I speak at confer- ences I always mention “know your why.” So, I guess the joke is on me! Knowing your “why” might be some of the most important advice you ever receive. If you want to be successful in any- thing you do, you must have a PUR- POSE. I recall the proverb “Where there is no VISION the people per- ish.” Vision boards are a popular way to connect to our purpose and propel us toward success. Why? No vision, no direction. No direction creates confusion. Confusion turns to fear, and fear causes quitting. If we don’t know our purpose and don’t have a vision to accomplish it, we will end up lost on our journey. Many people wake up and realize they have lived for many years but have little to show for it. Adven- tures were not had, laughs were not shared, and lives were not changed. They end up feeling like a lion in a cage with an inner desire to release
get tough and you want to quit, remember your cause is bigger than your biggest challenge. 3 Purpose gives you the reason to hope. Prisoners of War have writ- ten books about having hope that helped keep them alive. Their pur- pose was to see their loved ones, and that purpose gave them hope. When you find yourself trapped, allow your purpose to give you hope to escape. If you have experi- enced failures as you pursue your
the beast. They want so badly to live for something more. The obstacle for them is lack of purpose.
HEREARE THREE TRUTHS THATHAVINGAPURPOSE CAN DO FORYOU: 1 Purpose gives you the strength to do the impossible. When you are willing to sacrifice yourself to accomplish your purpose, you realize there are no limitations, no room for failure. There is only one option—to succeed. I have heard stories of 90 lb. mothers lifting cars to save their child. On any normal day that would be impossible, but when the purpose is to save their child’s life, they are able to accomplish the impos- sible. Their mind and spirit found an insurmountable strength. 2 Purpose is bigger than your obsta- cle. When David went to fight Goliath, the other soldiers laughed and mocked him. David was a boy. Why were men who were trained warriors afraid to fight Goliath, but this boy wasn’t? His cause was bigger than his giant. When things
dreams, allow your purpose to give you hope of succeeding.
If you don’t know your “why” then search for it. If you want to have true success in business, in relationships, and in anything you do, you must know your PURPOSE. •
Jason Engelman is CEO, Founder & Managing Partner of Freaky Fast Home Buyers and Investments LLC. In under two years, his company has purchased
130 homes in two states and currently employs 15 team members. Jason travels the country speaking in high schools, colleges and national real estate conferences. For the past five years, his focus has been managing investment portfolios within the real estate and energy industries. Jason is married to Country Music Artist Tori Martin and together they live in Nashville.
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