Teresa Chavez, Enrollment and Financial Services Supervisor, consults with OneWorld patient.
The Will for the Way
OneWorld’s Enrollment and Financial Services help patients afford and access health care
When Teresa Chavez, Enrollment and Financial Services Supervisor, received the November 2021 list of potential Medicaid candidates from a Region 6 Behavioral Health report, she decided to personally call one of the candidates. The patient insisted she was not eligible because she had applied and been denied, but her responses to three simple screening questions changed that. “I could tell she was very surprised and she began to cry,” Teresa said. “She completed the application, and about a week later, I followed up with her case and saw she was eligible for Medicaid. I gave her a call and she was just so grateful.”
Affordability and accessibility are two barriers many people in the United States face with health care. While there are many assistance programs, each has their own tunnel of policies, jargon and small print for people to navigate. Additionally, some people cannot read in their own language. OneWorld Community Health Centers overcomes these issues every time a patient checks in for an appointment. If patients do not have health insurance, they visit the OneWorld Marketplace Enrollment and Financial Services team.
ISSUE 1 2022 I 8 I OneWorldOmaha.org
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