The Exchange Newsletter Issue 3, 2021


On Tuesdays and Thursdays, EMT and Covid-19 Immunization Specialist, Mary McConnaughey, and an interpreter spend their days completing home visits. These visits are for people who call OneWorld and ask to receive a vaccine at their home. “The majority of people for home visits are immobilized or disabled in such a way that makes traveling to our campus difficult,” said Mary. In addition to completing home visits, Mary and her team spend Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays canvasing businesses and neighborhoods in South Omaha, offering vaccines to employees, volunteers, passerby, residents and their friends and families. On August 13, Mary and her team walked into a business in South Omaha without any appointments being made, and ended up vaccinating 5/8 employees working that day. “The owner of that establishment not only encouraged her staff to get vaccinated, but she also gave them a $100 bonus. It’s business owners like her who are helping us, too,” said Mary. Even when doors are unopen or people say they are already vaccinated, Mary and her team leave flyers for those individuals to read or to pass on to friends and family who still need vaccination. “We are here, we have shots, and if you know anybody, we can come to you,” said Hector. “Going door-to-door and talking really helps the community, especially if there’s a language barrier or a transportation issue. I think it’s validating for people to show up at their door and show them we’re here to help.” –Hector Sanchez, Community Health Worker




(402) 734-4110

For yourself, family, friends, co-workers and neighbors, call OneWorld now to schedule an appointment.

Eduardo Nuñez and Hector Sanchez.

Oering Pfizer vaccinations, approved for persons 12 years and older. Transportation an issue? We can help with rides or we will come to you. OneWorld is here for you! “Whether you’re a patient or not a patient, doesn’t matter. We welcome everyone. ” Andrea Skolkin, OneWorld CEO

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