The Exchange Newsletter Issue 1, 2021

South Omaha area saw an increase in Covid during the holiday season and it was hard on families already struggling. Beyond the financial struggles, anxiety, social stresses and isolation are taking a toll and there are children that cannot go to school and do not have online access at home. Parents are unable to help because they do not speak English well enough or they have not attended school themselves. Children we care for are not progressing at the same level as their peers in the community with more resources. They are anxious, bored, sad, and isolated. “I have been struck by how challenging it is for people who are already pretty marginalized and do not have many resources.”

“We had a patient test positive for Covid-19 who was a member of a very large family. Our staff worked for hours with the mother figuring out ways to quarantine a family of twelve in a very tiny home with one bathroom. As close as we have been with our patients this pandemic has brought us into people’s homes in a way we have never been before” said Dr. McVea. It has really brought the challenges to a new light. There are so many patients and people in the community around OneWorld clinics in tremendous need. “Our goal from a leadership level has been to take a long-term approach. It has been stressful, but I have been so inspired by our core leaders and feel a stronger sense of connection to our mission and a deeper trust in each other. I have been so proud of our team. I have seen people step-up and blossom into leaders.”

Dr. Kristine McVea, MD, MPH OneWorld Chief Medical Officer “As close as we have been with our patients

this pandemic has brought us into people’s homes in a way we have never been before.”

ISSUE 1 2021 I 6 I

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