King's Business - 1930-12

December 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


O ld T estament

N ew T estament

ally, the number of sentences may usually be divided into paragraphs or sections of seven each; that in each of such sections the number of words and even the number of let- . ters is usually a multiple of seven; that most words singly or in combination with others from the same root, or of similar meaning, occur a multiple of seven times, either in the same book or in the -whole of the Old and New Testaments respectively, sometimes in both Testaments combined; that even in the parts of speech, and often in the inflections, the same heptadic influence may be traced” (R . McCormack). That seven should stand for completeness and eight for a new beginning, a fullness of completeness, will ap­ pear from the following scheme of the octave in musical sounds. 1. Do i i l S S f i l 2. Re 5. Sol 3. Mi 6. La 4. Fa 7. Ti 8—Do— 1 2. Re 5. Sol 3. Mi 6. La 4. Fa 7. Ti 8. Do When the scale of notes passes the seventh, it reaches a note that is an “ octave” higher than the first-r-merely the first on a higher level and the beginning of a new series. The correspondence between nature, as here set forth, and revelation, as we shall discover in our studies, is evi­ dence that both have the same Author. E vidence for I nspiration No stronger or more irrefutable proof of inspiration can be found than meets us in a study of structure in Scripture. Mathematics embody eternal truth. It is exact and unchangeable. Everywhere in the universe, whether in nature or Scripture, two and two uniformly make four. It is of the essence o f order and truth. That the Bible should be amenable to the .sáíigf^^ts of exact­ ness and order as we apply to ihÍngá?áfiout ius—things ■ which God made, not we ourselves—this gives us new confidence to believe its statement: “ For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven” (Psa. 119:89 ).

1. Historical Past

1. Historical Past

The Pentateuch Books of History

The Gospels The Acts

2. Spiritual Present

2. Spiritual Present

Books of Poetry

The Epistles

3. Prophetic Future

3. Prophetic Future

Books of Prophecy The Revelation It is aside from our purpose at present to delve into the niceties of this ordered correspondence; they await future exploration. But they awaken the reverent stu­ dent to a realization that many features of God’s Word must reflect a regard for order, method, accuracy, progres­ sion. The purpose we have set for ourselves in this forth­ coming series of studies is to single out certain meaty sections of God’s Word, such as Genesis 1, the book of Genesis, the church epistles, the Revelation, together with such essential features as the tabernacle, feasts of the Lord, parables of the kingdom, letters to the churches; and to study them through the medium of the structural mould into which they all have evidently been pressed. S acred S ignificance of N umbers To the oriental mind, numbers convey an association of ideas that is not normal to the westerner. Yet, to fully appreciate the Scriptures, all students should give consideration to a numerical system that unquestionably carries a message for us. The following should be quite evident: One signifies unity, beginning.

Two signifies duality, division, etc. Three signifies' deity, manifestation. Four signifies the world, dimension.

Six is man’s number. Seven is completeness.

The place that seven occupies in Scripture may be sug­ gested by the following, from the pen of a student of structure in Scripture: “ In the Bible, seven stands su­ preme. This is evident even to the ordinary reader, but it is far more evident when the text of Scripture is stud­ ied closely, for then it will be found that, speaking gener­

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