King's Business - 1930-12

^AÍEMOR/AL - % % # # E wish to honor an earnest B ible-believing Christian b y having \ j f M the main building o f the W illiam Jennings Bryan University Y Y bear his, or her, name for all time. The W ayn eflete and Chicheley Scholarships at O x fo rd , established in the fifteenth Century still bear the honored names of their founders. This building w ill cost between three and four hundred thousand dollars. W e are collecting approximately five thousand dollars per month from our subscriptions. It is our prayer and expectation, under the blessing of G o d , that this building shall be completed in time for the opening of the C o llege, September, 1 9 3 1 . A substantial cash gift at this time is necessary to accomplish this.. The University, as stated, in its charter is "fo r the higher education of men and women under auspices distinctly Christian and spiritual, as a testimony to the supreme glory o f the Lord Jesus Christ, and to the D ivine inspiration and in fallib ility o f the B ib le." It is now in operation in the former Rhea County H ig h School Building, and the Bible is being taught b y our President in the identical room in which a Teacher of Science violated the Tennessee Law , b y teaching anti-Biblical hypotheses as truth, was convicted as indicted; and the constitutionality of the law and his conviction upheld b y the Supreme Court of Tennessee. If you have the means, w ill you not invest for H im in this way? Can you suggest one who might be interested? W rite to us and give us your views and suggestions in this matter, and at any and all events pray w ith us for the accomplishment of this objective. GEORGE E. GUILLE, Presidenh • • MALCOLM LOCKHART Vice-President ^WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN UNIVERSITY (DAYTON.TENN.) PHILADELPHIA OFFICE • 3 6 3 6 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA.PA.


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