King's Business - 1930-12

A t h e i s m ’ s K i c k - B a c k

o n t h e A t h e i s t s Sensational Disclosures by a Former Atheist

T h e r e is a good deal being written on what the atheists are trying to do to Christianity. There is not so much said of what atheism has done to the atheists. The gun not only shoots a bullet but it recoils or kicks back. Atheism’s kick-back on the atheists is startling, tragic. A man who knows what he is talking about, from bitter experience, is writing a series of the most sensa­ tional disclosures in this field that have ever been pub­ lished. He used to be a radical newspaper man, editing a labor organ. Of brains and intellectuality he has more than most men. A college graduate, with the degree of Bachelor of Science, he became an intimate member of a loose-thinking, loose-living community of journalists, artists, agitators, “freed” from the shackles of tradition­ alism and the beliefs of our grandfathers! He became editor of a labor organ. Jack London was one of his acquaintances. This brilliant novelist and traveler wrote: “I believe that when I am dead I am dead. I believe that when I die I shall be as completely obliterated as the last mosquito that you or I smashed.” That was the creed of this man, who says: “It was the creed of Jack London’s section of the literary world. It was and is the creed of thousands of artists. It was and is the creed of the radical wing of labor’s vast army. It was my creed. It is the creed of despair.” Notice this further word, in an article by this former atheist which was published recently in T h e S u n d a y S c h o o l T i m e s : “ I heard these views expressed in a variety of places and circumstances; sometimes in tobacco smoke-filled halls where every speaker tried to outdo the others in profane and obscene language; sometimes in the par­ lors of wealthy homes where cultured ladies and gentle­ men voiced their hatred of Christianity and plotted the overthrow of organized society; sometimes in open-air meetings under the eyes of the police. “ I became as good a hater as any of them. Years before I had been merely an amiable skeptic. But now my doubt had ripened into hate; a hate that was vitriolic and that my vocabulary lacked words to express. But I did the best I could to express it. I edited a labor paper, wrote for the labor press all over the country, and published pamphlets, at least one of which was widely circulated in this country.”

This man was devoted to B. Fay Mills in his tragic apostasy, to Clarence Darrow, the brilliant atheist, and to all their kind. But the Lord finally got him—his story of that has been published in the T im e s and has thrilled multitudes. Now he has written a new series, even more startling. Remember, he knows the world of which he writes intimately, from the inside,, from personal acquaintance with its leaders and with those who are still its devoted members. He is not writing theory but stark, black facts. To secure material for these articles he has had interviews with notorious criminals now behind the bars in San Quentin prison — their names cannot be mentioned, but they are known to newspaper readers throughout the world. He has talked with Jack London’s old neighbors, and with his widow. True stories1of typical men and women will be told, including such as those now serving life sentences; a brilliant intellectual society woman who accepted and fostered radicalism; another woman, wife of a journalist, who fell in love with a clever agitator and started out to “live her own life” in the “new way” ; a man of power, once a preacher and once a candidate for mayor in a leading city. The writer is a personal friend of the Editor of T h e S u n d a y S c h o o l T im e s , and says in a recent letter; ' “The atheists being influenced by the American' Asso­ ciation for the Advancement of Atheism are mostly a’ lot of misguided young enthusiasts who do not «realize what they are doing. They are sowing the wind, and will in their own lives, sooner or later, repp the whirl­ wind. I belong to a generation of professional unbeliev­ ers who are past or fast passing—a generation who have paid the price in broken lives, broken homes, and who have nothing to show for their godless propaganda but the ashes of gloom and pessimism, I intend to show by actual facts how this thing works out in human lives.” Does it not seem that God has brought this; man out of death into life, with his extraordinary acquaintance­ ship, tragic experiences, and intellectual equipment, that he might “ come to the kingdom for such a time as this” ? His disclosures are of incalculable importance. They are needed today, when so many are accepting “strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” V These articles will appear exclusively in


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in December, and will continue for several weeks or months.' A Ten Weeks Get Ac­ quainted Subscription for 25 cents will secure several of them. An annual subscription sent promptly will make sure of the entire series: in clubs of five or more, $1.50 a year each; single subscriptions, $2 a year.

Box 1550, Philadelphia, Pa. For the 25 cents enclosed, please send T h e S u n d a y S c h o o l T im e s for 10 weeks (to include some of the series on “Atheism’s Kick-Back on the Atheists” ) to— Name _____._______________ :______ ~_____________ Address

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