King's Business - 1930-12


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

December 1930

closing chapters of the book, which deal with the laws governing the interpreta­ tion of Scripture. This volume will, no doubt, find its place as a textbook in many schools. It will also prove of great value to any Bible student „who desires to un­ derstand the structhre;-content, and pur­ pose o f the Bible. 214 pages. Harper & Bros. Cloth. Price $1.50. —o— Oxford Self-Pronouncing Bible The Oxford University Press has issued a Bible with a new system of chain ref­ erences by means of which the Bible stu­ dent can trace a subject from its begin­ ning to the end of the book. An added feature is the large amount of marginal readings which throw light on the mean­ ing of the scripture. The notes are based on the reading of the best manu­ scripts and are not biased. The trans­ lation is that of the Authorized Version. The book is printed from entirely new type, black face, and is bound in French Morocco. 7j4x5xlJ4 inches. Oxford University Press. Price $5.25. Collins Palestine Pictorial Bible This will appeal to those who desire a finely illustrated Bible. It contains thirty-two well selected and beautiful full page illustrations which are masterpieces of art. The most famous places of the Holy Land are included in the list. The Bible is of the Authorized Version, self­ pronouncing, with large black face type. It is issued in two styles. The reader is referred to the advertisement on page 590 for more detailed information. Collins Clear Type Press. Cloth, $1.50; French Morocco, $3.25. The title of this volume is taken from one o f the chapters. The author gives a series of Bible studies particularly on themes that relate to Christian life, such as “The Believer’s Standing in Christ,” “The Eternal Security of the Believer,” “ Sinless Perfection,” etc. The theological point o f view of the people known as Plymouth Brethren is manifest through­ out. A very valuable part of the book is the chapter on “ Suggestions Concerning Personal Bible Study.” To those who are not offended by the author’s theological approach, the book will be very helpful. 118 pages. John Ritchie, Ltd. Price $1.00. — P — Christ in Islam B y J ames R obson The Koran abounds in references to Jesus, although Mohammed would never admit that Christ was anything more than a prophet. “ Christ in Islam” is a con­ venient little volume, presenting a collec­ tion o f all the passages from the Koran referring to the life and person o f Jesus Christ, together with the traditional sto­ ries and sayings o f other Moslem writers. Gathered from many sources and put into this concise form, the book gives clear insight into the definite position and place given Jesus Christ by the followers of Mohammed. It should serve as a valuable help and a basis o f approach to Moslems. 128 pages. E. P. Dutton & Co. Cloth. Price $1.65. ■— o — Wheels Within Wheels B y E rnest B arker

Looking forward to Christmas These books will make splendid presents THREE B IOLA BOOKS

that have been greatly used in establishing correct thinking in the minds o f Christian people during the past fifteen years are the books by Sydney D. Watson. A recent article appearing in the Sunday School Times under the heading of The Religious Book That Influenced Me Most” from a Pennsylvania reader says: The book which has most influenced me in recent years is entitled. In the Twinkling of an Eye by Sydney D. W^atson While not a Bible study book in form, it is in fact a very effective commentary on 1 Corinthians 15:52. being a work of fiction based upon that Scripture. I once read a notice published by a lover of the .Word that he had copies of the book to lend to any who wished to read it. Through curiosity 1 secured one of the copies, and got my first lesson in the subject of the second coming of Christ. Since then my Bible study has had a new bent, and; been a new source of joy to me, and the reading of that book was a very real epoch. I may almost say it introduced me to a new Bible— the Book of the Blessed Hope— and new and inspiring lines of study. Cloth $1.75 The Mark of the Beast by Sydney D. Watson Scarlet and Purple

by Sydney D. Watson A clean, wholesomely uplifting story, interestingly setting forth- the compelling love of Jesus Christ. You will ^find this a helpful book— one that convincingly em­ phasizes the new birth. Cloth $1.75 $5.00 postpaid

A sequel to ‘‘In the Twinkling of an Eye,” founded upon Biblical prophecy. A book one can never forget, so startling, so graphic, so terribly real are its portrayals. A thrilling, absorbing story as unusual as it is instructive. Cloth $1.75 Set of three books

Aunt Marian’s Parables

Cynthia Stands Fast by Florence Nye Whitwell How Cynthia ‘‘stands fast” and bravely witness­ es for Christ among her fashionable, worldly-mind­ ed friends, is charmingly set forth in this splendidly- written romance. You will like this book— everybody does. Paper 75c; Extra Cloth $1.25. God’s Best Secret by Andrew Murray Under the Holy Spirit’s Guidance Dr. Murray has selected twelve-of the most important secrets that God wishes to reveal to every Christian. Each ‘‘Secret'* is treated in thirty-one chapters each a page long, thus making this book ideal for devotional study and meditation each day of the year. The list of “ Se­ crets” includes The Secret of Fellowship, The Secret of Adoration, The Secret of the Cross, The Secret of the Faith Life and seven others equally important. Cloth $2.50 by Keith L. Brooks A timely, dramatic piece of fiction that tells a hu­ man interest story so en­ tertainingly and thrillingly that the reader seldom stops until the book is fin­ ished. It exposes the the­ ory of evolution as the Dev­ il’s old lie dressed up in new clothes. Paper 50c The Betrayal of Jean Whitney

Under Whose Wings by Zenobia Bird A fascinatingly interest­ ing story— and spiritually so very helpful. Christian young people are rightly interested in the question of God’s guid­ ance in their love affairs. Not only their future hap­ piness, but largely their life and service, will de­ pend upon the right choice here. W e do not know of any other book that so deftly and helpfully deals with this most important ques­ tion. Cloth $1.75 Eyes in the Dark by Zenobia Bird A story of lofty endea­ vor. David and his sister Barbara who live upon a remote mountain farm, land practically useless— a place without railroads, Churches or school— profiting by the teaching of a Godly mother start a Sunday School of their own and win results eminently worth while. The story is further en­ livened with unsuspecting adventures in the form of hidden caves and Treasure. Cloth $1.50 The Passing of the Word A Romance of College Life by Helen Henshaw T h is c h e e ry , readable book appeals to both young and old. It is an unusually good story depicting the wholesome an d ty p ic a l American college girl of to­ day, who has a bubbling spirit of harmless frolic in­ terspersed with seriousness of character. Cloth $1.75

by Mrs. S. H. Lehman Aunt Marian tells such beautiful stories of r.ocks, flowers', cocoons and elec­ tricity; of fishing, gardens and rifles, all of them as­ sociated with lessons about Jesus and HiS life here on earth. An admirable gift for the little friend or the grown-up seeking “ con­ tacts” with the over-active class of boys or girls. Cloth $2.00 Effectual Fervent Prayer by Gordon B. W att The outstanding work on prayer for the present day bringing back to the church the long overlooked pos­ sibility of praying the prayer that availeth much in its working. “The purpose of these messages is to emphasize not only the devotional side of prayer, but also its ag­ gressive power as a great spiritual weapon.” Cloth $1.25 The Temple Light by Rev. G. Bayard Young Brimming with spiritual color and background, this ingenious, quickly moving drama appeals to readers of all ages— a tense exci­ ting story of restless souls, Roman brutality and thril­ ling adventure, but above all, it is a beautiful, re­ freshing explanation of “The Light.” A story that holds you spellbound. Cloth $1.50

Blue and Gold Fabrikoid $1.00

If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goodis are to come by mail add 1 0 % for postage. Send for a free copy of our complete Catalogue of Books, Booklets, Tracts, etc. BIOLA BOOK ROOM BIBLE INSTITUTE, LOS ANGELES, CALIF.

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