King's Business - 1930-12

December 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s



emy hunger, feed him.” Love will discov­ er what the enemies’ hungers are. Love will interpret and supply thé enemies’ lacks and gaps. It may not be the hun­ ger for bread. It may be the hunger for comfort and cheer. Whatever the hun­ ger may be, “ God shall reveal that unto you.” "Do them good.”- Kill the enemy by unfailing kindness. “ Oh, that I, as a little child, May follow Thee and never rest Till sweetly Thou hast breathed Thy mild And lowly mind into my breast.” — J. H. Jowett. —o— January 8— “ God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16). The love here commended is the exact opposite o f selfishness which develops in­ to hate. As selfishness centers and fo­ cuses all upon self, so love radiates and diffuses blessing upon others. Here again is a new attitude as to service. - We per­ ceive that- Christ “died for all, that they who live should not henceforth live unto themselves.” The devil’s maxim is “spare thyself” ; the Lord’s maxim is “deny thyself” . . . Love is not to be treated as a feeling, or even as an affection, but as the divine principle o f self-oblivion. And because God is love, he that loveth is born o f God and knoweth God. — A. T. Pierson. To, Him-whose boundless love has won Salvation for us through His Son; To God the Father, glory be Both now and through eternity. —-o— January 9— ‘God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross o f our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world” ( Gal 6:14>. Jesus said, “I lay down my life.” In that supreme sacrifice all other sacrifices turn pale. In the power of that sacrifice the blackest guilt finds forgiveness . . . . When the Lord' laid down His life, the entire race found a new beginning. Our hope is born at the cross. It is there that “the burden o f our sin rolls away.” In His night we find daybreak. When He said, “It is finished,” our soul could sing, “Life is begun.” And so pilgrims gather at the cross. Songs are heard there, the sweetest ever sung by mortal tongues. The power of the cross never wanes. Its glorious grace reaches the soul today as in the earliest days. It inspires the despairing heart. It transforms the _mind. It remakes the tissues o f the will. There is no shattered power that the power o f the cross cannot restore. “We are complete in him.” “In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o’er the wrecks of time : All the light o f sacred story Gathers round its head sublime.” — J. H. Jo'wett. ■ —o— January 10 —“Lord, teach us to pray” (Lk. 11:1). ■ y We would Say that we do not need to be taught how to pray. Anybody can pray. It is only talking to God, and any­ body can do that. It does not require the learning m i a hew language in order to speak with God, for all languages are .— A ’Kempis.

familiar ito Him. Men and women who are about to be presented at royal co"rts have to be instructed in court etiquette so that they may conform to the require­ ments, but there is no heavenly etiquette to master before we can be admitted into the presence of God, to offer our worship and to present our requests. Yet, simple as prayer is and open as the door is to all who come to speak to God, we do need to learn to pray. Thè Bible is full of lessons on praying. The disciples of Jesus had always prayed, but we are told that once when they saw their Master at prayer, something so impressed them that they felt they had never really prayed . . . We all need to be taught how to pray. No matter how long we have been in the habit of praying,, nor how much bless­ ing we have received in answer to our requests, we are only beginners. Every day we should ask our Master to teach us some new lesson in praying. —•/. R. Miller. January 11 — “ This is the rest where­ with ye may cause the weary to rest” fisa. 28:12). . Resting in the faithfulness o f Christ our Lord ; Resting on the fulness o f His own sure word ; Resting on His power, on His love untold ; Resting on His covenant secured of old. Resting ’neath His guiding hand for un­ tracked ways j'y< Resting ’neath His shadow from the noon­ tide rays,; Resting at the eventide bèneath His wing;j In the fair pavilion o f oùr Saviour King'. Resting in thé fortress'while the foe is nigh; - Resting in the lifeboat while the waves roll- high ; Resting in His chariot for the swift, glad race ; v Resting, always resting in His boundless grace. Resting in the pastures, and beneath the rock; : Resting by the waters where He leads His flock ; Resting: while we listen, at His glorious feet; Resting in His very arms! O rest com­ plete! Resting and believing, let us onward press; Resting in Himself, the Lord our Right­ eousness ; Resting and rejoicing, let His saved ohes ' sing, Glory, glory, glory be to Christ our King. —Frances Ridley Haruergal. — o — January 12— “Pray ye therefore the Lord . ; . that he will send forth labour­ ers” (Matt. 9:38). ' Jesus tells His disciples, when they have taken over the work from Him on earth, to make this one o f the chief petitions in their prayer : that the Lord o f the harvest Himself would send forth laborers into His harvest. The "Gócf''who entrusted them with the work, and made it to so large an extent dependent on them, gives them authority to apply to Him for labor­ ers to help. And He makes the supply de­ pendent on their prayer. “How little Christians really feel and mourn the need o f laborers in the fields o f the world 50

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