King's Business - 1930-12

December 1930

K I Xsr g ’ s " B u s i n e s s '


T h e

! Crumbs Qfrom the K ing ’s ^able H"— By the Editor ---- ;----------- r

Take Time to Listen >HE prayer closet should be an observatory from which we get new views of God and new revela­ tions from Him. We are inclined to be rash with our mouth. We rush into the presence of God, leave our card, then plunge into the mad rush of our life. We have spoken to Him, but have not stayed to hear

How the Holy Spirit, whose temple is our body, must hate any sin that defiles it! Beware of bringing pain into the heart of Infinite Love, but ask that some of God’s hatred for sin may be yours.

— o - — Resurrection—Glory—Collection

Frequently we lose something, when reading the Bible, because, we pay too much attention to man-made chapter divisions. The fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians is

what He might say in re­ ply. W e have suggested many things to Him, but have not sought for what He might suggest. We do not take time to fix the heart’s gaze on the unseen and eternal, or to abstract our mind from the voices of the world so as to hear the still small voice that speaks in silence and solitude. I Walk softly when enter­ ing the Presence-chamber. Look and listen. He is near, before whom angels veil their faces with their wings. I am convinced that I have been talking too much when in His holy presence. May I come unto Him with holy fear, as Isaiah, saying: “ I am a man of unclean lips.” Only thus may I have a new vision of God, a col­ lapse of self, and a real call to service. Do Not Grieve God Our sin hurts God. If one suffers keenly from ner­ vous exhaustion, it some­ times seems impossible to bear even the noise of a playing child. Let us think of God’s holy nature as be­ ing more sensitive to sin than are the most highly-

known and loved by every Bible reader. It is about the coming resurrection and glory, when death shall be swallowed up in victory. Through our Lord and Sav­ iour Jesus Christ we are going to have new bodies. There will be no more ¡sigh­ ing or crying; no more sin­ ning or desire to sin. What a prospect! But we miss much by observing too seriously the chapter division at the end of the fifty-eighth verse. The next verse begins : “ Now concerning the col­ lection.” I f this verse spoils your enthusiasm, aroused by meditation upon the glorious things of the fifteenth chapter, there is something wrong with you. The ecstasy of faith should be followed by “ hilarious giving.” Religious fervor alóne will not support a mis­ sionary or pay off the mort­ gage on the church or the Bible Institute. Along with your Bible, take your foun­ tain pen and check book to prayer meeting with you. Look out for religious emo- you into “ abounding” service. w&m

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B y A n n a H o p p e

“ Lo, I come (in the volume of the Book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God” (Heb. 10:7). Cradled in a manger lowly, Sheltered in a stall, ■Yet He is the mighty, holy Lord o f all. Peace, forgiveness, joy, salvation, Endless life He brings. Oh, accept our heart’s oblation, King of kings!

Fond desire o f ancient sages, Day-star through the gloom, One and all in Scripture’s pages, Christ has come. Child o f Mary, virgin mother, Son o f God above, H e descends to be our brother; 0 what love!

strung nerves to noise, and hear Him saying whenever we are on the point of committing sin, “ Please, child, do not this thing that I hate. It hurts me.” The cross teaches us how sin hurts God. In order to put it away, He spared not His only begotten Son, but yielded Him to the bitterness of Calvary. The cross' teaches us how our Lord Jesus Christ hates sin. The bloody sweat of Gethsemane and the cry of agony: “ My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” tells the story.

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’Tis come, the time so oft foretold, The time eternal love forecast; Four thousand years of hope have rolled, And God hath sent His Son at last; Let heaven, let earth adore the plan, Glory to God and grace to man! — Thomas Grinfield.

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