The Exchange Newsletter Issue 2, 2021

Vaccine event at local meatpacking plant

OneWorld Putting the Community in Healthcare

table. OneWorld social work team and volunteers have been delivering bags of food to our patients and those with Covid. “Food insecurity is still a big issue for many of our patients” said Courtney Allen Cowardin, CNM, OneWorld Associate Medical Director for Women’s Health “We work to keep our dry food pantry stocked in the clinic so if we have a patient who has gone without food we are able to grab them a few things. This is especially a health concern for pregnant mothers who go days without having a meal. We do not want anyone to leave hungry.” “Health justice requires the reduction of health disparities.” Andrea Skolkin, Chief Executive Officer, OneWorld Community Health Centers

At OneWorld Community Health Centers, community is not only in our name it is at the root of what we do. Our foundation was built upon the community coming together to serve one another, and through our community partnerships today we are continuing to do just that. As job loss and health concerns have strained already struggling families, OneWorld has worked to provide access to essentials and resources to help with daily needs. Through partnerships with community food rescue groups and donations, OneWorld has been able to offer supplemental food resources to those who cannot afford to put food on the

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