King's Business - 1940-12


December, 1940


Give a Gift That Multiplies Blessing Every Gift Bundle of KING’S BUSINESS magazines will delight the recipients and will do a real piece of home missionary work. Hundreds of institutions and communities aré longing for just the message that this magazine always contains— a message revealing the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ and His saving grace. Why not get the word of the King into YOUR commu­ nity by this means? If you are not able to distribute the magazine personally, why not let us send it to some institution— hospital, jail, or mis­ sion— where it will reach those who have time to read and meditate, and who are hungry to know God’s plan of salvation. Many are spreading God’s Word in this way.

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Our Literature Table

The Joyful Mystery By W ILLIAM C. SKEATH

Confederacy,” “The Roman Empire,” “The Palestine Conflict,” “The Return of the Lord.” The greatest amount of space is devoted to the last topic. For unbelievers and^for Christians who have neglected the doctrin. of the Lord’s return, this chapter contains an earnest appeal to look into the matter and make themselves ready. For Christians who are living in expectation cf {.Visit glad event, the entire discussion con­ tributes much toward a clear understand­ ing of the present world crisis. 28 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Paper. Price 25 cents. Sunday School Lesson Commentaries for 1941 Peloubet’s Select Notes—By Wilbur M. Smith. This is .the sixty-seventh annual vol­ ume of a famous commentary which still- carries the name of its founder, Francis N. Peloubet, who gave it its character and set the pace for its quality two-thirds of a century ago. Wilbur M. Smith, himself a profound and reverent student of the Word, has ably sustained the reputation which the work has enjoyed as a commentary on those scriptures which are dealt with in each week’s lesson. The book furnishes an abundance of apt quotations, illustrations from literature and art, and full-page pictures in color; No teacher of the International Sunday-School Lessons can afford to be without this store­ house of usable knowledge. 473 pages. W. A. Wilde Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. Arnold’s Practical Commentary—By B. L. Olmstead. Here is an attractive volume, of handy size, furnishing for each lesson in the year: Explanatory Notes, A Discussion of the Lesson, Questions, Practical Applica­ tions, Illustrations and Sidelights, Topics for Discussion, and a Blackboard Talk, besides comments designed particularly for the Adult, Intermediate, Junior, and Primary De­ partments. “The shift from a material-cen­ tered to a life-centered treatment is appar­ ent”— leading to a gratifying emphasis upon the individual’s acceptance of Christ as Sa­ viour. 237 pages. Light and -Life Press. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Gist of the Lesson—By R. A. Torrey. This vest-pocket favorite, embodying the

kind of concise, forceful exposition for which Dr. Torrey was well known, will help the busy Sunday-school teacher to utilize, for study, moments that might otherwise be wasted. The Scripture portion, the time and place of the lesson, the lesson outline,. and the exposition for each week’s lesson re­ quire only three pages—yet they are pages packed with meaning. 160 pages. Revell Co. Fabrikoid. Price 35 cents. Christmas Edited by RANDOLPH E. HAUGAN . . For artistic beauty, for variety in con­ tents, for emphasis upon the Christmas theme, this annual volume (of which this is the tenth) is unquestionably a superior work. Scripture, color photography, poetry, and fic­ tion enrich the pages. A group of Christmas carols representing various nations is a pleas­ ing addition to this year’s collection. The book is paper bound, and attractively boxed, the cover of the box repeating the cover de­ sign of the book :(10% ”xl4” )., 72 pages. Augsburg Pub. House. Art paper. Price $ 1 . 00 . Condensed by DAVID OTIS FULLER This' handsome two-volume set, which will be welcomed by scores of Christians, is a condensation of Spurgeon’s famous seven- volume commentary on the Psalms, on which he spent twenty years of toil and prayer, and for which uncounted numbers of Bible stu­ dents have come to praise God. The work is not merely a commentary on the Psalms by the “prince of preachers”— though that in itself would be enough to give it high value. But, as Dr. Fuller explains in the Preface, “it may be termed a theological anthology of the whole realm of Christian truth.” Some of the great expositors whose writings appear in these pages are such men as Augustine, Chrysostom, Calvin, Luther, Matthew Henry, and of course Mr. Spurgeon himself. It is generally agreed that no other one book of the Bible contains so muol [Continued on Page 494] Treasury of David By C. H. SPURGEON

In this series of Christmas meditations, the author reverently deals with the “mys­ tery” of the incarnation in such a manner as to stir joy and worship in the heart of the reader. There is a strong presentation of the reasons for believing the record of the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, and yet the atmosphere of the discussion is devotional rather than argumentative. , , While many readers may feel that the, dispensational aspects of the Word of God have not been given weight in this treat­ ment, nevertheless they can recognize the chief value of this volume, its call to joyful worship of the Babe of Bethlehem. Suitable pen and ink drawings add to the attractive­ ness of the book. 150 Pages. The Westmin­ ster Press, Philadelphia, Pa. Cloth. Price $1.50. Mary—A Christmas Poem By T. E. P. WOODS In the five sections of this book— “Doubt,” “Joy,” *‘Duty,” “Anguish,” and “Faith”— the author beautifully delineates, in verses full of feeling, thé life of the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of the scenes are imaginative, but Jjhere is a strict faithfulness to' the Scripture record. As one reads, he feels a new sense of the sharpness of that “sword” which pierced Mary’s heart, and a new appreciation of that healing balm which the resurrection and Pentecost brought not only to Mary but to all believers as well. Thé author has a peculiarly tender ■touch in dealing with profound sorrow. For sheer re­ freshment and inspiration, his work will be read again and again. 81 pages. Wm . B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price 75 cents. The subtitle of this prophetic pamphlet is “W ill the European Crisis Result in the End of the Age?” The booklet does not go into an intricate discussion of the Scriptures which picture the end times, but gives, rather, a quick survey of the situation as it stands today. Four distinct lines of prophecy are viewed and distinguished: “The Northern Russians and Romans By HERBERT LOCKYER

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