King's Business - 1940-12

December, 1940



Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE

Marie Regier, ’22, has been having charge of the Accident and Bums Ward at the Los Angèles County General Hos­ pital, Los Angeles, Calif. Florence Walls, ’32, 1614 LaFayette Rd., Los Angeles, Calif., has found a ministry for the Lord in corresponding with' thirty missionaries. Magnus (’35) and Mrs. Gonnsen (Reta Kizer, ’37) have recently joined the staff of the Navajo Bible School and Mission, Window Rock, Ariz. Since leaving Biola, Mr. Gonnsen has received the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Sacred Theology. Mr. and Mrs. Gonnsen have a little daughter, Faith Elaine. Willard W. Riggs, ’31, 983 E. How­ ard St., Pasadena, Calif., writes of the Missionary Guest Home which has been established for fundamental missionaries at the Howard Street address to pro­ vide “a home where the missionaries of the Lord Jesus Christ will not only find rest for the body but real spiritual fellowship” as well. Information as to the rates for board and room as well as concerning the policy of the home will be ser\t in response to inquiries. Former Biola students who have been scheduled to teach this term at West­ mont College, 231 S. Westmoreland Ave., Los Angeles, include Helen Cather- wood, ’34; Ruth É. McCreery, ’36 (Dean of Women); Eugene M. Riddle, ’30, and Jessie H. Rogers, ’35. Those on the staff of Westmont Academy include Myrtle Burton, ’26 (Principal of the Junior High Academy) ; Norman Cri­ der, ’34; Ruth Fuqua, ’32; Sterling F. Keyes, ’33 (Principal of the Senior High Academy); Don G. Milligan (Dean of Boys), and Vivian Weld, ’35. Edward Goodrich, B.Th., ’40, is a student as­ sistant in the physical education de­ partment of the college. ■Mrs. Norman Crider (Margery Ruth Walker, ’36) has been teaching Bible in the Westmont Elementary and Junior High Academies, and she and Mr. Crider have dormitory supervision of some of the High School Academy boys. Kathleen Nakane, ’36, holds the position of Employment Sec­ retary in the college. Hazel Shively, ’30, is giving private art lessons to students of the schools. Claude H. Pearson, ’21, of Pearson’s Sailor Work, 261 W. Tenth St., San Pedro, Calif., a ministry to seamen of the merchant marine, writes of thanks­ giving that gospel literature in the Jap­ anese and Norwegian languages came through safely from Europe. In spite of the hindrances of war conditions and international suspicion, there are 'still opportunities to witness to men of va­ rious nationalities who stop at the Los Angeles Harbor. Mr. Pearson requests

In F oreign Service B. L. Litchman, ’17, Africa Inland Mission, Rethi, Nizi, Congo Beige, A f­ rica, has had a heavy but fruitful year of service in .school work and village itineration, with encouragement in the large number of baptisms. , Alice Foote, Casilla 86 , Cochabamba, Bolivia, S. A., has been serving in the field headquarters of the Bolivian In­ dian Mission, caring for the financial records. The teaching of two Sunday- school classes, one of girls and the other . of young people, has given her an op- * portunity for direct contact with the unsaved. Lillian Bach, ’32, has been sent to Nigeria, W. Africa, for missionary ser­ vice sponsored by “The Church by the Side of the Road,’’ located on the Seattle-Tacoma Highway. Miss Bach's field address is 38 Aji St., Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria, W. Africa. - Marvin (’32) and Mrs. Dirks have completed a year’s study at the College of Chinese Studies, Peiping, N. China, and were stationed in the fall at Tam­ ing Fu, Hopei, N. China. At W o rk in Am erica Hazel Norwick, ’33, 3953 15th Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash., has been working in an office. She has a Sunday-school class of girls in the University Pres­ byterian Church, and is also active in Christian Endeavor work. Wilda A. Miller, ’32, on furlough from service in northwest China, has been attending classes at Biola. She recently returned to her home at 230 Orange St., Covina, Calif., and is to be engaged in deputation work under the China Inland Mission. Cutler B. (’25) and Mrs. Whitwell (’26), who represent the Old-Fashioned Revival Hour directed by Charles E. Fuller, ’21, P. O. Box 123, Los Angeles, Calif., were scheduled to open on Octo­ ber 20 two months of meetings with the New England Fellowship.- They write: “ Our first meeting is in West- bury, Vt. After the first of the year, we expect to go into Georgia and Ala­ bama for an unlimited period to be under the direction of the Christian Business Men’s Clubs of Georgia. Bob LeTourneau is vice president of the or­ ganization, and they are doing a great work through the South, covering nine states.” Lloyd J. Gustafson, '39* P. O. Box 357, Diamond Springs, Calif., attended the Free Church Theological Seminary in Chicago, 111., last year and in July was called to the pastorate of the Dia­ mond Sprines Coinmunity Church.

much special prayer that hearts m a y be prepared to r e c e i v e t h i s testi­ mony.

Minnie L. Wallace, ’35, has returned on furlough from work under the Ori- -noco River Mission in Venezuela, S. A., and is attending Westmont College, 231 S. Westmoreland Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Oscar T. (’27) and Mrs. Gillan, their little daughter, and Mr. Gillan’s mother have moved to New Westminster, B. C., Can., where Mr. Gillan has been called to the pastorate of the Sapper- ton Baptist Church. Otto and Mrs. Kliever (Edith Parker) called at the Institute in October. Mr. Kliever is pastor of the Oak View Bap­ tist Church of Ojai, Calif. He and Mrs. Kliever have three children—a son aged ten, and two little daughters. Russell (’37) and Mrs. Hensley have been serving in the Christian Church, 46 Howell St., Bisbee, Ariz., where Mr. Hensley was callejj to the pastorate last spring. Peter (B.Th., ’38) and Mrs. Becker (Gertrude Schroeder, B. Chr. Ed. ’39)* conducted Daily Vacation Bible Schools Under the American Sunday School Union in outlying regions in the vicinity of Tucson, Ariz. Marie Goetz, ’39, Bismarck; N. Dak., spent the summer months in assisting Ann (’34) and Beatrice Hollenbeck (’32) and Elizabeth McCall (’33), P. O. Box 122, Aberdeen, S. Dak., in their usual summer schedule of Daily Vacation Bible Schools in various communities. Clarence Harper, ’38, Box 424, Impe­ rial, Calif., was ordained to the gospel ministry by the Interdenominational Churches of Southern California in Oc­ tober of 1939. Since Mr. Harper’s gradu­ ation from Biola, he and Mrs. Harper have been in the Imperial Valley work­ ing among Japanese and Mexicans, and many have found Christ as their Sav­ iour. In the coming year Mr. and Mrs. Harper expect to devote all of their time to the work with the Mexicans. Elsie Friesen, ’38, 201 Perry Ave.. Dinuba, Calif., has been serving in a Sunday-school on the Tagus Ranch, a seven-thousand-acre ranch ,which has twelve camps for its workers. Miss Friesen has been conducting also one or two week-day Bible clubs for chil­ dren gathered from the streets, most of the boys and girls being from non- Christian families [Continued, on Page 494]


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