King's Business - 1940-12



December, 1940

her faith, the Lord Jesus healed her. Poor Job, on whom Satan- put paiiiful boils, believed God, . but he was n o t. healed until he had learned a wonderful lesson. Paul the apostle had great faith in God, and he asked Him three times to remove a “thorn in the flesh” that weakened his body. Paul called this trouble “the messenger of Satan.” God showed him that His grace, or favor, was enough for him. Paul learned not to be proud, and when weak in himself, he became "strong in the Lord.” God heals some immediately, like the crippled woman, while others need, like Job and Paul, to learn some lesson which God allows, so they can be promoted. Even in our sicknesses, let us praise the Lord for His goodness in sending the Lord Jesus Christ, that His power may rest upon us, to deliver -us from all the power of the enemy. Object Lesson R- D -*1

have us increasingly sensitive to the needs of those “for whom Christ died” (1 Cor. 8:11). ~ - Points and Problems 1. “ The Galileans, whose biood Pilate- had mingled with their sacrifices” (Lk. 13:1), This tragic incident is not men­ tioned by Josephus or'by any other his­ torian outside of Luke, but Meyer points out that the definite article before “Galileans” suggests that their fate was well known, and from what we know of the character of Pilate, it is hot hard to believe him capable of committing just such a deed as is described here. 2. “There were present at that season some that told him of the Galileans” (v. 1). The.American Revision trans­ lates “at that very season,” which cer­ tainly connects the telling of the Gali­ lean incident with what has gone be­ fore. Our Lord in the last two verses of the preceding chapter had been warn­ ing men of temporal judgment for their own misdeeds (12:59), and quite evident­ ly His hearers suggest the Galilean case as an instance of judgment deserved. 3. “Suppose ye . . . I tell you, Nay” (vs. 2, 3). Here the Lord rebukes not only the people in His day, but also some very sincere preachers of our own day. It is quite a common habit for some to moralize on the great catas­ trophes of the present, attempting to show that these were special judgments sent upon certain men because of their great sin, leaving the impression that some cities deserve judgment and some do not. In all this there *is a kind of smug and subtle self-righteousness, which our Lord is quick to uncover and rebuke. Do you think, He says, that these Galileans were greater sinners than the rest of you just because this happened to them? And the answer is No. As a matter of fact, when God. be­ gins to enter into direct judgment upon men for their sins, there .will be no es­ cape for any who are outside of Christ. 4. “Except ye repent, ye shall all like­ wise perish” (v. 3). Here we have the real moral o f the world’s great catas­ trophes. Instead of regarding the suf­ ferers as greater sinners than ‘ we are, instead of gathering the robe of self- righteousness about ourselves, we should see in these catastrophes precisely what we would be suffering if we received what we deserved. God permits these great disasters, not to show us that some men are greater sinners than oth­ ers, but to warn all of us that we too deserve the same thing and should flee from a still greater wrath which is yet to come. Golden Text Illustration H e b r e w s 4:15 He who is the Bread of Life began His ministry hungering. , He who is the Water of Life ended His ministry thirsting.

Christ hungered as man, and fed the hungry as pod. He was weary, and yet He is our rest. He paid tribute, and yet He is the King. He was called a devil, and cast out devils. He prayed, and yet He hears prayers. He wept, and He dries our tears. He is sold for thirty pieces of silver, and redeems the world. He is led as a lamb to the slaughter, and is the Good Shepherd. He dies, and gives His life, and by dying destroys death. —The Christian. Jesus’ Kind Hands L u k e 13:10-17 MEMORY VERSE: “Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the chil­ dren of men!” (Psa. 107:15). APPROACH: The Lord Jesus knows our pains, and He cares. He came down from heaven to deliver us from our troubles by His mighty power. LESSON STORY:' The Lord Jesus was teaching in a synagogue where He saw a crippled woman whom Satan had Jesus called her to Him and freed her from Satan’s bond- K i u i e i e \ n age,: layinfi: His kind 'D I V I 5 I O n hands upon her, and immediately s h e was made straight and praised God. , Because the Lord Jesus healed on the Sabbath day, the ruler of the synagogue was angry; but the man was ashamed when the Lord Jesus said every one untied his animals to water them on the Sabbath and ought not the crippled woman to be untied from Satan’s hold on the Sabbath? The woman was called "a daughter of Abraham,” meaning that, like Abra­ ham, she believed God. And because of We suggest the following........ OXFORD Harmony New Testament (con­ tains a harjnony of the gospels). Red Letter —maroon or brown leather binding. No. 0246X. Regular price, $3.75—Our price . $2.75 The same without red letter. No. 046X.. Regular price, $3.50—Our price . . . . $2.50 Pocket size Text Bible—beautiful BROWN leather—leather-lined. No. 1160X. Regular price, $5.50—Our price................................... S4.50 Black-face Brevldr Text Bible— self-pro­ nouncing BLUE or. BROWN leather— leather- lined. No. 485X. Rejfular price, $7.00—Our price .................... r V .................. $5.50 bound for eighteen years. It was as if Satan had bent and tied her, so she could not stand straight. The Lord


A M y s t e r io u s L e t t e r OBJECTS: A capital “R” and a pair of scissors. (Make the “R” by using a piece of white paper 8 % x ll inches. Fold end to end, making the size 5i4x8y 2 inches. Place the 5%-inch side nearest you with the fold to the left. Cut from the bottom inch from the fold up 5(4 inches. From this point cut 1% inches at a right angle. From here slant down to within % inch of the lower right- hand comer, making the right leg of the “R.” This leg should be % inch wide. From the top of this leg, con­ tinue the curve of the "R ” to within % [ Continued on Page 474]

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