King's Business - 1940-12

THE K ING ’ S fit


A STARTLING BOO The Prophecies o f Daniel . . . . By Louis T. Talbot In the Light of Past, Present and Future Events

is late and that our Lord cannot be far away. Realizing that the sands of time are sinking, they seek a right interpreta­ tion of world events. Not long ago, Louis T. Talbot sent me his recent book on The Prophecies of Daniel —and what a book it isl It provides the very study for these perplexing times. I doubt whether there is another book on Daniel so helpful to the Christian worker

What momentous days these are—days of anguish and sorrow for the earth! Truly, Paul’s word regarding the whole creation, as groaning and travailing to­ gether in pain, fully describes the present age. Multitudes are being made to drink from a river of blood. Looking out upon a world of chaos, many of God’s children are wondering what crises are ahead. They feel the hour

‘T he ‘B o o k o f

"Thou art a King o f Kings Dan. 2-37.

Chapter 2

Chapter 1


Chapter 3

C hapter 6

C hap te r 4-

T he T re e Vision

T h e Golden Image — a n d — B u rn ing Fiery Furnace 3 Protestants ■foreshadowing ■Hie Faith fu l Jewish Remnant when the Image - o f - 3 Revelation 13 is set- up m

Daniel and his friends separated unto Cod from the Evils o f Babylon

Babylon ((Sold)

Nebuchadnezzar^ Pride, Madness — and — Restoration -Foreshadowing — -th e — Pride, Madness — i f — t h e Natibns in

B e ltsh a zia rls Feast and ove rth row o f B a b y lo n fon e sh ad ow in g + h e Sensuality, Revelry of Gen-file Nations and the Overthrow, Of "Mystical Babylon* (The Scarlet Woman) in

D a n ie l i s p re se rved in t h e Lionk Den. •foreshadowing I s r a e l ’s Del iverance from t h e b e a s t s o f Revelation 13

Media Persia (Silver)

■foreshadowing -■the— Separated Remnant


Greece (B ra s*)

l i

in smongOt Uni ‘The present CUje or Church Period T h is P a ren th es is in G od's G rea t P la n A



T h e Latter Time Isa.60.12-/6 Som e Gentile N a tion s saved and blessed. far. 7. I3-/7

Roman Empire ’Revived.

T h e Latter Time

T h e Latter Time MaftJh 15-24 Rev. 13 .ft -/8


The L a t te r Tíme Rev. 7 h !2

Latter Time Zech. 13 . 8-3 Matt. 24 . 37-39 Jer. 30 -7


i n t h e L a t t e r T im e

Rev. !2

a Lot

Rev. 17-18

Christ Returns

His Kingòom Establish^



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