TH E klKTt rS BU S I N E S S
December, 1940
at all that these men said anything. Perhaps they had said something. Or, more likely, perhaps as they watched Him they were thinking things, mean and carping things, which they wanted to say, but were afraid to say because they had found already by experience that they were no match for Him in argument. And so they sat%md thought what they dared not say,^ as we do sometimes. But thoughts, to the Lord of glory, -are just as clear as words, and thus we are told that He “answer ed” them, that is, answered what they were thinking. And He answered them by asking a question, “Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day?” They had seen that man with the “dropsy” and were doubtless thinking, “He is certain to heal this sick man, and then we will have Him for breaking the Sab bath.” 4. “And they held their peace” (v. 4). Caught by surprise in the midst of their evil surmising and purposes, and stunned Joy the ability of this wonder ful Person to read their very thoughts, they kept on saying nothing. But it is the tragedy of sinful men that, al though they can stop talking, they cannot stop thinking, not even in the presence of the God before whom all things are / open and naked.? And we know that these lawyers and Phari sees did go on thinking their evil thoughts, for in verse 5 He “answered them” again, although they had said nothing. Let us learn from all this that a man may never “sin with his lips,” yet be the very chief of sinners in his mind. 5. “Lest they also bid thee again, and a recompense be made thee” (v. 12 ). There is a startling thought here, which might be phrased as “The Peril of Being Repaid!” It might be well’ for all of us to examine our motives in the matter of good works, to' see just how much we do with the secret desire and ex pectation of getting back some personal recompense here and now. “They have their reward,” said Our Lord concerning those who give from selfish motives. Golden Text Illustration M a t t h e w 6:25 A missionary of the Madur Mission, India, tells a story worthy to be- placed alongside of that of the immortal widow. It was a time when the converts of the Mission were bringing gifts for the erection of a church building. Among them was- a leper. Clad only in a rag of a loin cloth, his body ema ciated from the lack of food, he brought an offering of one and one-half cents. To him it meant privation and hunger to lay that cent and a half upon, the altar. But it lay there with the crimson touch of sacrifice upon it, not one and a half cents in the eyes of the Master of the Treasury, but riches of liber ality.— The Evangelical Christian.
Where Shall I Sit? L uke 14:1-14
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MEMORY VERSE: “As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise” (Lk. 6:31). APPROACH: Our lesson today is to help us overcome Mr. Self and his son Pride, nicknamed “ Stuck-up,” who pre vent us from sitting in the good seat which God has prepared for those who love and obey Him. LESSON STORY: Big Brother Pride
Tell your friends. Stations and Time in Church Section of Local Papers CHARLES E. FULLER, Director Gospel Broadcasting Association P. O. Box 123 Los Angeles, Calif.
goes to a wedding so puffed up with his own importance that he sits in the place reserved for a d i s t i n g u i s h e d guest. He c a r e s only to get what he wants for him self. Does he do unto others as he
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Division would like to have them do unto him ? How ashamed Pride feels when he is asked to move down! For “whoso ever exalteth himself [lifts himself up] shall be abased,” or brought down, but “he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” One who humbles himself kitews nothing to boast about in him self. Pride makes us exalt or lift up our selves, so that we have to be put down; but if we humble ourselves, God will lift us up into a place of honor. God will not lift up those who are proud of themselves. A heart lifted up with pride caused Satan to be cast down out of heaven when he said, “I am a god, I sit in the seat of God” (Ezek. 28:2). ! How different was the Lord Jesus Christ! Although He is God, and the only One who had a right to be above others on earth, yet he “made himself of no reputation, and took Upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.” “He humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also haOi highly ex alted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every kiiee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:7-11). , “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time’.’ (1 Pet. 5:6). The Lord Jesus, Christ said, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne” (Rev. 3:21). Object Lesson j T he W ay U p OBJECT: A capital “U.” (Make two “U’s” out of cardboard, about four inches across and six inches high. Put the points together, making a large
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