King's Business - 1940-12

T K S K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December, 1940


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to call the guests in. But in this story, the bidden guests, for various reasons, did not care to attend, thife slighting the invitation. n. T he R easons for S lighting (18-20) The reasons given ware apparently evident The first guest had purchased a bit of real estate, and of necessity would have to go to look at it. This answer was a plain rejection of the in­ vitation, because a buyer of real estate would surely look at the property be­ fore paying the price; hence, this was merely an excuse. The second person had Ixmght some oxen and must go to provfe them. Here again the obvious truth is that this man also refused the invitation, making an excuse. The third man had become married, and he of­ fered that fact as a cause for rejecting the invitation. The Lord was teaching these people that there were hidden reasons for the negative attitude that was being shown; He was referring,to the spiritual causes of rejecting the invitation. The first hidden cause is indifference to God’s invitation; this is the height of folly. Any human being who remains indifferent when God speaks, and es­ pecially when God speaks in gracious invitation, falls under the classification of a fool. When an important person of the world speaks, it is wise to con; sider carefully his words and to study his advice. How much more important is it to listen when the Creator speaks and issues an invitation to come to Hipa! “If they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven” (Heb. 12:25). The second hidden cause is insult to God; this is the height of presumption. In reality, he who declines God’s invi­ tation assumes that he possesses greater influence than God Himself; he pre­ sumes to decide whether or not God shall be considered when He speaks. He does more than reject the invita­ tion; he also despises it. And this atti­ tude brings the rejecter into danger of punishment. "He that despised Mpses’ law died without mercy . . .

BLACKBOARD LESSON 'COiTIE; TOR. OLL THinGS ARE flOUJߣAW 7719741— ---- lUKew*,T------------- l»Ou. O«.**“**'»


of how much sorer punishment’ . . . Shall h e be thought worthy, who hath . . . done despite unto the Spirit of grace?” (Heb. 10:28, 29). The third hidden cause is attempted injury to God; this is the height of in­ sanity. This is the final issue of re­ jecting God’s Invitation, and it brings sure and terrible judgment upon the rejecter. The invitation of God is a command from One who has the au­ thority of the Creator to command His creatures. And to neglect His invita­ tion is to do injustice to One who, at tremendous cost, has prepared salva­ tion for sinners through the death of His Son. III. T he C onsequence S lighting (21-24) The supper will be furnished with guests, but none of those yrho were first bidden will be present. Doubt­ less, as He spoke, Jesus had in mind the nation of Israel, which was first given the invitation. But individually He speaks to each of us today to re­ mind us of the invitation to accept His salvation which has been made available to all the world. His house will be filled. Upon the rejection of those first- bidden ones, His servants are sent out into the highways and hedges, con­ straining all who would to enter and enjoy the supper. This constraint falls upon each one who hears the gospel message, and each responds either in the manner of those who were first bidden and who reveal by their slight­ ing of the invitation, the folly, insult, and insanity, of sin; or, according to to those who accepted-the invitation, and thus manifest wisdom and agree-, ment with God. Points and Problems 1. “Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God” (Lk. 14:15). Looking back over the first fourteen verses of this chapter (contained in last week’s lesson), we recall that up to this point in the “feast” there is no record of any utterances except from our Lord. Apparently there was silence while He talked. But when in verse 14 He came to speak of the "resur­ rection of the just,” one man could no longer contain himself and burst out with, “Blessed is he that shall eat bre^d o f

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