King's Business - 1940-12

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December, 1940


/ Something N EW in Ch r i s tm a s Ca rd s A regular postcard with a reprpduction of some famous painting and a Scripture mes­ sage. Suitable for correspondence or to send as greetings. Four different titles. Only 10c a dozen; 75c per 100. Orf >r•yours .at once. FAITH , PBAYER & T ll C T LEAGUE Dept, KB Muskegon Heights,, Jtyicliigan 5000

house was grieved, and sent his servant to bring quickly the poor and sick and those in highways and hedges to fill the house with guests; for none of those who made excuses would be allowed to taste of the great supper. LESSON STORY: The inside of the parable is that God the Father invites many to a great supper, in honor of His

Son, to celebrate the bringing home of His "own”—those w h o are saved through the Lord J e s u s . Soon the trumpet will sound, and the Lord Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout of victory, to bring

Object Lesson A D oor and M ore

OBJECTS: A capital "H” and a pair of scissors. {Make the “H” by using a piece of white paper 8 % x ll inches. Fold to 5%x8% inches. Place fold to left. Cut along the fold % -inch from it up 5 inches. Turn to the right and cut to within y2 inch of the right side of the paper, and then straight down. Make the crossbar 1 inch wide. Cut above the crossbar the same as below. Color the front and back gold. Open and color the center red, as well as half­ way across each of the crossbars. When cut and opened, the center will be a red cross. Pin the folded “H” on the wall with the fold to the right.) LESSON: Who can guess what this gold "H” stands for? “ Since it is gold, I should think it stood for heaven, where the streets are of gold.” You are right. This "H” represents heaven before the Lord Jesus came into the world. If you look carefully you will notice that there is no door. Jesus, realizing that there was no door into heaven for sinners, came down to earth, lived a sinless life, and died a sacrificial death on the cross. Then He rose again, and in ascending to heaven He opened the way for all who receive Him to go to heaven, too. I am going to cut this "H” in two, in order that I may show you what hap­ pened. I would not be surprised if heav­ en seemed spoiled when Christ left, even as this "H” looks spoiled when I cut it in two. [Cut up through the center of the middle bar.] Look, we now have a red cross, re­ minding us of the cross on which Christ died. [Pin the cross on the wall with its left arm just above the remaining portion of the "H.” This remaining por­ tion is in two pieces, one -concealing the other. Turn the top one of these pieces of the “H” over toward the left, and place it in the proper position to make a new "H,” the right side of which will come directly under the right arm of the cross. Open the cut crossbar, to represent an open door.] Now heaven has a door, and Jesus Christ can say to all the lost people of the earth, "Come; for all things are now ready” (Lk. 14:17). I am wonder­ ing whether there are those here today whg. would like to receive Christ as Saviour and find the open door to heav­ en.

to life again the dead who loved Him, and with them to take the living ones to heaven without dying. He will present them to His Father, and all will sit down to the "marriage supper of the Lamb” (Rev. 19:9), for it will be like a wedding when the Lord Jesus Christ, “the Lamb of God,” brings those who love Him to the beautiful home He has prepared for them. / Have you received your invitation to this greatest of all parties? Read it in your Bible. I don’t want to miss it. Do you? Then, let us "be courteous” (polite), and quickly tell God we happily accept His invitation. Those who reject the invitation and make excuses cannot attend the great supper. The Holy Spirit says, "Come; for all things are now ready.” There is room for you, even if you are poor, sick, or lowly. Put on the beautiful “robe of righteousness” (the goodness of the Lord Jesus) to fit you to appear before God, and to rejoice with Daniel and David, Peter and Paul, and the saved people of all the ages in honoring the blessed Lord Jesus at the great supper.

Dr. Frank H. Guernsey OPTOMETR IST 604 West Sixth Street, Near Grand

VAndike 1928

Los Angeles

REV. P. CROWLE-U’RENN & PARTY Evangelist-Bible Teacher—Radio Pastor Harold Laurence U’Renn "The ‘Caruso’ of Gospel Singers” Mrs. Elfrieda Campbell U’Renn Soloist—Personal Worker “They have a MESSAGE WORTHY OF THE LARGEST AUDIENCES, yet AVAILABLE TO THE SMALLEST, and PROFITABLE TO ALL” . Dr. W; H. B., Bible Ins’t. 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.




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