T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December, 1940 k
Golden Text Illustration L uke 19:10
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Sam Hadley, of the Water Front Mis sion in New York, once said, in telling of the kind of people'that; the Mission was trying to help, “We don’t want any i one here who is welcome anywhere else.” If the Lord Jesus had come to save those of us who were so good that we were worth saving on that account, how many of us Would he in fellowship with Him today ? f God did not wait until 'we were good, then send His only begotten Son to improve our condition, but while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Theje is the glory that shines from the cross.—Philip E. Howard. MEMORY VERSE: “Thou shalt re joice in every good thing which the Lord thy God hath given unto thee” (,Deut. 26:11). APPROACH: The Lord Jesus told a parable about a shepherd who left' his ninety-nine sheep and went after one that strayed. When he found it, he car ried it home on his shoulders and re joiced with his friends that the lost sheep was found. LESSON STORY: The inside of thifc parable is that the Lord Jesus Christ is the "Good Shepherd” and we are “the where the “Good Shepherd” gave His life for the sheep. Near by is the empty tomb, where the Lord Jesus, that “great shepherd of the sheep,” was brought alive again from the dead. Then from Ascension Heights, He returned to His Father in heaven. From there, as the “Chief Shepherd,” He will appear some day to take home His own. Those who know Him will rejoice in every good thing which. God has given them. The path to Calvary is narrow, but it leads to life. Are you on this safe path, little lamb? If not, you are lost. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man: but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Prov. 14:12). Satan wants you to think all paths lead to heaven. But be careful! On these broad paths ¡Satan lurks like a wild beast to destroy as many as he can. The “Good Shepherd" loves you so much that He came to this world to seek and to save you. If you have wandered away from Jesus’ path, tell Him you are sorry and let Him carry you in His strong, loving arms back to the right way. The Lost Sheep L uke 15:1-10 sheep of his pas ture.” Those who obey Him stay close by His side, but o t h e r s go astray f r o m His loving care. The only safe path is close to the Lord Jesus, and it leads straight to the c r o s s of Calvary
Object Lesson P reaching in P rison
OBJECTS: Three spools, tvfo pieces of soft black cord about a yard long, and a piece of red cloth. (Before the lesson, take one of the black cords, fold in the middle, and push through one of the spools. When the fold extends through the spool a short distance, fold the other cord and push the folded tip of the loop through the loop of the first cord about a half inch. Then pull the first cord back into the spool, bringing the second cord with it, concealing the bent tip of the second loop. The cords should be large enough to fit the holes in the spools snugly. Paste a white paper heart on this' spool, and cover with a slightly larger black heart, pasted lightly around the edges. Put white paper hearts on the other spools.) LESSON: Here is the Philippian jailer, carrying his black cords with which to bind prisoners. You will, no tice that he has a black peart, showing that he is not a Christian. These two spools with white hearts remind us of Paul and Silas who were put in the Philippian jail. We will put these spools on the black cords to remind us of the way Paul and Silas were put in jail. [Place one spool on each side of the first one, and tie a knot at the ends of the black cords.] At midnight, while Paul and Silas were singing and praising God, a greap earthquake took place, opening the pris on doors. The jailer was afraid and wanted to know what he had to do to be saved. Paul said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). [Place the red cloth over the spools. A slit, in the cloth will allow the -knot to pass through, into view, showing that it is not untied. Remove the black heart under the cloth. Slip the center spool toward one side, allow ing the cords to be unlooped, and the spools will fall to the floor. With the hands under the cloth, shift the loops so that you show a complete circle of the two parallel cords.] The cords are neither untied nor cut, and still the spools are free. This red cloth reminds us of the blood of Christ. Paul could say what he did because Jesus had come to seek and save the lost. Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, the jailer lost his black heart and received a white heart like those of Paul and Silas,
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