December, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
c. God’s purpose for mankind is redemption. He has made a place for each of us in His plan. Are we obedient to His will for our lives? 2. According to our vision. It has been said that a missionary call is “a need; a need made known; and the ability to meet that need.” Have you ever had a God-given vision, of the need? A vision of 1,000 tribes yet without a Bible translation! A vision of 800,000,000 souls who have nev'er heard the gospel! Thousands going into hopeless eternity every hour! Ulus.: Paul considered it as an open door (l.Cor. 16:9). Ulus.: Note how men are trans formed by a “vision” of some “human” project (in the field of science, etc.). Contrast the “vision” of a life given over to God! S. According to our ability. a. This requires not only natural ability and divine credentials but definite preparation as well. Ulus.: If two people, one a crip ple and the other healthy and well, witness a man drowning, and hear his cries for aid, then the man who is capable is the object of the call for help. b. It is a glorious thing to recog nize God’s world-wide program, to be in such relationship that we hear His call (cf. Isaiah in Isa. 6 : 8 ), and to be physically and mentally able to obey. For the Leader 1. Announce this meeting in advance and urge every member to bring a young person o f another race, if pos sible; at least an “outsider.” 2. From the American Bible Society, Information can be obtained concerning translation work and “the world” as a missionary field. 3. If you have a foreign colony in your community, investigate to deter mine whether the members of this group are being included in your program of evangelization. 4. Note that the Jew has, if not preference, at least precedence, in God’s world program (Rom. 1:16). How about yours? Discuss. JANUARY 19, 1941 H O W C AN G O D BECOME R E A L T O M E ? T ohn 4:23, 2 4 ; 1 C orinth ians 2:9, 10; J ohn 14:7-10 Introduction First, read John 4:23, 24 as a basis for the discussion. Since God is a spiritual Being, unseen and unseeable (John 4:24; 1 John 4:12), men have always been asking, “How can we really know God?” “How can God become real to me?” Although we do unconsciously
accept and “believe in” many things which we cannot see (Ulus.: the wind, electricity), it is nevertheless difficult to believe in God as a real Person, rather than a force, power, or influence. Although men have always attempted to worship God, certain requirements had to be met before He became real. Ulus.: (1) Acts 10:2—Cornelius was a very religious man but did not “know” God (cf. Acts 11:14); (2) Acts 16:14, 15 —Lydia was worshiping God, whom she did not yet “know” ; (3) Acts 17:22, 23 —the Athenians were worshiping a God unknown to them. How did God become real to them? How can He become real to me ? For Those Who Have Topics I. BY RECEIVING HIS SON (John 14:7-10). 1. Christ is declared to be the Re- vealer of God. Note John 1:1, 14; John 1:18; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 1:8; 1 John 1:1-3; i.e., if we would know who God is, we need only read in the Scriptures what Jesus was. 2. Through Christ we come into an intimate family life and relation ship with God (John 14:6). Note John 1:12; 1 John 5:11, 12; 1 John 2:1 (“the Father” ); 1 John 3:1. (Note the intimacy of this “love” in contrast to that of John 3:16). II. RECOGNIZING HIS SPIRIT 1 (1 Cor. 2:9,. 10). 1. He brings the life of God (eternal life) to us. We are bom into the family of God by His Holy Spirit (John 3:6, 8 ; cf. 1:13). 2. He interprets the truth of God for us (John 14:26; 1 Cor. 2:10; cf. v. 14—God' is a Spirit). To com prehend spiritual truth (i.e., to really know God), we must exper ience a spiritual birth (see above). S. He makes possible the life of God in us.. Note thoughtfully 1 Corin thians 6:19, 20; 2 Corinthians 6:16, 17. a. Recognizing the Holy Spirit within, will result in the casting out of unholy things. b. Let us “reckon” true what God has declared to be true, and we will, really know Him! We (if saved) are the dwelling place of God the Father (2 Cor. 6:16), God the Son (Gal. 2:20), and God the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19). Let ua live like it! Let us “practice His presence.” This would regulate and purify our thoughts, words, and deeds. For the Leader 1. Let the group give testimony as to ways in which God has been made real to them. 2. Suggest Scriptural accounts in Which individuals were made aware of the reality of God, and how.
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