December, 1940.
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Lawd hab tole me dat He been trying and hasn’t been able to get into it either.” n. MY DENOMINATION- REPRE SENTS A “FEEDING PLACE*’ AND “ T R A I N I N G STATION” FOR C H R I S T I A N YOUTH (1 Tim. 4:12-14). T . It is (or should be) a place where we have opportunity to participate in a well-rounded, spiritual pro gram (v. 13). a. “Reading,” i.e., devotional, such as prayer meeting. b. “Exhortation,” such sis preach ing services. c. “Doctrine,” such as Sunday- school classes, Bible study, etc. 2. It is (or should be) a place where we, if spiritually mature, may take an equal place in spiritual life with adult believers (v. 12 ). 3. It is (or should be) a place where we receive trailing and opportun-. ity to exercise our God-bestowed gifts and abilities (v. 14).- Ulus.: Services conducted by the Young People’s Society, Sunday- school classes, gospel services, mis- ion and jail team activities, work of lay preachers, etc. For the Leader 1. Have' some one in the group, in collaboration with the pastor, report on the origin, history, special policies, and world-wide work of your denomination. 2. Ask your pastdr for a doctrinal statement of your denomination. Does your local church live up to this creed? Discuss. 3. Wherein is your church different from others? Are the differences justi fiable ? Examine from a Scriptural basis and discuss. 4. Is your church able to work with other churches which truly honor our Lord Jesus? Are you doing it? If not, why not? CRY FROM WAR TORN EUROPE! V ery urgent appeals com e to us from - P olish and Russian m issionaries in P oland-G erm an, fo r im m ediate financial support and relief. They are in dire need. The G ospel- is being preached w ithout hindrance, and there is a spiritual aw akening. Bulgaria and Jugo Slavia are also open for m ission ary w ork, as w ell as the Far East w here the Gospel m es sage is being brought to R ussians, w ith great blessing. In Decem ber two more mis sionaries w ill sa il to A lask a,, w here m an y R ussians and Indians are accepting the Lord. There is a great need for m ore R ussian and P olish w orkers am ong the Slayid people in 'South America. 1 Your prayers and financial assistance are greatly appreciated . Send your gifts to the v RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Deyneka, General Director
Examples: Enoch (Gen. 5:24), by walking with God; the man blind from birth (Jdhn 9:33), by contact with God’s Son, etc. ; JANUARY 26, 1941 W H A T M Y D EN OM IN A T ION S TAN D S FOR E p h e s ia n s 2 :1 9-22 ; I T im o t h y 4:12-14. (Note: If your Young People’s Society is not in any . denomination, make the application of this lesson to your own local church.) Introduction Although it is not a good thing to become too self-centered in our own de nominational program, nevertheless it is a good thing occasionally to turn the attention o f our Young People’s Society to our own church, and to the associa tion of which it is a part. We need to know "what our denomination stands for,” the meaning and purpose of it, and the principles and policies it upholds. In order to gain the most benefit from this investigation, let us attempt to determine what God expects of our denomination. For Those Who Have Topics I. MY DENOMINATION IS TO REP RESENT THE "FAMILY OF GOD". HERE ON EARTH. Read Ephesians 2:19-22. 1. How our hearts should be solemn ized by the realization that unsaved men are looking at us as a visible representation of what God "stands for” ! 2. Note the beautiful illustration used to picture the church (vs. 20 , 21 ): a “building.” We are as the build ing stones, needing one another, supporting one another. Our foun dation is the testimony of apostles and prophets, i.e., the truth has not changed! The whole structure rests on and is inseparable from the "chief corner stone,” Jesus Christ. 3. Note that the church is called a “ temple” (v. 21). So also are vce as members of the church (cf. 1 Cor. 3:16, 17). A temple is a place of worship! Dare we defile God’s house (either His church or our bodies), with worldly and dishonoring activities ? 4. Note that the church is to be the earthly residence of God (v. 22). Is the living God “at home” in your church ? Ulus.: A dignified minister of a fashionable church was approached by a colored man requesting mem bership. In embarrassment the minister told him to go home and to pray about it. A few days later the colored man came to the pastor sayings “Well, suh, I’s prayed about it and I’s decided dat I doesn’t want to belong to dis church, but I don’t feel bad about it, for de
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