December, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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Paul 1 .MOON Special Pacific Coast Representative of the Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Co.
Formerly Field Representative of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles.
In keeping with the policy of giving our customers the best possible service, we have established a Pa cific Coast Depository in "the city' of Los Angeles, thus assu'ring you o f prompt delivery of song books. M r. Moon will be available to help pastors or church yyorkers on any and all problems concerned with the Music of the Church, and will be glad to confer with YOU at any time. He is at YOU R SERVICE ! For instance, if you want a book for general use, for Sunday School, Evening Worship, Evangelistic Meet ings or a Convention, he will bring or send you CHR IST IAN SERVICE SONGS and explain it to you. Again if your church needs help in the selection of Choir music, he will supply you with a variety of Choir Gems from which you can make a selection. If desired he will furnish sample copies of cantatas, plays, pageants, etc. Then again, perhaps the problem is suitable song material for youth. Here he will bring or send to you another type of song book— Y O U T H H YM N A L—
which has been recommended by outstanding religious educational leaders. If you are contemplating holding an evangelistic meet ing or convention and need a small inexpensive book containing new material for young people, as well as the old favorite selections, he will supply an assortment of books for your consideration. Also he will be glad to assist in the leading of the singing if desired. In fact, Mr. Moon can supply you with material to meet EVERY NEED in every department of the church. He comes with NO obligation on your part— simply to aid you and extend our services on the West Coast. Feel free to call on M r. Moon— either in person, by phone, or by letter— at any time to assist you in your music problems.
Publishers o f Sacred Song Books Offices at Chicago, III., and Philadelphia, Pa.
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