December, 1940
DAILY DEVOTIONAL READINGS [ Continued from Page 488] leader in great ventures, the captain of prolonged crusades. And the New Testament- type of meekness is Jesus of Nazareth, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Meekness is more than a modest esti mate of our personal resources; it is a sure reckoning upon the unsearchable riches of Christ.—J. H. Jowett. 18. Ascertaining the Will of God “Wherefore be ye . not unwise, but understanding what the w illo f the Lord is” (Eph. 5:17). I seek to get my heart into such a- state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter. Nine-tenths of the trouble with people generally is just here. Nine-tenths of the difficul ties are overcome when our hearts are ready to do the Lord’s will, whatever it may be. When one is truly in this state, it is usually but a little way to the knowledge of what His will is. —George Muller. 19. Where to Look “We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor” (Heb. 2:9). If thy soul would be distressed, Look around; Care and trouble, strife, unrest There abound. If thy soul would sorrow know, , Look within; How unlike thy Lord art thou— Prone to sin. But if thou would’st joy in love, Restful be, Turn the eye of faith above, Jesus see. —Albert Midlane. 20. The Beginning of Deliverance “I know that in me . . . dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which fs good I find not” (Rom. 7:18). You have been struggling against the admission of that truth because you felt that, in admitting it, you must admit once and for all the downfall of your Christian life. In reality the admission and acceptance of that truth will be the place where deliverance will begin for you." There will be no deliverance until, in utter despair of yourself, you admit that you cannot do the first thing toward pleasing and serving God. —David Tryon. 21. Fervency in the Unseen Sphere "Fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Rom. 11:1). Today, just where you are, do you, Christian at home, be doing your part fully and willingly. The less apparent cooperation there is around you, the more need for gracious power to go out
from you. And it will go out from you . . . if Christ is in you, the hope of glory; if Christ is your life; if you, having died with your atoning Lord, have your life hidden, with your glori fied Lord, in God.—Handley C. G. Moule. 22. When Shall I Doubt? “. . . yet will -I not forget thee” (Isa. 49:15). When shall I doubt? Not while He guides my feet! Not while He feeds my soul With manna sweet! Not while He sees and knows My slightest needs, And e’en with food of earth My body feeds! When shall .1 doubt? Not yet, Until God forgets And my soul unhungered goes— No manna gets! Not until my God cares not! When will that be? When time is not, nor e’en Eternity! —George W. Tuttle. 28. Greatly Loved “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy” (Heb. 4:16). True love is always fearless and fear ful. It is fearless with the freedom of undoubting trust; but it is fearful lest it should miss a single grain of ten der affection . . . Some say, “You will lead people to live loosely if you tell them that there is no sin which may not be instantly forgiven.” Ah! they do not know that they are greatly loved. For them every spot is full of the presence of the beloved.—F. B. Meyer. 24., Resting in His Care “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). Lay what is bothering you before Him in prayer, simply turn over your worries to your omniscient and omnipotent Fathetr in heaven, and then be still and know that He doeth all things well. Let us always use the never-failing recipe of our divine Physician against vexations, care, and •discontent: Roll your troubles upon the Lord . . . Buoy up your faint .heart and drooping spirit with His words.—The Old Paths. 25. Transforming Light “The light shineth in darkness” (John 1:5). An artist once drew a picture of a wintry twilight, the trees heavily laden with snow, and a dreary dark house, lonely and desolate, in the midst of the storm. It was a sad picture indeed. Then, with a quick stroke of yellow crayon, he put a light in one window . . . The entire scene was transformed into a vision of comfort and good cheer. The birth of Christ was just such a light in a dark world! —Pilgrim Holiness Advocate.
REFUGEES SEEK H A V EN In STR ICK EN ENG LAN D • U f bridled Nazi hatred has made the lives of multitudes unendurable — a veritable hell on earth. Upon no class has that hatred pressed more heavily and constantly than upon the Jews—especially Christian Jews. • In the extremity of their dire need, after terrible sufferings under Nazi persecutions, thousands of these refugees have found shelter in Refu gee Homes of the International He brew Christian Alliance in G r e a t Britain. • Night and day, u n d e r a relentless
Rev. Jacob Peltz, Gen. Secretary of International Hebrew Christian Alliance rain of bombs scattering destruc tion and death, our refugee workers in England bravely labor to care for these homeless Jewish Christian refu gees. In the name of Christ we have given food and shelter and the com fort of the Gospel to multitudes of 1 these victims of Nazi ruthlessness. • Hitherto, Christians in Great Britain supported our work. They still do, partially, as they are able. But with their backs against the wall, their resources depleted, our refugee work ers in England cry to us to help them give bread to the hungry, medical care to the wounded and the com- . fort of the Gospel to the disconsolate. • How can we look forward to a happy Christmas s e a s o n in this land of peace and prosperity if we do noth ing to help Christ’s suffering breth ren? Please do not hesitate to send your gift, however small. Kindly make checks or money orders payable to the INTERNAT IONAL HEBREW CHR IST IAN ALL IANCE and address gift to The Hev. Jacob Peltz, Ph. B., B. D. 2858 Eastwood Are. Chicago, 111. Note: As time permits, Mr. Peltz will ac cept •invitations to address church groups. write for dates. Aiding Victims of Nazi Persecution Since 1988
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