King's Business - 1940-12

December, 1940

x n i i ti. l N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


sand men a day, and preach the gospel to over a thousand men a day, seven days a week, three hundred sixty-five days out of the year. I n ' the ten- months’ period ending October 31, 1940, the greatest ten months in its fifty years of history, it served 298,356 free meals, gave 16,845 Gospels of John, and had 15,337 men, or 50 men a day, come tb the altar to confess that Christ died for their sins according to the Scrip­ tures; that He was buried; that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He is coming again. These men put their trust in Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour, ‘Not by might, nor by power, but my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.’ ” Experiences o f Russian Christians Continued suffering among Russian Christians who are being persecuted presents a twofold need which the Rus­ sia Inland Relief Mission is seeking to meet. One phase is temporal relief to Christians in Soviet Russia, enabling them to continue their witness in that land. This relief is also extended to Russian refugees in other countries. The second aspect is the evangelization of Russians in countries outside the Soviet Union. By reports of actual con­ ditions found in Russia, the organiza­ tion seeks also to awaken believers to the menace which Communism presents to Christianity everywhere. A very well-written account of the escape of Christian members of the Russian nobility from the Bolshevik revolution is contained in a small book entitled Returned from the Dead, by Mrs. H. E. Koch. This stirring and true story can be secured for 25 cents from the Russia Inland Relief Mission, 357 So. Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif. Further information about the Mission appears on Page 492. comfort, inspiration, and eneouragement for the earnest #reader as does the book •of Psalms; and'unquestionably he .who studies this group of meditations on the Psalms will be lifted to new heights of exultation and joy in God. The lucid, verse-by-verse com­ ments, rich in truth that does not lie on the ^surface, will make a study of one’s favorite ^psalms— and indeed the whole Psalter—an unending delight. . Dr. Fuller has performed for the church of Jesus Christ a great service through his willingness to spend “hours on end. in se­ lecting the best from three thousand pages of fine print and solid reading matter,” for in so doing he has opened up to new readers a mine of priceless gems. 2 volumes, about 350 pages each. Zondervan Pub. House1. Cloth. Price $5.95 per set. This little pamphlet, written by a recent graduate of the Bible Institute of Dos An­ geles, answers in a straightforward Scrip­ tural way the cry of many a Christian heart that seeks assurance of salvation, the Lord’s keeping power, or the way of personal vic­ tory. Under the headings, “No Condemna­ tion,” “No Bondage,” “No Weakness,” and “No Failure,” the author points out “God's Fact” concerning each of these positions for the believer* and “Man’s Factor” in entering God’s Way to Victory By GENE W . FUSSED!» Our Literature Table [Continued from Page 465]

into each condition experimentally* 27 pages. Gene W . Fussell, 2229 Workman St., Los Angeles, Calif., Paper. Price 15 cents. Charlotte A. Cary: Gentlewoman of God« To hundreds of women— it would not be an exaggeration to say thousands—serving Christ in almost every part of the world, the mention of t he .name of Charlotte A., Cary brings back precious and ennobling memo­ ries. They are thè “young women” whose lives Miss Cary molded with hands strong, firm, loving, and consecrated to Christ, dur­ ing nearly a quarter of a century that she served as Superintendent of Women at . the Moody Bible Institute, and in briefer periods in Northfield Seminary, the T. W . C. A., and Columbia Bible College. To these' former students and associates, the present book will be a fresh blessing from heaven, for it will bring their beloved leader again into their lives with the same strengthening in­ fluence that she exerted in her lifetime. But there are others—a vast company of young women and older ones—who will find this account fascinating and profitable. They are readers who never knew personally the one of whom the book speaks, but who have some intimate and growing affection for the One she loved. Reading, that love will be intensified; for, with accurate and sensitive skill, the writer has presented Miss Cary— her Christian nobility, her sparkling and ready humor, her almost phenomenal under­ standing of human nature, her deep and prac­ tical knowledge of the Word of God—with such faithfulness to/Christ that it is He who is exaltted. It is a book to read and re-read, and to give with confidence. 283 pages. .Free Church ; Publications, Chicago, 111, Cloth. Price $1.50. Light from Bible Prophecy By LOUIS S. BAUMAN \ Based on a series of prophetic messages which appeared recently as magazine arti­ cles awakening nation-wide interest, this book will be welcomed by all those who have sought a Scriptural answer for the events transpiring in Europe, and indeed in all the world, in the last year. The subject of the Roman Ejnpire is brought frequently into the discussion, and the author points out that “the Roman Empire in its final form must occupy the center of the stage as the sun of Gentile dominion sinks low in the West to rise no more. W ith the passing of that Empire the Kingdom of God will come to earth.” That the stage is now being set for concluding scenes relating to the dispensa­ tion of grace is proved conclusively from a wealth of material which Dr. Bauman has gathered from history, observation, experi- ence,. and’ the study of the Scriptures. Up-to- date and intensely challenging, this volume is one that may be given to both saved and unsaved readers, for its emphasis is upon the Word of God and its sure fulfillment. 169 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.00.' Principles of Teaching for . Christian Teachers By C. B. EAYEY “The question faced, then, by any one who would teach effectively is not, W h at are the facts to be taught?’ but, ‘How can teaching be a means for bringing about changes in pupils so that they will become what they should be?’ ” To the end that Sunday- school teachers might be able to answer that question, Dr. Eavey, who is the head of the Department of Education and Psychology in Wheaton College, has written this very thor­ ough and scholarly book. As indicated in the title, he deals^primarily with principles rather than methods, laying foundations of basic psychological facts. It is the evangelical emphasis of the book, com­ bined with its scientific approach, that makes it valuable for the Christian worker. Each chapter is followed by a list of thought-pro­ voking questions and a bibliography for fur­ ther reference. 346 pages. Zondervan Pub­ lishing House. Cloth. Price $2.75. Hallowing the Home By NORMAN B . HARRISON In this attractive collection of hints for parents, Dr. Harrison has ably dealt with: Standards and Ideals,/The Lord’s Day, Fam ­ ily Altar Technique, Bible Games and Drills, etc. The booklet will make an appreciated gift. 64 pages. Harris " .Cor nheap- olis, Minn. Art paper. Price 25 centa. Molder of Character By ANNA ’LINDGREN

FAMILY CIRCLE [ Continued from Page 469] Married Don Allen and Lucille Boday, Oct. 6, Hayward, Calif. Edward H. Arensen, B. Th. ’40, and Esther K. Digemess, ’40, Oct. 19, Seattle, Wash. William A. Goold and Marjory L. Thomson, ’39, Oct. 27, Pacific Palisades, Calif. Ray Snyder and Charlotte Jordan, ’33, June 25, Southgate, Calif. — George C. Van Dusen, ’20 E. S., and Doris Groat, June 18, Arua, Uganda, Africa. Born To Russell (’37) and Mrs. Hensley, a son, John Russell, Oct. 18, Bisbee, Ariz. To Warren E. (’33) and Mrs. Hall, a son, Philip Warren, Oct. 21, Yakima, Wash. The home address is Zillah, Wash. To Jacob P. (’26) and Mrs. Kliever (Freda Neufeld, ’30), a daughter, Donna Marie, May 29, Oubangui-Chari, French Equatorial Africa. To Knox and Mrs. Long (Virgil Pratt, ’24), a son, John Nauman, Aug. 31, Los Angeles, Calif. To Stewart (’33) and Mrs. McDou- gall (Edna M. Luft, ’35), a son, Donald Gordon, Nov. 1, Vancouver, B. C., Can. Mr. and Mrs. McDougall, on furlough from service in Nigeria under the Sudan Interior Mission, can be addressed at Haney, B. C., Can. To George E. and Mrs. Maas (Mildred E. Zellers, ’37), a daughter, Linda Rae, Nov. 4, Bakersfield, Calif. To Russell D. (’30) and Mrs. Piper (H. Lucille Ziegler, ’28), a son, Dale Ellis, May 18, Los Angeles, Calif. To Wilbert A. (’35) and Mrs. Regier (Ruth E. Welty, ’36), a son, Richard James, Oct. 30, Los Angeles, Calif. To Jason P. (’16) and Mrs. Steere, a son, Paul Joseph, Oct. 15, Grants Pass, Ore. To Lyman A. (’34) and Mrs. Wendt (Helen E. Gilbert, ’38), a son, Gilbert Alan, Oct. 14, Santa Ana, Calif. More Beds— And Souls With enlarged quarters in which to celebrate its fiftieth year of service on Main Street, Los ¿»geles, Calif., the Union Rescue Mission is equipped for a wider evangelistic ministry than ever before in its history. The acquisition of an adjoining building with its tile showers for the men and two large third-story rooms for dormitories, has added eighty-three more beds. It also makes possible an auditorium seating five hundred persons and an improve­ ment in dining room and kitchen facili­ ties. R. Gordon Boyd, President of the Un­ ion Rescue Mission, gives the following statement of the activities: “The Mission is equipped to give free beds to 425 men a night; feed a thou­

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