King's Business - 1940-12

December, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


•Comfort, Inspiration, and FA ITH This Christmas?

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Naturally, we want you to become a Group Organizer, sending T H E K ING ’S BUSINESS to the names on your Christmas list. This is no selfish desire, for there are thousands of eager readers who nee3 And long for the stabilizing “ word from the King’ which these pages carry each month. For HIS sake— for TH E IR sakes— send T H E K ING ’S BUSINESS. Special Low Rate If you will send in five or more subscriptions at one time, you may have a very special L O W PRICE, made only to Group Organizers. W e cannot print the terms of this offer in this magazine, but the information will be sent to you promptly if you will request it, using either the accompanying coupon, or a postal card. You can give MORE this Christmas by spending LESS, if you avail yourself of this generous offer. ■ Beautiful Pictures for Framing Perhaps you would prefer to secure for yourself or for your friends a gift set of six beautiful pririts, which appeared first as favorite K IN G ’S BUSINESS covers, each .printed in rich color, ready for framing. These prints make ex­ quisite Christmas remembrances. A set will be given FREE with each sub­ scription', new or renewal, paid for at the regular price of $1.00 in U. S. (25 cents extra for Canadian^ or foreign postage.

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Add 25 cents fbr Canadian or Foreign Subscriptions. Art prints available only with regular $1.00 a year subscription. THE K IN G 'S BUS INESS 558 South Hope Street

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