UNIONRESCUEMISSION... SOYeanonMainSheet A Life Saying Station for C h r is t . . . meeting the daily needs of 1,000 men. •
“ For I delivered unto you first o f all that which / also received, how that Christ died fo r our sins according to the Scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scrip tures." 1 Cor. 15:3, 4.
God has honored the Faith . . . the Vision . . . the Work . . . of the U N IO N RESCUE M IS S IO N in its effort to rescue and minister to the spiritual needs of homeless, hungry, and unfortunate
Union Rescue Mission of Los Angeles, California, now has i08 feet frontage on Main Street. New addition shown at left. men and boys. Accomplishments for the First 10 Months 1940:
Through the beneficence of two dear departed saints of God, sufficient money was left to purchase the three-story building shown at the left of the present Mission property. God has given to us this generous gift in our Fiftieth Anniversary year, for which we are thankful, and is giving, to you, through the agency of the U N IO N RESCUE M IS S IO N , an opportunity to pray and fel lowship in this worthy work of reclaiming lost men for Christ. ~"j | | You may give the M ission $1 a month or $12 a year out of your tithe money, and pray daily for the work. □ Y o u m ay sponsor a bed at $3 a month or $36 a year (one of 4 2 5 bed s). [~~| You m ay have three men as your guests for $1 on Christmas Day. n You m ay send a 50th Ann ive rsa ry gift which will aid in J bringing men to Christ. During 1940 an ave rage of 50 men a d a y confessed Christ. | I want to help in this great work. Enclosed find $........................ to be | used as indicated above. Name ................................................................................................................ Add ress ........................................................... ..... C ity .................................................................... State............................... 1 U N IO N RESCUE M I S S IO N 226 So. Main St. Los Angeles, Calif. H O W YO U M A Y HELP . . . .
P R O F E S S E D C O N V E R S IO N S ........... 15,337 Gospels of John............................... 16,845 M e a ls supplied ............................... 298,356 Beds furnished ................................. 74,478 M en given jobs............................... 20,460 M en given medical a id .................... 7,269 Attendance at service...................... 250,562 Pieces laundered ..............................118,781 Clothing given to men...................... 25,282 Free baths ................. 28,963 Free haircuts ................................... 3,475 Free shaves ..................................... 24,135 M e n ’s w ashing and pressed clothes 14,018 L ISTEN in D A IL Y to . . . the C H U R C H of tiie A IR KFWB every Sunday 8:30 to 9:30 A .M . • 950 on your dial Rev. Cortland Myers, LL.D. Pastor w R. Gordon Boyd Mission President «2 4 Mary Teitsworth Boyd Soprano Soloist John B. Nield Organist B f KFYD flt every day in the week except Saturday and Sunday Monday KFVD— 10:30 A.M. Testimonies Tuesday KFVD— 10:30 A.M. Visiting Pastors IS e ^ I Wednesday KFVD— 10:30 A.M. R. Gordon Boyd i l l Thursday KFVD— 10:30 A.M. Dr. Chas. Ashman laB Friday KFVD— 10:30 A.M. Visiting Pastors Saturday KFW B— 8:30 P.M. Joseph Johnston <;
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