Lake Oconee Dentistry - January 2019


Eucalyptus If you’re suffering from congestion or can’t stop coughing, eucalyptus may offer the relief you’re looking for. Available in several different forms, including syrup, oil, and dried leaves, eucalyptus can be used as an expectorant or as a way to relieve a sore throat. When you’re at home and sick, try adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the water in a humidifier. The results are remarkably soothing!

During the winter months, colds and the flu can spread like wildfire. Getting sick at least once during the season can be hard to avoid, and once you are sick, you want nothing more than for it to be over and done. While there is no way to completely avoid getting sick, there are ways to speed up your recovery. Next time you’re suffering from a cold, try these remedies to get back on your feet a little bit faster.

Elderberry Syrup Also referred to as elderberry extract, this syrup is made from a plant called European elder. It can be purchased at many health food stores or made at home (but use caution when doing this, since raw and undercooked elderberries are toxic). Many people swear by the berries’ ability to ease congestion and relieve a number of other cold symptoms. Plus, elderberry syrup is known for having anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, making it an ideal tool for fighting the common cold. Some research even suggests that it can shorten flu symptoms by up to three days.

Zinc While many people turn to vitamin C to hurry through a cold, that’s not the supplement you should be focusing on. In fact, an overwhelming number of studies show that vitamin C does absolutely nothing to help shorten a cold. Instead, take zinc. You can find it as a nasal spray or lozenge, or even as part of a vitamin C supplement. One study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that those who took zinc reduced their recovery time from a cold by half. Cold symptoms among those taking a zinc supplement lasted about four days, while symptoms among those taking a placebo lasted about eight days.


Clean Your Smile and Enjoy Your Favorite Foods

Who says multitasking is impossible? Well, brain science does. But dental science says you can enjoy a snack and get some dental cleaning done at the same time. Check out some of these treats that pull double duty as both yummy snacks and superfoods for your smile. CHEESE, PLEASE (AND OTHER DAIRY TOO) In addition to providing your bones and teeth with calcium, cheese, yogurts, and other dairy products can be low in sugar. Dairy lowers the acidity level in your mouth and creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria looking to ruin your perfect smile. Plus, chewing cheese promotes saliva production, which is effectively nature’s toothbrush. As long as you don’t go overboard, dental experts say there’s nothing wrong with cutting the cheese. A FEAST FIT FOR RABBITS Few people get excited about bland treats like celery or carrots, but your teeth just might. The physical action of eating carrots and celery stimulates your mouth to produce more saliva. Plus, the textures of these vegetables can help brush gunk off your gums and pearly whites, aiding your saliva in its mission. As a bonus, the vitamins these veggies contain are great for your gums and bone health. (Though teeth are not bones, they are very similar in composition.) So, follow Peter Rabbit’s

lead and get in a daily serving of teeth-brushing vegetables. THINK ABOUT YOUR GUMS Since the purpose of gum is to be mashed between our teeth for long periods of time, it’s natural to produce buckets of saliva while enjoying a piece. But dentists warn that in order to get the full

benefits for your gums and teeth, you should be chewing sugar- free gum to avoid caking your mouth in enamel-gnawing sugars. Although the sugar content in most gum flavors isn’t high enough to completely outweigh the pros of the chewing motion and saliva production, it’s still wise to be mindful of the sugars your favorite gum contains. The best way to get the perfect smile is with regular dental cleanings, brushing, and flossing, but if you’re craving a treat, you can’t beat one that multitasks for you.

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