King's Business - 1947-01

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A M ISS IONARY CRY A HUNDRED thousand souls a day, Are passing one by one away, In Christless guilt and gloom. Without one ray of hope or light, With future dark as endless night, They’re passing to their doom. O Holy Ghost, Thy people move, Baptize their hearts with faith and love, And consecrate their gold. At Jesus’ feet their millions pour, And all their ranks unite once more, As in the days of old. Armies of pray’r, your promise claim, Prove the full pow’r of Jesus’ name, And take the victory. Your conqu’ring Captain leads you on The glorious fight may still be won This very century. The Master’s coming draweth near, The Son of Man will soon appear, His Kingdom is at hand. But ere that glorious day can be This Gospel of the Kingdom, we Must preach in ev’ry land. O let us then His coming haste, O let us end this awful waste Of souls that never die. A thousand millions still are lost, A Saviour’s blood has paid the cost, O, hear their dying cry. They’re passing, passing fast away, A hundred thousand souls a day, In Christless guilt and gloom. O Church of Christ, what wilt thou say When in the awful judgment day, They charge thee with their doom? A. B. SIMPSON OUR AUTHORS TAR. ROBERT HALL GLOVER, mis- *-* sionary statesman, is Home Di­ rector Emeritus of the China Inland Mission ; Dr. Herbert Lockyer is an English clergyman and writer; Miss Christina Braskamp is on the Ex­ tension staff of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and a former mis­ sionary to China; A. Parvatham is a native evangelist of India; Calvin T. R'ÿan is an instructor at the Teachers’ College at Kearney, Ne­ braska. Next month Rev. Vance Havner will begin his series of biographies of minor characters in the Bible and there will also be an article by Dr. Walter Wilson on the subject of Church Ushering. Rev. G. Coleman Luck writes of another church in Revelation and there will be the fascinating story of a False Isms Expose Service, and a challenging message by Dr. N. B. Harrison. Page !

THE’ K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W . Orr, D.D.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 19^7, The King’s Business, all rights reserved No part of this magazine may he reproduced without permission.

New Year— Missionary Number

Vol. 38

January, 1947

No. 1

CONTENTS COVER : Children of Hongkong, China. Picture Credits: George R. King, cover, pp. 5, 11, 12, 22, 23 ; Publishers’ Photo Service, New York, p. 6. Editorially Speaking............................................... ............ .............. -......— 2 Reader Reaction .......................-............................. *— -.............. —— ^ The Secret of a Happy New Year, Herbert Lockyer .............................. 6 The Bridegroom Cometh, Irene Haltenhoff ................. ........... -........... .. • “ For Such a Time as This” in Missions, Robert Hall Glover. 8 A Chinese Girl’s Trial and Triumph, Christina J. Braskamp ................ 10 How a Hindu Student Found the Word, A. Parvatham ...................... 11 Christian Women and the American Indian, Calvin T. Ryan .............. 12 Ring Out, W ild Bells, Alfred, Lord Tennyson ..................................... 13 The Bible in the News................................................................................ 14- Junior King’s Business, Martha S. Hooker ..................................... ........ 15 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box................................................................-.......... 1' Biola Family Circle........................................................................................ 1® Earth’s Treasure Heaps, Paul R. Bauman ..................................... .......... '20 Earth’s Harvest Fields — Pictorial Feature ............................................22-23 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. Wilson .............................................. 24 Sunday School Lessons............................... ——............................................ 28 Object Lessons for February, Elmer L.Wilder....: .................................. 35 . -JO Miscellanea ....................................................................................................... 30 Book Reviews, William W . Orr ...................... 42 SUBSCRIPTION IN FORM A TION —"The King's Business" is published monthly: S2 00 one yr ; $1.00, six months: 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates’ Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra, it requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please snd both old and new addresses. R EM ITTAN C ES —Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVER TISING —For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. MANUSCRIPTS—“ The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent in for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938. at the Post Office at Los Vngeles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance Tor mailing at ipcci&l r&tc of postftK^ provided for in the Act of FBbruwy 28* 1925, embodied in paragraph 4 section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.

JA N U A R Y , 1947

will be thereby aroused to impart to the young people of this genera­ tion the real truth of this matter: that a man who n e v e r touches tobacco is much more a real man than he who smokes, and that a woman who does not defile herself with this habit is more fitted to be one of the mothers of her genera­ tion than she who smokes. The Uncertainty o f Life TN 1928, a very important business meeting was held in a large Chi­ cago hotel, which was attended by ten of the world’s most successful financiers, namely: the presidents of the largest independent steel com­ pany; of the National City Bank; of the greatest utility company; of the greatest gas company; of the New York Stock Exchange and of the Bank of International Settle­ ments; and, in addition, the greatest wheat speculator, a member of the cabinet of the President of the U.S., the greatest "bear” in Wall Street, and the head of the world’s greatest monopoly. All would agree that these men had found the secret of making money, and- of securing the best of earth’s possessions. But their later history reveals how utterly they failed in life. Charles Schwab, the president of the largest independent steel com­ pany, died a bankrupt, who had lived on borrowed money five years before his decease. James Stillman, president of the National City Bank, died insolvent; and Samuel Insull, the president of the greatest utility company, a fugi­ tive from justice, died penniless in a foreign land. Howard Hopson, president of the largest gas company, is insane; and Richard Whitney, president of the New York Stock Exchange, was re­ cently released from Sing Sing penitentiary. Leon Fraser, president of the Bank of International Settlements, died a suicide. Arthur Cutten, the greatest wheat speculator, died abroad, insolvent, while Albert Fall, formerly a cabinet member, was pardoned and allowed to go home from prison to die. Jesse Livermore, the greatest

America’s Habit "CWERY time we return from a trip, where we have rubbed elbows with all types of Americans, we feel the same way about the pernicious habit of smoking tobacco. We are not writing this editorial from the Christian standpoint, but we are viewing smoking only as it affects the health, appearance and manners of men and women. For the sake of argument, let us make a comparison. It is reliably stated that three out of every four men, and two out of every five women, s m o k e—mostly cigarettes. Why? How has this vice fastened itself upon the majority of Amer­ icans? The only answer from many smokers we have consulted is that tobacco seems to give a certain “lift.” However, medical men assert that instead of its being a stimulant, tobacco is actually a depressant. Nevertheless, it produces some sort of a sense of well-being, which as far as we are able to determine, is the only advantage of the habit. On the other hand, its harmfulness can scarcely be estimated. A ciga­ rette. in the mouth of a man robs him of any genuine nobility of bear­ ing, and substitutes instead a non­ chalant, arrogant attitude; while it removes from a woman her desirable feminine qualities, replacing them with coarseness, sensuality and af­ fectation. How shocking it is to ob­ serve a white-haired old lady putting a cigarette between her lips! In some strange manner, tobacco makes its users extremely rude. Smokers will light up anywhere and, without the least regard for others, will blow their smoke in any direc­ tion. Smoking is a filthy habit, staining teeth and hands, soiling clothes and furniture, tainting the breath, and perhaps the mind as well. The cigarette advertisers them­ selves only emphasize the harmful effects of their product with such statements as that a certain brand is "less irritating and injurious” than another. Smoking is an enslaving habit. A friend who was a prisoner of war in Germany stated that starving men bartered their bread for cigarettes. It is a dangerous and defiling habit. We can see no good and no sense in it. We trust that this editorial may be read by some .who Page 2

"bear,” k illed h im self, and Ivar Kruegar, the head of the greatest monopoly, also took his own life. Surely this is a startling illustra­ tion of the Scriptural teaching of the folly of laying up treasures on earth and not .being rich in sp iritua l assets. ☆ Can We Match This? XpOR the past rew years we have A been receiving communications from a young man in Texas. These letters have always included money and requests for some of our tract booklets. What is unique about this case is that this particular young Christian, a bed patient for twenty- two years, has given himself to the ministry of mailing Christian litera­ ture to other needy ones. Suffering from arthritis in every joint, unable to sit up, with neck, back, hips and knees stiff, jaws locked and left hand and arm useless, his heart is still full of praise to God, and on his lips there is a song of thanks­ giving to his Saviour. He testifies that he is happy all the time. Last summer, through his ministry by mail, he won nine souls to Christ. Are we, who are well and strong, exhibiting an equal love for the Lord, and for those for whom Jesus died? Can we match this? ☆ Using Common Sense TT is often stated, and we too are guilty of reiterating the remark, that, v9hile God ever stands ready to aid us, He also expects us to use our common sense in helping ourselves. In other words, while major de­ cisions in our lives are to be made by Him, the minor ones should be based upon our own wisdom and perception. However, in this con­ nection we call attention to Prov­ erbs 3:5, 6: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Cer­ tainly if these verses mean what they say, no decision by the Chris­ tian should be the result of the exercise of mere common sense. As believers, we are to seek “the wis- T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Door. This man of God was cer­ tainly a gift from the Lord to the newly-formed Bible Institute. Under his spiritual leadership, the work grew apace. Dr. Torrey brought with him a wealth of experience gained in other Bible Institutes, and from meetings and evangelistic cam­ paigns which he had conducted around the world. It is fitting that this spiritual convocation, held every year in January, should honor his name. A rich spiritual feast is in store for those who attend the sessions of the conference this year. We are happy to have with us Dr. A. I. Brown, Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., Dr. E. B. Jones, Dr. Bob Munro and Dr. H. Framer Smith. As in previous years, simultaneous meetings with those in the great auditorium of the Church of the Open Door will be held in the sur­ rounding cities of Pasadena, San Gabriel, Long Beach, and Santa Ana. The conference will begin on Sunday morning, January 19, and conclude the following Sunday night. A fold­ er, listing the speakers and subjects, has been prepared and will be gladly sent to all those who address their re­ quest to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Extension Department, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. ☆ Walter D. Kallenhach A S WE go to press, the information has just reached us that Dr. Walter D. Kallenbach has gone' to be with the Lord. We understand that he was standing beside a friend on the highway, as he repaired his car, and that he was struck by a passing automobile and instantly killed. Dr. Kallenbach, while still a young man, had become a nationally- known figure on the evangelistic arlU Bible conference platform. The writer will not soon forget the tre­ mendous impact of the meeting in the Church of the Open Door some years ago, at which Dr. Kallenbach told the story of his life. The vast auditorium, seating four thousand, was crowded to capacity, and in that assembly there was scarcely a dry eye, as the evangelist related the story of God’s dealings with him. It seems that, as a young man, Walter Kallenbach ignored the call of God as he advanced in the world of modern music. He got to the top, becoming first trumpeter in a big name band which traveled all over the world. One day, while hunting with a friend, an accident occurred in which he received the full contents (Continued on Page 43) Rase 3

Feather appears. The newspapers are full of allusions to the drive for funds. Magazines give cover space. Street cars are decorated with its symbol. Store windows and store in­ teriors feature it. Stickers have been furnished for envelopes and posters for lamp posts. The moving pictures and the radio donate time to it. Naturally, their goal is being reach­ ed. What if the church of Jesus Christ were to become as dead in earnest about enlisting the support of all Christians of this land in reaching the unevangelized foreign fields with the Gospel? What could not be done if all the children of God were to dig deeply into their own pockets for funds to send out trained young people to every land? What if a real advertising campaign for missions were begun? A great lesson in genuine zeal is to be found in organizations like the Community Chest. ☆ Testimonial W E quote this from The Christian Herald: “This is old (it appeared in the Detroit News of April 15), but it’s so good we just had to pass it along to you. On page 23 of that News, was this ad: “ ‘There’s no hocus-pocus about it!’ says Hank Greenberg, baseball’s home run star. T’ve read the reports and medical science has proved you can’t beat Raleighs for less nicotine . . . less throat irritation . . . all- around safer smoking! I recommend Raleighs to all my friends. Raleighs are right!’ "So far, so good. That puts it pretty straight that Hank smokes Raleighs and likes ’em, since they do him so much less harm (with that ‘less nico­ tine’) than other and more unhealthy brands of cigarettes. “But look ye! On page 17 of the same ■ News is this; in an interview with the same Hank Greenberg: “ ‘I feel fine now, better than I have for some time,’ said Greenberg, ‘The doctors said I had a stomach disorder and I’m giving up cigarettes and coffee. I never was much of a smoker, anyway. I’m sleeping better now and I feel much better.’ ”

dom that is from above” in every detail of our lives. Surely this is reasonable. How can we, who have no knowledge of the future, de­ termine whether a decision- is im­ portant or not? Some turns in life’s pathway, which appear to be very insignificant, may prove to be open­ ings into tremendous enterprises. The more one advances spiritually, the more he realizes how utterly in­ adequate and unsatisfactory is his own,common sense. One of the most delightful revelations of the Word of God is that our Heavenly Father, omniscient as He is, desires to par­ ticipate in, and to be consulted about, everything in the life of His children. In the history of the Chris­ tian church, the success of spiritual giants has been due to this reliance upon the direction of the Holy Spirit in their lives and ministry. ☆ Ten For One TTERE is a plan for the advanee- -£1 ment of missions that seems to have real merit: e a c h Christian family in a church to be responsible for one-tenth of a missionary’s sup­ port. In other words, ten families would get together, and plan to keep one missionary serving on the field. Thus, in a c h u r c h of one hundred families, there would be ten missionaries laboring as their personal representatives. The ad­ vantages of such a plan are almost innumerable. The number of mis­ sionaries would be multiplied; the areas which could be reached would be greatly increased. The spiritual benefits which would come to the donors in many instances would change their lives completely. The outpouring of God’s blessing upon a needy world would be incalculable. The local churches and enterprises would not suffer from this plan, for God has promised that those who give lovingly and sacrificially for this cause so close to His heart will be blessed above all that can be asked or thought. ☆ Red Feather A S this editorial goes to press, a highly-organized United States’ Community Chest campaign, is in progress. We are not now speaking of the value of this work except to say in passing that it is most worthy and deserving of the support of all right-thinking people. What we do want to poin t out is the lengths to which the Committee of the Red Feather has gjone to promote its cause. Across this great land, in cities, towns and villages, the Red JA N U A R Y , 1947

A T THE beginning of each year, the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles promotes a conference honor­ ing Dr. Reuben A. Torrey, one of the first deans of our school and the first pastor of the Church of the Open

Our New Dress The last King’s Business is so beautiful, I want to congratulate you. May your work be blessed, and the circulation of the fine magazine be increased. M rs . C lara B. T orrky 'Widow of the late Di\ H. A. Torreu Wheaton, 111. -V, -.C, Allow me to congratulate you on your new dress. It shows the touch of a master hand in the typographi­ cal arrangements, and the art work is truly beautiful. I am sure that your readers will be more than happy to pay the slight increase in the subscription price. K eith L. B rooks Editor, Prophecy Monthly Los Angeles, Calif. I was very pleasurably surprised to get the October issue of The King’s Business. I like immensely the new process used in the printing and, of course, the new stock is splendid. I think the entire magazine is one hundred per cent improved. T. W. K n (¡STROM Editor, Christian Digest Grand Rapids, Mich. -4*-, —£*- I like the new King’s Business very much. It is a fine job. Congratula­ tions! V ance H avnkr Writer and Conference Speaker Greensboro, N. C. flpi Congratulations on the October is­ sue. It is fine. You are doing a beautiful job. Keep it up! C arol T erry Missionary of the Itamabai Mukti Mission , Author of Kept Kedgaon, India I have wanted to tell you that the new King’s Business is superb. It took my breath away. What an im­ provement! Really it is very beauti­ ful all the way through. You are to be highly commended. -4— -4 “ Let me compliment you on the new paper. The publication presents a beautiful new appearance, and should attract anyone to its mes­ sages. V irginia P ope \\innabow, X. C. Pag« 4 H ansom 1). M arvin Artist and Minister Sprague, Wash.

A note of congratulation on the new magazine. I also enjoy Dr. Bus- well’s articles. C arl F. H. H enry **4— — . I wish to congratulate you on the return to slick paper. The various color tones are especially attractive. It is with a grateful heart to the Lord that I have read your publica­ tion for the past eight years. Even though it was not always printed on paper of a slick type, the messages of the writers were always an endeavor to set forth the truth of God as it is in our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord continue to increase your usefulness till He returns. M rs . M audie F ritsen Inglewood, Calif. -4- We appreciate and rejoice in the Gospel proclaimed in your maga­ zine: the helps in our devotional life, the news of the world that pertains to Christians and the Christian church, and Dr. Talbot’s Question and Answer page. M rs . J. W . M urray Laurens, S. C. * -4- Your magazine has been very bene­ ficial to me. Its pages contain both wisdom and inspiration for every Christian. It has been an influence for the glory of God in my life. C harles W . P eck Moscow, Idaho ~4*" —£** I was so delighted with the Octo­ ber issue that I felt I must write and tell you how truly beautiful it looks in its new dress. The articles are timely and fill a personal need. M rs . M urray T homas Los Angeles, Calif. -4— — Your October issue is very attrac- tive. Am very glad it has been pos­ sible for you to obtain the better paper, but I never objected to the cheaper paper, for it was the mes­ sages to which we really looked for­ ward. M bs . H. H. W ise Los Angeles, Calif. -4*- The magazine is so much better with the change in paper. I receive a real blessing from it. M rs . M ary G imuel Venice, Calif. Professor of Philosophy . S’orthern Baptist Seminary Chicago, III.

I am greatly pleased with the Oc­ tober number, and with the different paper. I am always anxious to see what’s inside the magazine when I get it. Don’t want to be without it. M rs . F. A. F arr La Verne, Calif. -4— — We do appreciate your new format, the beautiful pictures, the shiny paper, the chocolate ink and the splendid articles. Victoria, B. C. G eorge T ester -4- I am sending you the enclosed snapshot to show you how I used the front cover picture of the October issue on the felt-o-graph board in our Child Evangelism class. The lesson was on the Trinity. I explained to the children how the little girl in the picture was developing her spirit through the study of God’s Word. E m ily J ennings Pacific Palisades, Calif. "4— I have been delighted with your magazine and have been a reader of it for a long time. I appreciate the fact that you can send it in a new dress. The Object Lessons are ex­ tremely valuable for the teaching of the Sunday school lessons. Wharton, Ohio D. W orth man -4*- -4- I thank you so much for The King’s Business. I enjoy every word of it. The new issue just arrived and it is lovely, printed on such nice paper. However, the paper hasn’t changed the message of Good News which each number contains. Olathe, Hans. M rs . E. E. S mith -4- I I The last issue of The King’s Busi- ness is surely a nice one. What an improvement you have made! J ohn M. J ordan Algona, Iowa -4— -f- The October number certainly is a great improvement so far as paper and print are concerned. But, praise God, your articles were never in­ ferior. . . H elena E ntz Newton, Ivans. “4— -4“ I wish to say that I think the new paper and method of printing have improved your magazine one hun­ dred per cent. It is too bad you T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Since my subscription ran out, and I haven’t been able to resubscribe for so long, I have just had a lost feeling. I teach a junior class and so many, many times your Object Lessons have been most useful. I also find great help in Dr. Talbot’s Question Box. I have hesitated to reorder when I didn’t have a gift to mail, too, but I do need your help so I’ll pray, and trust the Lord that soon we may send a generous gift. M rs . R ay H atcher Bremerton, Wash. -4- -fr- This magazine i j a very important link with Biola, and we do not want to miss it. E sther W old Salt Lake City, Utah -4- -4- I want you to know I enjoy the magazine. I shall pass it along to someone else each month after I have read it. M rs . F. A. H odges Auburn, Wash. -4- -$~ I’ve received my King’s Business and truly thank you for it. It con­ tains so many blessings and helps me so much. M rs . N ick E pfle Portland, Ore. -4— 4~ We enjoy The King’s Business, especially Dr. Talbot’s Question Box. S gt . and M rs . H. E. M ann Lake Charles, La. -4— -4“ It is the best magazine I’ve seen for Christian workers and the home. I think the meditations on the differ­ ent books of the Bible are so helpful. M rs . A n n ie M. R obinson Howland, Maine -4— -4" Thank you for my copies of The King’s Business. I especially enjoy the Question Box because Dr. Talbot answers the questions so thoroughly. R uth E. D onner Tacoma, Wash. ~4— -4- I have so enjoyed that wonderful magazine, The King’s Business, which you sent me. I had never seen a copy before, and I have read every bit of it. M rs . B lanche L oper San Luis Obispo, Calif. -*4— -4- Have read your magazine for some time, and find it a great help in teaching a Sunday school class in the Methodist church here. Also there are many personal helps; the Book of the Month is splendid. M rs . H arry L assegard Eugene, Ore. -4- For months I have been going to write to tell you how much I appre­ ciate the field food I’ve received from the Bible Book of the Month, and from Dr. Talbot’s Question Box. S unnybeth S oney

weren’t able to publish it in the new form throughout the war years. G. D. L ockyer Los Angeles, Calif. -4~ -4- This month’s Issue of the magazine is really fine! Such good paper, and, most of all, the excellent pictures! The articles are fine. Such splendid quality as this is becoming to a Christian magazine. G loria F lash San Francisco, Calif. **4*- "4“ Your magazine is the last word in topnotch delights! I’ve found excit­ ing helps for many of my definite teaching needs. I’m also prompted to write that while I’m in love with the magazine, I’m disappointed in not finding Charlotte Frampton’s Bible Drills. I shall begin to work on A Bible Alphabet in my mission classes and Child Evangelism work. M rs . P h il R. W est San Diego, Calif. The new magazine has arrived this minute, and it’s a beauty. M r . and M rs . A ugust S chaal Burbank, Calif. More Kind Words Am enjoying the magazine, and find it to be so helpful. Would like to know if you will continue Bible Drills for Juniors and Intermediates. M rs . A. E. W itty Seattle, Wash. -4- -4- I am much pleased with my Octo­ ber magazine. I have always en­ joyed the Devotional Readings. I have had the publication a good many years and would not want to be without it. M rs . M ary B ishop Whittier, Calif. -4— When will you have the lesson ex­ positions as you had several years ago? They were such a wonderful help, especially on the golden text. W . C. M ohr Oxford, Ohio -4— -4- I cannot do without the help I receive from your magazine. I es­ pecially enjoyed “Sixty Wonderful Years.” The Sunday School Lessons and The Book of the Month are help­ ful. M rs . R ussell S chaal Savanna, 111. -4- -4- I want to tell you how very, much we appreciate your magazine; it is a great blessing to us. We like to make a real study of the articles and look up the references. M r . and M rs . T. H. P ark Los Angeles, Calif. ~4- -4- We enjoy your magazine so very much, but we miss the Bible Quizzes. M rs . H. W. K insey Fresno, Calif. JA N U A R Y , 1947

LESSONS OF THE YEAR For I learn as the years roll onward And leave the past behind, That much I have counted sorrow But proves that our God is kind; That many a flower I longed- for Had a hidden thorn of pain, And many a rugged bypath Led to fields of golden grain. The clouds but cover the sunshine, They cannot banish the sun, And the earth looks out the brighter, When the wearisome rain is done. We must stand in the deepest shadow To see the clearest light, And often from wrong’s own dark­ ness Comes the very strength of right. The sweetest rest is at evening After the wearisome day, When the heavy burden of labor Is borne from our hearts away. And those who have never known sorrow Cannot find the infinite peace That falls on the troubled spirit, When it finds a sweet release. We must live through the dreary winter To value the bright warm spring; The woods must be cold and silent Before the robins sing; The flowers must be buried in dark­ ness Before they can bud and bloom, And the purest and wannest sun­ shine Comes after the storm and gloom. So the heart from the hardest trial Gains the purest joy of all, And the lips that have tasted sad­ ness The sweetest songs that fall. Then as joy comes after sorrow, And love’s the reward of pain, So after earth is Heaven, And out of our loss is gain. Anonymous. Page 5

Missionary with The Wycliffe Translators

Mexico, D. F., Mexico

I N THE goodness of God we stand at the portal of another year. The Old Year has rolled into Eternity. What a year of international up­ heaval it proved to be! It may be that we would like to recall the van­ ished months in order to put right a few things. Words were spoken which now we would like to un-say; acts were committed we now wish to un­ do. However, it is too late to make amends. But the beginning of an­ other year is here, and with it the assurance that “the God of our years’’ is with us to make us victori­ ous where last year we were de­ feated, strong where we were weak, hopeful where we were fearful, holy where we were sinful. We have made new resolutions for 1947. We do not know what in sur­ prises or sorrows, the untrodden way holds for us, but, full of hope, we face the unknown future, believing that "so long Thy power hath blessed, sure it still will lead us on.” We do not see the distant scene. Re­ alizing that the journey through the year will have to be taken a step at a time, we have determined to trust ourselves to our divine Guide, whose love and wisdom have already planned our course. So, setting out as we are upon another stretch of earth’s pilgrimage, it will be found helpful to hitch the wagon of our hopes to the star of a promise. With hellish forces let loose upon the earth, and the pros­ pect of a year of unprecedented woe and tribulation, we must have some inspiring message we can take to our heart. Isaiah, for example, con­ tains a wonderful promise for the dark, critical days ahead. If we will appropriate it, it will yield the secret of a holy, happy New Year; “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, 1 will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” (41:10). The Lord reveals Himself in a fourfold way in this Scripture. His Prerogative There are two “not”s we will have to guard against if we want a year of unbroken‘ peace. “Fear thou not . . . be not dismayed.” Fear and dis­ may! These enemies lurk within the shadows to rob us of trust and confi­ dence. And, because of His poise, God possesses the sovereign right to command us to have a year without dread or depression. One of the blessed things about God is that He graciously supplies what He com­ mands. It was this aspect of the divine character that led St. Augus­ tine to pray, “Give what Thou co'm- mandest, then command what Thou

When we are weak, then are we strong. Our greatest victories will be won as the power of Christ covers our impotence. “When my weakness leaneth on His might, all is right.” May each of us prove the Lord to be the strength of our life! There is the “I will” of sympathy. In His promise of help, God offers to take the heaviest end of our load and to assist us in carrying it. As we are moved with sympathy if we see a child struggling beneath a burden too heavy for it to carry, so the Lord offers Himself as our Helper. And the help we will need and receive will not be some­ thing but Someone. With boldness we will declare, “The Lord is my helper.” Surely it was this idea of God the Psalmist had when he wrote, “thou art my help.” We can, therefore, greet the New Year with courage, “for no matter what loads may be ours, the heaviest among them will be light indeed to Him for whom nothing is too hard.” He pre­ sents Himself, then, as a very present Help in trouble, which actually means that He stands ready to un­ dertake for us in tight places. In fact, the original of Psalm 46:1 im­ plies that God runs out speedily to meet and help His troubled children. There is the “I will” of support. What a threefold cord this promise holds! “I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Surely such a trinity ought to banish all fear and dis­ may! Strength — Help — Righteous­ ness. What more could we ask for? If this promise does not produce a happy New Year, then nothing will. Think of it! To be upheld by the hand that formed and upholds the world in its grasp—the hand that is full of righteousness in its dispens­ ing of rewards and punishments. Why, here is power beyond our ut­ most thought, and yet at our dis­ posal. “You know the trysting place,” James <3ilm0ur said to his comrade, "the right-hand side.” In ancient courts, the pleader stood on the right hand, whether he pleaded for or against a person. The Bible presents the right hand as the place of power and the position of highest honor. Thus, the right hand’s upholding us suggests the support of omnipotence. Compare this reference to God’s right hand with another sweet prom­ ise: “The Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” God’s right hand holding our right hand. Hand in hand with God! May this be our constant attitude in the New Year, as its days run their course! Happy New Year in Him! Pas« 7

wilt.” God’s appeal, therefore, is not merely negative. He waits to fortify our mind with His own grace, so that we will not succumb to/any gloom the year may hold. “Fear thou not” ! Fear itself is something to fear. Fear and faith are never good companions. Fear is the child of doubt. Faith is bom of God. Fear ends in failure; faith leads to victory. So to have a year without fear, we must have ever-increasing faith in Him “who is able to do ex­ ceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.” Be not dismayed! War breeds de­ pression, hence, the hopelessness earth’s bloodiest war has given us. We find ourselves in a cheerless world. Multitudes have committed suicide rather than face a future in which they would be slaves ruled by a cruel despot. The enslaved nations are without song. There is a mar­ ginal,reading to this verse in Isaiah: “Look not around thee.” Men have sad hearts and faces because of what they see as they look around. We frankly confess that the outlook is gloomy. “Change and decay in all around I see.” Our eyes, however, must not be upon our environment. We must not look back, either. If we do, past sins and failures will add to our dismay. Guilty of transgres­ sion though we were, we must not brood over our sins. If they are un­ der the blood of Jesus, then let them stay there. To look within is likewise harm­ ful to our faith. Introspection is likely to make us morbid. Self- examination creates unwarranted re­ morse. While it is true, as Plato states, that “the unexamined life is not worth having,” the only safe and profitable way for the Christian is the examination of self by the Lord. No, the right way is to look up— not around, or behind, or within, but up to Him who is omnipotent. Look up—God reigns, and over unaccus­ tomed paths He will lead us into deeper experiences of His love and power! Look up—for amid any storm that may rage He will be at hand to sustain with His peace! Look up— for our salvation is nearer than when we believed. We must look up and thus be ready to go up. His Presence For the two "not”s there are two “I am”s. “I am with thee.” The consciousness of God’s presence pro­ duces a life without fear. “I am thy God.” The realization of God’s power means a life without dismay. Many precious friendships are ours as we commence another year, but as time rolls by, one here and there will drop out of the journey. Life may become very lonely as the vacant chairs appear. But here is One who

promises never to leave us. Living, loving hands will be forced to re­ lease their grasp. Christ, however, will never, never let go of us. He declares that He will be with us, not merely near—within call, if needed, but actually with us. In the dark hours that may befall us, He will be there saying, “O heart I made, a heart beats here.” The assurance of His ineffable tenderness and abiding companionship will inspire confi­ dence and impart comfort. As a very present help in trouble, He will pre­ serve us from tormenting fears. The billows of grief may dash against our frail craft, but with Christ in the vessel we will smile at the storm. THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH I Irene Haltenhoff "Blessed hope I His Second Coming When the dead in Christ shall rise. Blessed shoutl To send us homing There to meet Him in the skies. "Blessed promise1 Comfort bringing That all sorrows .then shall cease. Blessed trumpet! Glad hearts singing As we find eternal peace." His Power With our hand on the latch of the door of the New Year, we can enter it with boldness, knowing that God’s infinite resources will be at our dis­ posal. The promise of power is for even the weakest of His saints. “I am thy God.” Yes, your God! "God,” the primary name of Deity, is derived from El, meaning the Strong One, and. Allah, meaning to bind oneself by an oath, so implying faithfulness. The God who declares that He will be with us is the Strong One, who will carry out every promise on our behalf. As needs arise, He will meet them; as enemies appear, He will vanquish them; as clouds gather, He will dispel them. May ours be a great faith in a great God! His Provision It will be noticed that our New Year’s promise contains three “I will”s. Such a triplet of certainty ought to slay all fears. There is the "I will” of strength. We shall not travel far into the New Year without learning that the secret of strength is the consciousness of weakness.

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Robert Hall Glover, M.D., F.R.G.S.

7 HE evangelization of the world has always been a pressing claim upon the Church of Christ. Fore­ most among the grounds on which that claim rests are loyal obedience to Christ’s Great Com­ mission, compassion for the heathen in their desperate need, and the wonderful results achieved by the Gospel wherever it has gone. These arguments for missions are still in order, and as urgent as ever because of the vast need yet remaining, and the sadly small propor­ tion of Christian churches and individuals that can be said to be heartily enlisted in the missionary cause. It is not my purpose to dwell upon these basic grounds of appeal, but rather to call attention to certain special features of today’s situation which strongly accentuate the missionary challenge and invest it with new urgency. Those words spoken long ago to young Queen Esther by her cousin Mordecai furnish a fitting keynote for my message: “Who knowest whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” In Esther’s case, it was a time of desperate emergency. A whole nation, her own people, were facing imminent danger of extermination through the crafty plotting of a wicked enemy and the inexorable decree of a despotic ruler. The only hope of averting this awful calamity seemed to lie in Esther herself, because of her having been elevated to a position of royal favor. How would she meet the situation? Would she interpret her high position as designed by God for the very purpose of saving her doomed nation? Or would she put her own interests and safety first, and turn a deaf ear to the cry of others’ dire need? * Mordecai’s words put the issue squarely before her. Esther must have pondered his words deeply. At length, the right decision came. Nobly she flung herself into the breach, disregarding all risk and cost to herself, and by her heroic act she saved a nation from death. Yes, God had indeed brought her to the kingdom for such a time as this, and she did not fail Him, but appre­ hended His will and measured up to His expectation of her. Do not these words of Mordecai find searching appli­ cation to God’s people 'today in relation to the present missionary situation? That phrase “such a time as this” has been ringing in my own soul, and I want it to ring in the soul of every reader of this article. Will you, then, consider with me some aspects of “such a time as this” as bearing upon the present hour in world-wide missions. It is a time of reaping The sacrifices and sufferings of the brave pioneers who blazed the early missionary trails, and the patient, persevering seed sowing of their successors have brought us to the stage of harvest. Visible results are infinitely greater than ever before, those of a single day often­ times surpassing those of whole years a generation or two ago. Nor is the missionary any longer a lone evan­ gelist as he once was, but has with him a corps of efficient indigenous workers. Page 8

A searching challenge from one of our greatest missionary statesmen.

It is a time of unexcelled advantage Despite the war’s disruption of missionary operations, causing painful reduction in the ranks, enormous prop­ erty losses, and hardships and sufferings for many mis­ sionaries and native Christians, Satan signally failed in his attempt to crush the missionary cause. In mul­ tiplied instances, the Lord turned calamity into bless­ ing. Physical sufferings and material losses had a humbling effect, turning the minds of many toward spiritual things. The missionaries’ unselfish ministry to war sufferers had a profound effect for good. Great numbers of homeless and destitute war victims came under the sound of the Gospel in refugee camps and mission stations where they were succored, and cared for. More conversions to Christ were reported for the war years than for any similar period theretofore. The native churches came through the fires of affliction purified and strengthened, while the migrations caused by the war vastly extended the radius of Gospel wit­ nessing. Among the highlights of spiritual gain growing out of the war may be mentioned the wonderful revival in the infant churches of Ethiopia which swept thousands of souls into the fold during the enforced absence of the missionaries, and the phenomenal change in the atti­ tude of the great and influential student body of China from that of cold contempt or open hostility toward Christianity to that of genuine interest and even deep spiritual concern. A Chinese Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship has actually been formed, with chapters in more than half of the sixty modem colleges and uni­ versities. In special evangelistic services held in ten or more of these institutions, large numbers of students have openly confessed Christ as Saviour. Similar meet­ ings are now being held among the military forces of China, while the military hospitals, and the jails and penitentiaries have been officially thrown open to the preaching of the Gospel. Thus has missionary opportu­ nity reached a new high for all time in that greatest of fields. The same situation prevails in other fields as well. It is a time of increased improvements Prominent among these are the vastly improved means of transportation and communication introduced during the war—new railroads, motor highways, air­ ways, telegraph and telephone equipment, and much else. Voice-magnifying devices ranging all the way from loud-speakers to powerful radio broadcasting stations have vastly extended the scope of Gospel peaching. All of these and other new facilities constitute a very sub­ stantial help to missionary operations, and are to be regarded as having been providentially raised up to expedite the advance of Gospel witnessing to the ends of the earth. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

be fast running out, and the clock of time to have struck the eleventh hour. But there is still work for God’s servants in this eleventh hour. The vineyard parable of Jesus pictures the lord of the vineyard’s calling for laborers even at the eleventh hour. Our risen Lord gave to His disciples an explicit command to make known His salvation to all men. His last words were: “Ye shall be [my] witnesses . . . unto the uttermost part of the earth.” And let it be noted that this statement is more than a command: it is a prediction as well. Surely that pre­ diction must be fulfilled, and that task must be carried out. And if so, does this fact not establish a clear re­ lation between world evangelization and the Lord’s re­ turn? Hudson Taylor, the godly founder of the China Inland Mission, wrote: “If the Lord is coming soon, is this not a very practical motive for greater missionary effort? I know of no other motive that has been so stimulating to myself.” The statement is frequently made that all the events have taken place, and the conditions met, that were predicted to precede the coming back of Christ. Yet the fact remains that Christ has not yet come. Is it not well to consider whether His delay may be because, the task He set for His Church is not yet completed? I con­ fess to disappointment that prophetic conferences so often discuss elaborately “the signs of the times” but without any mention of the missionary sign, which I regard as one of the most important. Moreover, all of these other signs relate to matters about which we can do little or nothing, whereas in the spreading of the Gospel to the ends of the earth we may all have an active part. It is indeed a joy to note the recent marked increase of missionary concern and co-operation among Christians at home, and also the penetration of hitherto wholly unoccupied regions abroad. Thus hope is quickened and effort stimulated for the speedy com­ pletion of the task of evangelizing the world. Mention of the last day leads our thought to the last chapter of the Book of God. There we read the words, “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.” Commenta­ tors differ as to whether this is the Advent call, or the Gospel call. Some take it to be the response to the Lord’s “Surely I come quickly,” rather than part of the gracious invitation, “Let him that is athirst come. And . . . take the water of life freely.” Dr. A. J. Gordon in one of his great books suggested that the two interpre­ tations might well be blended together. “With eyes turned heavenward,” he wrote, “the Bride is ever cajling to the Bridegroom, ‘Even so, come, Lord Jesus,’ the Holy Spirit, the Friend of the Bridegroom, inspiring and sus­ taining this cry throughout the age. At the same time, with hands outstretched toward a famishing world, both are calling, ‘Let him that heareth say, Come . . . and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.’ ” We as Christians need to maintain this double at­ titude. The uplifted gaze without the outstretched hands will tend to make us visionary, while the out­ stretched hands without the upward look will tend to make us weary. The two_ must go together. Like the Thessalonian believers, we should combine the “pa­ tience of hope” with the “ labour of love.” Let us not be gazers, engrossed in speculation about “the times or the seasons” (Acts 1:7), but goers, pressing on and out to the ends of the earth with the Good News, in­ spired by the “ blessed hope” and the prospect of greet­ ing our Lord with an offering of souls rescued from sin to become lustrous gems for His crown in the day of His appearing. To pray consistently that last prayer of the Bible, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus,” we must be living and afcting in obedience to His last command, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Page 9

It is a time of new and menacing opposition It must not be thought for a moment that Satan, de­ feated in his design to overthrow missions by means of war, will now relax his efforts and allow the present highly advantageous situation to go unchallenged. He will surely continue his tenacious opposition to Christ’s cause, cunningly employing fresh and crafty devices to achieve his wicked purpose. Without a doubt, he is even now mustering his evil forces for a fresh as­ sault, and will hotly contest every effort for post-war missionary advance. It must be evident that the new open door for God’s forces is equally an open door for the devil’s emissaries. And so into the reopened door to the newly awakened lands of the Orient and Africa will pour a fresh flood of ail the vices of a godless civi­ lization, such as rum, narcotics, harlotry, indecent pic­ ture shows, immoral and atheistic literature, as well as false cults and philosophies, perverted religion, and a host of other vile influences. Communism has already raised anew its ugly head in the Far East, in open and deadly opposition to the Gospel. All this need not surprise us, for from the very in­ ception of Christian missions the “many adversaries” have kept abreast of the “great door and effectual.” Yet the Apostle Paul was not in the least dismayed or de­ terred by them. They only whetted his zeal, and stimu­ lated his efforts. Writing to the Christians of his day, he bade them be “ in nothing terrified by your adver­ saries.” We need to take to heart that admonition in our day and “ give [no] place to the devil.” To allow these present corrupting and damning forces to outrun us in pressing into the new open doors and turning to their own wicked ends all these splendid advantages and opportunities which have been cited would mean a disastrous setback to the cause of Christ. We MUST go forward and win out at any cost. It is the time of the last days This is the final and climactic feature to consider. That we are in the last days, and that the end of the age is drawing near seems altogether obvious when we note the striking correspondence between present- day conditions and the inspired picture which the New Testament presents of the last days of this age. We see the alarming breakdown of morals, the shocking increase of foul and callous crime, as well as of lewd behavior on every hand. We read official reports of juvenile delinquency marked by acts of unbelievable vileness. We see persistent friction between labor and capital, attended by a veritable epidemic of strikes and violent disorders, with utter disregard for public needs and interests, which are wantonly sacrificed to selfish greed and graft. We see ever mounting political strife and confusion within the nation, and steadily worsening international relations, despite all the elabo­ rate schemes for bringing about mutual understanding and goodwill. We see a steady trend toward dictatorship in the political world, and significant beginnings of a similar huge, unspiritual control in the religious world. We see all too commonly “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof,” accompanied by every phase of spiritual and moral declension predicted in the epistles to Timothy as characterizing “the last days.” We see the continued ruthless persecution of the Jews and the increase of anti-Semitism. We see appalling famine and misery stalking across the entire world in the wake of global war. Can we fail to recognize in these conditions, and par­ ticularly in the combination of all of them at one time, a striking resemblance to the Bible picture of the last days? Do they not indicate the near approach of the end and the return of the Lord? Man’s day seems to JA N U A R Y , 1947

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