King's Business - 1947-01

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aW»8w»v “ I guess we need to pray, don’t we?” Harold was thinking the same thing. Then they whispered something like this: “Jesus, we thought Lawrence was a sissy; but we were the real sissies. We weren’t brave enough to be honest and do what we knew was right, what our Dads and Moms thought we were doing. We cheated. Forgive us, will You?" Of course the Lord Jesus did. Then Jim went home. Later Harold asked his mother and father to forgive him, too. They were glad that he was willing to confess his wrongdoing. They were h a p p y also that he and Jim had decided that to be obedient and honest always pays. Afterwards the three boys, were bet­ ter friends than ever, and many times Jim and Harold proudly related to the other boys how Lawrence had saved Harold’s life by his quick-thinking and courage. Lawrence knew that because he had dared to do what was right even though the other boys made fun of him, the Lord Jesus had helped him to perform a brave deed, and to show his two playmates what a fine thing it is to be an honest Christian. A Bible Alphabet In the October issue of our maga­ zine we published the’ first part of a list of the names of the Lord Jesus, beginning with twenty-one letters of the alphabet. There were ten given. Can you repeat them now? Here is the rest of the list. There are eleven names in it. Try to memorize them with their locations in Scripture. K—ing of Kings (Rev. 19:16). L—amb (Rev. 5:12). M —oming Star (Rev. 22:16). N —azarene (Matt. 2:23). O —nly Begotten Son (John 1:18). P—rince (Acts 5:31). R —esurrection and the Life (John 11:25). S —hepherd (1 Pet. 2:25).

T T WAS a cold, clear afternoon. Law- rence breathed deeply of the pine- scented woods as he walked along the snowy path which led to the church. Just before he came to the bend in the path which led around the edge of Balsam Bay, he heard shouting and laughing. “Oh, I guess that’s Harold and Jim,” he thought. “I suppose, though, they’re not going to Sunday school today,” he said to himself disappointedly. Soon the boys came into view. They were skating along the edge of the Bay, and when they saw Lawrence, they yelled: “Go and get your skates, Pal. The ice is super!” “Not today, fellows,” replied Law­ rence, “but i ’ll wait for you until you take off those skates and come along with me to the class. Mr. Shoupe will be looking for you there, you know.” “Stop being funny.” Harold was angry. “The Sunday school will be there when this ice is melted.” “Sure,” added Jim, “don’t be such a sissy.” As Lawrence turned to go, the boys called after him: “Sissy! Sissy!” Lawrence stopped. “Say, fellows, I don’t suppose your folks know that you’re skating, do they? They think you’ve gone to Sunday school, don’t they?” “Sure they do.” “What they don’t know won’t hurt them,” chuckled Harold. “Well, I’d rather be a sissy than a cheat,” said Lawrence. “Sissy! Sissy!” was the only answer the boys could think of, for they knew in their hearts that they were cheat­ ing. The lesson that afternoon helped Lawrence. Among other things, Mr. Shoupe said to the boys: “You know, boys, it takes courage to be a real Christian, and do the right thing, al­ ways. Any ‘softy’ can drift with the gang. The followers of Christ have always been men and women of char­ acter. Some of them have had to suf- Page 16

fer for His Name, but you can be sure that He helps those who love and fol­ low Him. He stands by them when they face their enemies When Sunday school was over, Law­ rence said “good-by” to the other boys and Mr. Shoupe, and started home. When he came near the place where the path led along the shore of the Bay, he heard a scream, and recog­ nized Jim’s voice calling frantically, “Help! Help!” Lawrence ran around the bend, and realized immediately what had hap­ pened. Harold had skated too near the pipe which carried the water into the Bay, and had fallen through the thin ice which surrounded it, into the freez­ ing water. He was struggling to pull himself out, but the ice kept breaking. Jim was trying to get near enough to get hold of him, but could not do so without going down himself. Lawrence breathed a quick prayer, and the Lord Jesus helped him to think what to do in the emergency. He quickly picked up a long branch lying on the shore, and ran over to the edge of the thin ice, thrusting the end of it toward Harold. Harold grasped it tightly with both hands, and soon Lawrence had him up where the ice was thick and firm. He and Jim threw their coats around Harold and hurried him home. Harold’s mother and father t o o k care of him in such a loving way that soon he was warm and comfortable. But Harold was unhappy about some­ thing. He had seen how hurt and serious his mother and father had looked when they learned that their boy had disobeyed and deceived them. When Lawrence had gone home, and Harold’s mother and father were downstairs, Jim and Harold were very quiet for a long time. The Lord Jesus was speaking to their hearts. Presently Jim dropped to his knees beside the bed where Harold was lying under the warm blankets.

T —ruth (John H:6). V —ine (John 15:1). W —ord of Life (1 John 1:1).

New K.Y.B.C. Members BEARDEN, ARK.: Betty Rose Anthony: Theo Bentz; Joe Bransford; Epsie Jo and Lyle Gregory; Mary Ann Husky: Robert Masterson (Rev. Lyle Gregory, leader). WEST LIBERTY. OHIO: Emery Craw­ ford; Brian Downing: John Kauffman: Richard Sargent; David and Dean Yoder (Mary K. Plank, leader). T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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