“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isa. 26:3).
regular territory periodically, hold ing meetings in schoolhouses, halls, or h o m e s , as opportunity offers. Among many heart-stirring incidents related is the story of two barkeep ers, one of whom was converted through the reading of a New Testa ment given him by Mr. Candee. Soon his family followed him in serving the Lord. His friend, the owner of the bar, was likewise given a New Testament, and he and his family are reading the Word of God and attend ing church services. Both of these men are now out of the nefarious liquor traffic. Pray for this soul saving work. Kentucky Mountain Mission work ers are happy over the progress of the Lord’s work in their community. Helen Bennett ’42, has a Bible class every Monday night with fifteen to thirty young people present. Mary Becker has a class of children on Tuesday afternoon, and Mercy Pie- tsch is teacher of a class of ten to twenty women who meet regularly every Thursday afternoon for Bible study. These three missionaries are stationed at Winchester, Ky. Doro thy Hosking ’33, writes encouraging ly of the work at Burning Springs and has hopes of establishing an Eteri Club among the junior high school girls. Some of the work of this district is in almost inaccessible territory, but the people seem to be experiencing an encouraging awak ening along spiritual lines. Dorothy asks special prayer for this field. Annie Bethke ’19 and Mary Lopp Fields ’38 cite a touching incident. A father came to their station at night, weeping. He told them that some one had left an open can of lye on a bench; his little girl three years of age used the can for a drinking cup and died a few hours later. This child had learned a Bible verse which she had recited to him on sev eral occasions: “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Rev. 20:15). This great sorrow was used to bring this wandering father to the Lord. He testified: “I know my name is written in the Book of Life, and I will see my child again.” Under date of September 30, Lawrence and Meta (Schroeder) Powell, both of the T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Claude H. Pearson ’21, 386 W. Fifth St., San Pedro, Calif., reports that a number of ex-servicemen, some of them much in need of a re newal of fellowship with the Lord, have visited the Mariners Fellowship Center. Mrs. Pearson (Sylvia M. Fox ’22) has had a much needed va cation for two months, but Claude’s mother was a valuable aid to him in keeping the work going while his wife was gone. Seven new Chinese Navy ships anchored in the Harbor have been visited recently on which Gospels and tracts in Chinese were distributed to hundreds of the young men on board. The Pearsons covet prayer that permission also may be granted for them to board a French cadet ship; they are prepared with Gospels and tracts in the French language which they are anxious to distribute. Their plan is a personal interview with every man who re ceives a Gospel portion that the printed message may be explained clearly. Gordon P. '46 and Mrs. Titus (Lor raine Ebel former student) Box 553, Weed, Calif., report some victories gained in the name of our wonder ful Lord. They are out to win souls to Christ; the adversary has hin dered in some ways, but in other in stances the Lord has opened effect ual doors of service. One school teacher has offered to have a re leased time class conducted in her school every Thursday afternoon. Twenty miles north of Weed, there is a nucleus for a Sunday school; visitation in person and by letter is encouraging. Pray for a real work in this community. Marilyn Alice Winther, 5208 La Roda Ave., Los Angeles 41, graduate of the University of California and former student of the Bible Institute, feels the call of God to give herself to teaching in the school for Indian boys and girls at San Antonio, Gua temala. Consequently, she has stepped out of full-time teaching in Released Time Bible Education that she may give herself entirely to this new work. Prayer is asked for the Page 18
supply of her every need, and for her personal preparation for service. Herbert W. Cassel ’26, P.G. ’27, Ja lapa, Guatemala, writes of great blessing as fellow-workers gathered at Panajachel for a time of waiting on the Lord for the furtherance of the work there, and in the surround ing territory. The spiritual life of the native church has been under' serious discussion. One of the native pastors reported that the members of his church had already made a down payment on a $7,000 lot, and wished to finance the building of their new church by their own sacri ficial gifts. Such a spirit is most en couraging; pray for this group. China’s Millions for October says: "After serving admirably on the Home Staff at Los Angeles these past few years Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owen [Marguerite Goodner ’33] now look forward to returning to China. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Walton (Lois Whipple [both of the class of ’29] have accepted the Home Director’s invitation to the work in Los An geles. Since being repatriated from the Japanese internment camp at Weishien, Mr. and Mrs. Walton have been serving the Lord at the Lake Whatcom Bible and Missionary Con ference, commonly known as ‘The Firs,’ at Bellingham, Wash.” Barbara Candee '35, Box 48, Mayer, Ariz., has a real burden for the young people in that section whose social activities consist mainly of the Saturday night dance. Barbara is attempting to counteract this evil by instituting singing events. The meet ings are held in various homes on Friday nights; the accordion is used for the musical accompaniment, in troducing a felt-o-graph message, and then followed by more singing. These “sing-fests” have been carried to outlying ranches, and it is hoped to get a real nucleus of people in terested in establishing a Christ- centered work. Barbara’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben 8. Caldee, are working after the manner of the old- time circuit riders. They cover k
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