King's Business - 1947-01

which will prove of interest to Fam­ ily Circle readers are those of Clif­ ford N. Ryan ’46, at Verde Baptist Church, Cottonwood, Ariz.; James Hallett Christian ’42, at the West Hollywood Baptist Church, Los An­ geles; Daniel Fuller, son of 'Charles E. Fuller ’21, at. the Baptist Taber­ nacle, Pasadena; William Cozens ’37, B.Th. ’45, at Calvary Baptist Church, Whittier. Edgar B. ’16 and Mrs. Luther-were given a reception by the members of the First Baptist Church, Albany, Ore., on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. The happy oc­ casion was graced with the gift of a beautiful, coffee service. Herbert E. Grings T6, and daugh­ ter, Bessie, arrived in Los Angeles in November after a three months’ jour­ ney from their station in the Congo Beige. Bessie will finish her high school education at Culter Academy, and has plans for a course at Biola upon completion of her schoolwork. BORN To John and Mrs. Weaver (Esther Lambert ’35), a son, James Edward, Oct. 4, at Emanuel Hospital, Port­ land, Ore. To Burns ’42 and Mrs. Anderson (Margaret Fraser ’36), a son, Allan Burns, Oct. 15, at 3233 N. Panama, Chicago, 111. To Albert C. ’37 and Mrs. Wall (Margery'Williams ’36), a daughter, Ruth Florence, Oct. 10, at Port Orchard, Wash., where Albert is pas­ tor of the Bethel Community Church. To George and Mrs. Ritz (Kather­ ine Baerg ’28, P.G. ’38), a son, Sam­ uel Robert, Oct. 28, at Cleveland, Ohio. To Leonard C. ’44 and Mrs. Hanes (Helen Regier ’43), a son, Lyman Duane, Nov. 5, at Santa Marta, Mag­ dalena, Colombia, S. A. Reported by the grandfather, Jacob J. Regier of Newton, Kans. To Marvin ’39 and Mrs. Dick (Eliz­ abeth L. Voth), a son, Timothy Allen, June 1, at North Fork, Calif., where Mr. Dick has established Grace Com­ munity Church. He reports hearts hungry for the Word, and asks our prayers.

class of '39, write from St. Helens, Ky., of the safe arrival of their lit­ tle family in the station wagon so graciously provided by the Lord in answer to prayer. They are making preparation to begin their work of teaching in the schools, and write: “Words cannot express the royal welcome we have received from all our old friends here. It has been good to greet them and make new friends.” § Lois Briggs ’33, Abaiyath via Me- lut, A.E. Sudan, Africa, after being detained many days, awaiting the permission of her doctor to return to Africa, was given but four days notice that a freighter would be able to furnish her the desired transporta­ tion. Imagine the dozens of little de­ tails consequent to leaving on such short notice. The Lord gave the evi­ dence in many ways that this was His plan. Lois found herself the only woman aboard a freighter carrying eleven men. She is happy to be among her beloved Dinkas; her work for several m o n t h s will be evangelistic as well as medical, for she has been chosen to relieve a nurse who is on a furlough. The South Africa General Mission letter contains the. following para­ graph concerning C. J. ’38 and Mrs. Kopp, Luampa, N. Rhodesia: “We rejoice with these faithful mission­ aries in the advent of their twin sons Thomas and Timothy. By this time they are doubtless back in Luampa where they will have a royal wel­ come. May God’s richest blessing be upon parents and children. The founding of a Christian home in Cen­ tral Africa is in itself a distinct blessing, and many natives have been brought to know our precious Saviour through little children—‘a little child shall lead them.’ ” Wings of Praise and Prayer, is­ sued by the Missionary Aviation Fel­ lowship, describes a simple cere­ mony, climaxing a few weeks of ne­ gotiations recently concluded by Cameron Townsend, director of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, who pointed out that the Institute is in Peru, not to be served, but to serve. A plane, just acquired, has been greatly needed to transport workers in the translation field to their var­ ious zones of endeavor. Many of Biola’s family have entered this re­ gion, and we all join in praising the Lord for this addition to the work. Lubin W. '40 and Mrs. Janteen (Matilda Mueller ’42) are expecting to leave for the Lord’s chosen field of service for them very soon. With passports in hand, and waiting for passage, they are spending a season at the Jantzen family home in Paso Robles; India is their destination. Lubin’s final word is: “We covet your prayers, and shall remember J A N U A R Y , 1947

Rev. and Mrs. Dean Pittman and family.

dear old Biola.” Extra! Extra! A twenty-dollar bill was enclosed as payment on a pledge, with the re­ quest to put their names on the mail­ ing list to receive The King’s Busi­ ness. Mathilda Wall ’42, recently men­ tioned as graduating from nurses’ training school, has been accepted by the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren churches to rep­ resent them in the Belgian Congo as a medical missionary. Mathilda has attended the linguistic school, and is now making active preparation to go to the field. She writes: “I real­ ize that the responsibility is great; and that I am not going in my own strength, but in the strength of the Lord, and with Him nothing is im­ possible.” There are many needs— remember her in prayer. Fred E. ’31 and Mrs. Bennett have moved to South Phoenix, Ariz., where Fred has been called to the pastor­ ate of the Baptist Church, formerly occupied by H. Gordon Hyde ’31. Fred’s young son of nine years al­ ready carries a burden for souls and is active in witnessing to his school­ mates, and occasionally reads the Scriptures for the morning worship service in his father’s pulpit. Edward F. and Mrs. Bennett, parents of Fred E. Bennett, and former students in the Bible Institute, are active in mis­ sion and jail work in Los Angeles. Dean and Mrs. Pittman (Ruth Mary Brown), both former students at Biola, have departed by plane for Peru, where they will serve the Lord. Dean writes, in Mid-Missions Bulle­ tin: “The Lord willing, we expect to learn the language of one of these neglected tribes of Indians, reduce it to writing, and give them the Gos­ pel in their own tongue. We desper­ ately need your prayers.” The Pitt­ man’s have two beautiful little chil­ dren. Dean’s mother, Mrs. Alice Pittman, lives at Fouts Springs, Calif. Mail addressed in her care will be forwarded to them. Recent ordinations to the ministry

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