King's Business - 1947-01

February 2, 1947 YOUTH SHARES THE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 1 J o h n 1 :3-7

Dr. Walter L. Wilson Thus barriers will be removed, and a loving fellowship created among all Christians. 3. UNITY IN FAITH. John 17:20, 21. Various denominational groups are held together in a strong fellowship because they believe the same creed and seek to follow the same program. In a greater way this is true of all real believers. No matter where they are found, in whatever group they serve, their hearts are knit together and they meet at the Lord’s Table without any barriers. God’s love in­ stilled in the heart removes the wall of partition and unites hearts in a common faith: faith in Christ Jesus, faith in the Father’s love and power, faith in the ministry and service of the Holy Spirit, faith in the accuracy, veracity, and authority of the Word of God, faith in the service of the King, and faith in the precious prom­ ises concerning the future of His people. 4. UNITY IN DEVOTION. 1 Pet. 1:8. In political campaigns, we see various groups united under the leadership of their chosen candidates. They publicly avow their confidence in this or that man, and declare their faith in his policies. His binding in­ fluence and drawing power unite his followers under his banner. There are no distinctions made among the voters except that all must be citi­ zens and properly registered. This same condition should exist in the precious things of God. All must believe in the Leader, the Lord Jesus Christ. They must have con­ fidence in His teachihg and in His character. He is the drawing power; He is the attraction; He holds hearts together. It is His own majesty and holiness that cause men in every na­ tion to renounce their traditions, customs, and habits and to turn wholeheartedly to Him. He binds into the same bundle of life with Himself all who love and obey Him. THE K I NG ’ S BUS I NESS

causes Christians to serve together with energy and zeal in order that lost men may be saved. In business and social projects in the world, the people who are engaged in these activities put forth real effort, and

rpHERE can be no fellowship, at least no Christian fellowship, be­ tween the saved and the lost, be­ tween those who love Christ Jesus, and those who ignore Him. There can be no union of hearts between the enemies of God and the friends of God. God’s plain call to an absolute separation is found in 2 Corinthians 6:17,18. However, when a Jew becomes a genuine Christian, when a Catholic is born again, when a Japanese re­ ceives Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, when a Russian and a Ger­ man are converted, they have no difficulty in having sweet fellow­ ship with each other. There never can be on this earth a fellowship unless Christ Jesus is accepted, the Word of God is believed, and hearts make room for the King of Glory to rule their lives. 1. UNITY IN FELLOWSHIP. 1 Cor. 1:9. Christ Jesus is the center of this fellowship. Hearts that have fellow­ ship with the living Lord begin im­ mediately and automatically to have fellowship with one another. There is created in the heart a desire to walk with God, and to live in happy fellowship with all other believers of every race. In a certain church where Christ was honored and the Word of God loved, men from eleven different races gave their personal testimony concerning their faith in Christ, their belief in God's Word, and their love for one another. This was a small but typical example of the blessed fellowship that today exists throughout the world among those who have obeyed the truth of the Gospel and made Jesus Christ their Lord and Saviour. 2. UNITY IN PURPOSE. Phil. 1:27. A common desire creates a united effort. A single goal draws hearts together in the accomplishment of it. In this passage, the Gospel is pre­ sented as the uniting force which P<9< 24

rrs AN IDEA Rev. Carlton C. Buck

Idea 1. In relation to the February 9 topic, make a sur­ vey of the conditions in your own community in regard to minority groups. Are they kept in undesirable surroundings by “restrictive covenants"? Have they educational, recrea­ tional and religious opportu­ nities? These points should be discussed in your meeting. Idea 2. The meeting on “World Brotherhood Day,” Feb­ ruary 16, should be inter-racial in spirit and, if possible, young people of other nationalities should be invited to attend. All who are in Christ are truly brothers. In the light of Cal­ vary, all saved ones are equal. Idea 3. Invitations in the shape of six-inch rulers, made of yellow cardboard or heavy paper, would be appropriate for the February 23 meeting. The words of the golden rule should be printed on them. Idea 4. Remember the month­ ly Consecration Service when each member responds to roll call by repeating a Scripture verse. This particular service is usually held on the first Sun­ day of each month. seek ways and means to bring about the desired results. It should be our desire as Christians to see that all hear the Gospel so that out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation some believers may be won.

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