Outline and Exposition
Points and Problems
For the Children A llison A rrowood
B. B. S utcliffe
H omer A. K ent
FEBRUARY 2,1947 JESUS, THE GIVER OF LIFE J ohn 4:46-51; 5:2-9; 11:11-13.
“He went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son” (4-'47). Here we have an instance of Jesus’ not answering a man according to his asking. The nobleman evidently felt that in or der to bring healing to his son, Jesus would have to make the journey of twenty-five miles to the place where the sick son was, and perform a spec tacular miracle. He did not realize that all that was needed was a word from the lips of the Lord. We ought to learn from this experience that sometimes our requests are not ex pressed wisely. We ought to be will ing to let the Lord answer our re quests in His own way. In the end, the nobleman was glad that the Lord had His way. "Impotent . . . blind . . . halt . . . withered . . . waiting” (5:3). How ac curately these words describe the un saved of the world! In their unre generate state, they lie by the waters of this world’s sea, waiting for some thing they know not what. Analyze these five words in relation to those' who know not Christ and see how perfectly they apply. “Sir, I have no man” (5:7). This is the voice of one who had lost hope. In a sense, he spoke the truth be cause among all of those who visited the pool of Bethesda, no one was willing or able to help him. But there is another sense in which he was not right. The Son of man who was the Son of God, was abundantly able and willing to help him. Thus, brought to the end of himself, the needy man found the Saviour.
long time in that case.” He asked him, “Wilt thou be made whole?” The man thought that all he needed was some human help—someone "to put me into the pool.” The pool was his hope, not the Maker of the pool, with whom he was not acquainted. But Jesus spoke another word, and “immediately the man was made whole.” The impotent one received strength directly from the Creator of the pool. Jesus, knowing that Lazarus was dead, said, “I go, that I may awake him out of sleep . . . Howbeit Jesus spake of his death.” Humanity would go to Bethany in order that Deity might operate in the tomb. Jesus was certain that'He could raise the dead, even though a man were already buried. The spiritual appli cation of these cases lies upon the surface. Jesus is aware of the true condition of all humankind: they are sick, needing health; weak, need ing strength; and dead, needing life. He knows how to minister to the need of all who will receive help from His hand alone. Points and Problems "So Jesus came again into Cana” (4:46). Note the word again. It sug gests the abounding grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who again and again offers Himself to answer the need of men. Although He had min istered in Cana before, He saw other opportunities to help needy ones, so He returned with hands full of mercy. In like manner, today, by His Spirit, He gives blessing and power over and over to places and persons ready to receive Him. L ife for D eath (J ohn 11:11-13)
Outline and Exposition H ealth for S ickness (J ohn 4:46-51)
Trouble and sickness come to all alike, rich and poor, ,and the noble man described in this passage was no exception. Like any father, his heart was crying for help for his dying son. He asked Jesus to come to Capernaum. Jesus indicated in His reply that signs and wonders were' demanded by the people before they would believe (v. 48). But the father in his earnestness, brushed all discussion aside; it was as if he said: "Stop discussing, and come before it is too late.” There would be time enough to talk when the boy was out of danger. Then Jesus said, ‘Thy son llveth.” In that word was om nipotence—healing at a distance; omnipresence—Jesus was ministering to the distant son as He conversed with the present father; and om niscience—Jesus saw and knew the trouble without ever seeing the boy with natural eyes. The father be lieved the word of the Saviour and his heart found solace. As he went his way, his servants met him, re peating the exact words of Jesus, “Thy son liveth.” S trength for I mpotency (J ohn 5:2-9) Among the multitude around the pool of Bethesda was a man who for thirty-eight years had been waiting and hoping for relief (vs. 1-5). Jesus was cognizant of the man’s situation; He "knew that he had been now a Lesson material is based upon out lines of International Sunday School Lessons, copyrighted by the Interna tional Council of Religious Educa tion; used by permission. Page 28
For the Children J esus H elps a S ick B oy . (J ohn 4:46b-53)
M e m o r y V e r s e : “All the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him” (Luke 13:17). Has your mother ever had to call a doctor to see you because you were sick? Can you imagine how worried T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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