King's Business - 1947-01

Mutual Broadcast Coast-to-Coast Sunday Mornings: 8 P .S .T .; 9 M .S .T .; 10 C .S.T.; 11 E.S.T.

One of the newest, and certainly one of the most powerful, mediums for the spread of the Gospel is that of radio. During the last few months, the radio set manufacturers and distributors have reported an enor­ mous increase in their business. It is estimated that there are upward of fifty million receiving sets now in use in the continental limits of the United States. While various surveys report different results, there is no doubt but that the American people listen faithfully to the programs which reach them by air. A few months ago, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles took advantage of an offer by the Mutual Broadcasting System to broadcast a program of missionary activity and Bible study over a coast-to-coast network. The response from this broadcast has been gratifying in the extreme. Although there are other excellent Gospel programs released on Sunday mornings, the program of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in no way dupli­ cates them. On the contrary, it has its own particular and unique mission and message. It is characterized by the spirit of youth and the spirit of missions. We

believe that the world, from center to circumference, needs the unadulterated story of the love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ. But this story must be car­ ried in the hearts and exhibited in the lives of conse­ crated young people. To this end young people must be challenged, not only to surrender their lives for the Lord’s service, but to train and prepare themselves to be efficient ambassadors for Him. The task of setting forth this particular challenge is that to which the Bible Institute has devoted itself through the medium of this coast-to-coast broadcast. As in the case of all enterprises that are absolutely true to the Word of God, there will be opposition, and enemies will be made. But our recourse is prayer. We know that He who is for us is greater than he who is against us. We are very eager that Christian people across the land will add this broadcast to their prayer lists, and that, as they seek the face of their Heavenly Father, they may mention our need to Him. A folder, describing this broadcast and listing the stations which cfirry the program, will be sent upon request.

Bible Institute Hour Choristers

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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