King's Business - 1947-01

will be thereby aroused to impart to the young people of this genera­ tion the real truth of this matter: that a man who n e v e r touches tobacco is much more a real man than he who smokes, and that a woman who does not defile herself with this habit is more fitted to be one of the mothers of her genera­ tion than she who smokes. The Uncertainty o f Life TN 1928, a very important business meeting was held in a large Chi­ cago hotel, which was attended by ten of the world’s most successful financiers, namely: the presidents of the largest independent steel com­ pany; of the National City Bank; of the greatest utility company; of the greatest gas company; of the New York Stock Exchange and of the Bank of International Settle­ ments; and, in addition, the greatest wheat speculator, a member of the cabinet of the President of the U.S., the greatest "bear” in Wall Street, and the head of the world’s greatest monopoly. All would agree that these men had found the secret of making money, and- of securing the best of earth’s possessions. But their later history reveals how utterly they failed in life. Charles Schwab, the president of the largest independent steel com­ pany, died a bankrupt, who had lived on borrowed money five years before his decease. James Stillman, president of the National City Bank, died insolvent; and Samuel Insull, the president of the greatest utility company, a fugi­ tive from justice, died penniless in a foreign land. Howard Hopson, president of the largest gas company, is insane; and Richard Whitney, president of the New York Stock Exchange, was re­ cently released from Sing Sing penitentiary. Leon Fraser, president of the Bank of International Settlements, died a suicide. Arthur Cutten, the greatest wheat speculator, died abroad, insolvent, while Albert Fall, formerly a cabinet member, was pardoned and allowed to go home from prison to die. Jesse Livermore, the greatest

America’s Habit "CWERY time we return from a trip, where we have rubbed elbows with all types of Americans, we feel the same way about the pernicious habit of smoking tobacco. We are not writing this editorial from the Christian standpoint, but we are viewing smoking only as it affects the health, appearance and manners of men and women. For the sake of argument, let us make a comparison. It is reliably stated that three out of every four men, and two out of every five women, s m o k e—mostly cigarettes. Why? How has this vice fastened itself upon the majority of Amer­ icans? The only answer from many smokers we have consulted is that tobacco seems to give a certain “lift.” However, medical men assert that instead of its being a stimulant, tobacco is actually a depressant. Nevertheless, it produces some sort of a sense of well-being, which as far as we are able to determine, is the only advantage of the habit. On the other hand, its harmfulness can scarcely be estimated. A ciga­ rette. in the mouth of a man robs him of any genuine nobility of bear­ ing, and substitutes instead a non­ chalant, arrogant attitude; while it removes from a woman her desirable feminine qualities, replacing them with coarseness, sensuality and af­ fectation. How shocking it is to ob­ serve a white-haired old lady putting a cigarette between her lips! In some strange manner, tobacco makes its users extremely rude. Smokers will light up anywhere and, without the least regard for others, will blow their smoke in any direc­ tion. Smoking is a filthy habit, staining teeth and hands, soiling clothes and furniture, tainting the breath, and perhaps the mind as well. The cigarette advertisers them­ selves only emphasize the harmful effects of their product with such statements as that a certain brand is "less irritating and injurious” than another. Smoking is an enslaving habit. A friend who was a prisoner of war in Germany stated that starving men bartered their bread for cigarettes. It is a dangerous and defiling habit. We can see no good and no sense in it. We trust that this editorial may be read by some .who Page 2

"bear,” k illed h im self, and Ivar Kruegar, the head of the greatest monopoly, also took his own life. Surely this is a startling illustra­ tion of the Scriptural teaching of the folly of laying up treasures on earth and not .being rich in sp iritua l assets. ☆ Can We Match This? XpOR the past rew years we have A been receiving communications from a young man in Texas. These letters have always included money and requests for some of our tract booklets. What is unique about this case is that this particular young Christian, a bed patient for twenty- two years, has given himself to the ministry of mailing Christian litera­ ture to other needy ones. Suffering from arthritis in every joint, unable to sit up, with neck, back, hips and knees stiff, jaws locked and left hand and arm useless, his heart is still full of praise to God, and on his lips there is a song of thanks­ giving to his Saviour. He testifies that he is happy all the time. Last summer, through his ministry by mail, he won nine souls to Christ. Are we, who are well and strong, exhibiting an equal love for the Lord, and for those for whom Jesus died? Can we match this? ☆ Using Common Sense TT is often stated, and we too are guilty of reiterating the remark, that, v9hile God ever stands ready to aid us, He also expects us to use our common sense in helping ourselves. In other words, while major de­ cisions in our lives are to be made by Him, the minor ones should be based upon our own wisdom and perception. However, in this con­ nection we call attention to Prov­ erbs 3:5, 6: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Cer­ tainly if these verses mean what they say, no decision by the Chris­ tian should be the result of the exercise of mere common sense. As believers, we are to seek “the wis- T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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