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TIIOE to a world that vainly tries ” to escape from Jesus Christ! They may deny His deity, dispute His power, disbelieve His resurrec tion, explain away His existence, de ride Him as a phantom, insult Him as “a spirit medium,” philosophize over Him as a myth, accept Him as a mere human teacher, misquote His words to sustain their opinions, pervert His teachings, and despise His precious blood; but when all this is done, their difficulty is not removed, for Christ the King still lives at God’s right hand. ‘Jesus Christ the same yesterday," today, and forever1; the Christ who was, who is, and who is to come; He who had glory with His Father ‘before the world was,’ shame with man during His early pilgrimage; and who, having suffered these things, has entered into His glory—that same Jesus still lives in all the majesty of His divine character, and in all the powers of an everlasting life. Herod could not kill Him, Satan could not reduce Him, death could not destroy Him, the sepulcher could not hold Him; and yet He stands forth upon the highest pinnacle of Heavenly glory, proclaimed of God, acknowledged by angels, adored by saints, and feared by devils, as a living, personal Christ; rejected, cru cified, exalted, glorified, and com ing again in like manner as He as cended; to raise the dead, to judge the world, to save His people, to be glorified in His saints, to crush the usurper, to destroy His foes, and to reign forever as the Lord of all. THEY ARE RETURNING! A new departure in missionary enterprise took place on October 13th when 32 missionaries and 10 children left New York for their fields of service in West Africa under the Sudan Interior Mission. It was the largest single group of mission aries sent out at one time in the history of the Mission and as far as we know, the largest group of mis sionaries under one board to leave the United States by air at one time. The party consisted of 24 return ing workers and 8 new workers all for service in Nigeria. In the party there were 2 medi cal doctors, 4 registered nurses, 1 practical nurse, 7 teachers and 18 evangelists. Dr. Albert David Hel- ser, M.A., Ph.D., veteran missionary of nearly twenty-five years' service in Nigeria, headed the group. The tremendous need of men on the mission fields was illustrated again with this party which con sisted of 9 men and 23 women—far out of all proportion. THE KI NG ’ S BUSINESS
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