King's Business - 1947-01

A Delightful New Year’s Gift The PROPHETIC WORD Distinctive forty-eight page monthly publication widely read in the United States, Canada, and the British Isles. It presents the deeper truths of God's Word, contains daily devotional read­ ings, furnishes sermon material for pastors, aids Bible teachers, shows you your place in God's program. Editor: Rev. G. P. Raud, President of the American Sem inary of the Bible. Su b ­ scriptions: 70c a year; two subscriptions’ $1; seven, $3. Subscriptions after Jan ­ uary 1, 1947: $1 a year; four subscrip­ tions $3. Order from PROPHETIC WORD UNITED STATES CANADA 1101 East 35th Street 32 Roxborough St. E. Brooklyn 10, N.Y. Toronto 5, Ontario Oranges and Grapefruit Shipments Insured, Guaranteed The “ Ideal G ift" Highest Quality, Hand-Picked, Tree-Ripened Orders of 3 to 6, 2% discount; more, 3% discount Standard Bushel Basket Oranges ____________ ____ ____________ ____ __ $4.95 Oranges and Grapefruit ............................... 4.70 Grapefruit ________ _____ ____________...__ ___ 4.35 Standard Half Bushel Basket Oranges ____ _____________ ___________ _____ $3.00 Oranges and Grapefruit ................................ 2.85 Grapefruit .................. T _/................................ 2.70 These prices include prepaid express charges east of Mississippi River. West, add 85 cents additional for Bushels; Half Bushels, 45 cents. Wis., Minn., Upper Mich. Peninsula, add 35c for express. Wyo., Mont., Nev., Utah, Idaho, Oreg., Wash., add $1.25 for express for Bush­ els; Half Bushels 70 cents. Healthglo Citrus Fruits P. O. Box 123-K, Largo, Fla. THE INDIA MISSION 412 W est 8th Street, Elyria, Ohio Bible-Belleving (Fundamental) Soul-Winning Proving GOD’S .Faithfulness In Hyderabad State and Central Provinces Three Bible Schools training native evangelists Over 6000 church members won from idolatry Write for fuller information. New book by IV. T . McLean JONAH'S DILEMMA

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BEAUTY FOR ASHES, by John R. Chiles. A book of actual funeral ser­ mons delivered by a minister on the occasion of deaths in his own parish, this unique volume contains prac­ tical suggestions in connection with bereavements and burials, and beau­ tiful poetic selections. 169 pages. Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn. Cloth. Price $1.10. REVELATION, by M. R. De Haan, M.D. This is an excellent volume, containing thirty-five sermons on the book of Revelation, delivered by the author in connection with his world­ wide broadcast of the Radio Bible Class. While this is not a detailed study, it deals adequately with the most significant sections of the book. 303 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids. Cloth. Price $2.50. CHURCH POSTERS AND PUBLICITY, by Homer H. Seay. This is a valuable book for the preparation of posters and display material by one expe­ rienced in this particular field. Let­ tering, color, spatter work, chalk, paste ons, and other art forms are discussed and the necessary tools described. There are many attractive plates. 79 pages. The Wartburg Press, Columbus, Ohio. Cloth. Price $3.00. SERMONS ON THE WAY OF LIFE, by Chaplain Harry F. McGso. The seven sermons included in this vol­ ume were preached directly to serv­ icemen by the author, many of them under combat conditions. They are fine Gospel messages which have borne fruit among the unsaved. In his Introduction, Dr. Harry A. Iron­ side of the Moody Church makes this statement: “I am glad to commend this book and pray God it may be widely used in the salvation of precious souls.” 144 pages. Moody Press, Chicago. Cloth. Price $1.50. PELOUBET'S SELECT NOTES, W il­ bur M. Smith. There is no satisfac­ tory substitute for this fine commen­ tary on the International Sunday School Lessons. This seventy-third volume, edited by the brilliant and popular instructor from Moody Bible Institute, covers the fifty-two lessons for 1947, with excellent Scriptural exposition, pictures, and full-page maps. 445 pages. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass. Cloth. Price $2.25. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

THE CHRIST OF THE GOSPELS, by J. W . Shepard, M.A., Th.D. This is an interesting, scholarly, exegetical study of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ as depicted in the Four Gos­ pels, by the Professor of New Testa­ ment Interpretation in the New Orleans Baptist Seminary. Dr. A. T. Robertson’s “Harmony of the Gos­ pels” constituted the foundation guide for the order and arrangement, and the Greek text of Nestle, with occasional references to Westcott and Hort, furnished the order by para­ graphs for the contextual exposition. A selected bibliography and com­ plete index are included. The au­ thor’s approach is conservative; how­ ever, his dispensational treatment of the Second Coming of Christ may not seem adequate to a premillen- nialist. 635 pages. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids. Cloth. Price $5.00. THE MANUAL OF GOSPEL BROAD­ CASTING, by Wendell P. Loveless. Out of his twenty years’ experience as director of the Moody Bible In­ stitute radio station, WMBI, Mr. Loveless has written an invaluable textbook on the subject of Gospel broadcasting. There are twenty-five interesting, informative chapters, covering practically every phase of the subject, with such fascinating titles as, “Radio Is Different,” “Pre­ senting the Musical Message,” “Writ­ ing for Radio,” "Reading the Dia­ logue and Dramatic Script,” "Pro­ grams for Boys and Girls,” “Broad­ casting the Church Service,” etc. There are excellent specimens of radio script, a list of recommended books for radio, class projects, and a full index. Mr. Loveless has per­ formed a great service for the Church of Christ in his thorough, conscien­ tious preparation of this volume. 352 pages. Moody Press, Chicago. Cloth. Price $3.50. MISSION RESCUE I A true, inspir­ ing missionary adventure picture- story, produced in the “visualized” form, telling the tale of missions in China, India and Burma. It should furnish an excellent substitute for the worldly “comic book” for young people. Illustrated with 225 two- color, continuous pictures. Standard Pub. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Paper. Price 35c each; $3.50 per dozen.

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Two Books 30c By Rev. Robert K. McKinney God said and it Was So. Real faith builder. Bird’s-Eye View of God’s Love Letter. in 200 questions and answers Rev. R. È. McKinney 229 S. Corona Denver 9, Colorado


BILLINGS, MONTANA “ We preach Christ and Him Crucified* Reaching the great neglected area of the Rocky Mountain region with a daily Bible Broadcast and Radio School of the Bible. Sustained en­ tirely by the prayers of those who love the Lord Jesus Christ. ’ Write for FREE BIBLE COURSE “ Lessons from the Tabernacle” Address Radio Pastor Walter J. Feely Billings, Mont.

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