DOES GIVING PAY? A Baptist Church in Oklahoma had a membership of one hundred and an indebtedness of about $11,000. The property was advertised to be sold to satisfy a judgment, and of course the congregation was very much discouraged and unhappy. But a tithers’ association was formed, which grew to forty-eight members, nearly half of the membership of the church. Money began to come in. There was plenty to pay cur rent expenses, and liberal gifts to missions. In less than four years all of the indebtedness had been paid but $600, and the church had paid out $5,000 for improvements. So they had raised $15,000, besides paying all current expenses and making large offerings for missions. They were re lieved of the burden of raising money by un-Christian means, and gave their attention to evangelism. In this period they added 287 members ; to the church— Watchman-Examiner. of two shells in his face. This ne cessitated a score of painful head operations, which left him penniless and totally blind. During the time of his convalescence, he promised l God that, if He could use him, his life would be given entirely to His service. God did use him mightily. After providing for him to finish col lege and seminary courses, the Lord opened up fields of service in churches and conferences the coun try over. While we are indeed grieved to learn of Dr. Kallenbach's tragic death, we know that for him it means that his eyes are opened at last, and that he is now gazing upon the face of Him whom, not seeing, he loved and served so faithfully. Let us pray that God will raise up others to carry on the evangelistic work that Dr. Kallenbach has been doing, particularly his noteworthy service among the war-blind. DON’T FORGET Our Free Subscription Fund for missionaries and servicemen still overseas. For two dollars you can give a lot of happiness to some one far away from home. EDITORIAL Walter D. Kallenbach (Continued from Page 3)
A modern "siranger-than-ficiion" true story of the grace of God in overruling tragedy in the life of Novelist Paul Hutchens while he was being led from the public evangelistic ministry to the writing den. . . Contains in addition many attractive human interest pictures of author and family, a complete descriptive list of the 25 books now in the Hutchens' Library. Also a list of radio stations on which you may hear Mr. Hutchens speak and sing. Mail this coupon with your name and address to — SUGAR CREEK BOOK ROM Box 717K Waterloo, Iowa
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' aou will want this new movable, realistic, picture method of telling Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline prob lems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be sur prised at results. Children want to learn and they clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attendance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method of teaching, to—
Box 145, Pasadena, Calif.
News FromHebrew Christians in Europe A grateful Hebrew Christian writes:
“Food parcels which you sent to Hungary went to some of my relatives and friends. I thank you with all my heart. Please convey to those who have contrib uted to these parcels the most grateful thanks of the recipients whom they have saved from hunger and the most abject want.” We have so many of these moving letters of gratitude from starving Hebrew Christians in Germany, Jugoslavia, Rumania and other countries of Europe!
Pleas of Surviving HEBREW CHRISTIANS
Rev. S. W. R., an Hebrew Christian, pleads on behalf of his sister in Germany: “ Her position is very desperate. Her (and my) mother was gassed in concentration camp. Her husband was killed, all other relatives murdered. My sister herself es caped with one pair of trousers only; later she was rescued by U. S. troops. Her chil dren were found exhausted. She and her children are in dire need. Please do help them.'* A veteran Hebrew Christian missionary who miraculously survived and is on fire for Christ in Germany writes these touch ing lines: “ In addition to the persecutions and humiliations we suffered, we lost all our goods and chattels. Our house was burned to the ground. Our Hebrew Chris tians who were in concentration camps did not fare any better. They lost all their be longings. Most of them returned ill and wretched. Please send us food parcels, used clothing, shoes, bedding, darning ma
terials, buttons, needles. Do take pity upon us. The Jews are cared for by the Jewish community, but nobody thinks of us Hebrew Christians." Never have we received so many heart rending appeals from surviving Hebrew Christians in all parts of Europe. The lives and faith of so many can he sustained by our timely dispatch of food, clothing and other forms of relief. We earnestly plead for your prayers and help on ‘ behalf of suffering Israel in devastated Europe. $5.00 will pay for a nutritious food packet. $10.00 per month will support a child whose parents were exterminated. $50.00 per month will support an Hebrew Christian Missionary. Send for a free copy of “ A Christian’s Attitude Toward the Jews" and “ The Mi raculous Survival of the Jews.’* Please address inquiries and gifts to>
Extendthe testimony of Chui
your rch, Sunday School or YouthGroups to every home. Distribute regu* larly...resultswill amazeyou.
Use this powerful 4-page monthly imprinted with name or
TH E DOORSTEP EVANGEL ^ Dr. W illard M. Aldrich, Editor P. O. Box 1•B Vancouver, W ash.
Dept. B, 4919 N. Albany Avenue, Chicago 25, Illinois Canada: 91 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
JA N U A R Y , 1947
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