King's Business - 1947-01

WANTED: MANAGER FOR SMALL MA- chine shop in Los Angeles, California. Must be first of all a fundamental Christian ac­ cording to John 3:16. Must have the quali­ fications for this position: Engineering and practical experience in fine machine work, tool, die and experimental work, estimating and manufacturing of articles. Aggressive middle-aged man who is able to handle workers and work, and is willing to put forth his best efforts for the welfare of the business. Good salary for right man. An­ swer Box 754, King’s Business. STRENGTHEN CHRISTIAN HOMES BY introducing The Christian Parent, monthly parent magazine on Bible basis (includes daily devotions for children), $2.00 year. The Children’s Hour, weekly paper with stories that help children love Jesus, 50 cents year, less in quantity. See our other advertise­ ments on this page. Christian Education Company, Dept. K, Box 31, Highland, 111.


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 cents per word—minimum $1.00

By DR. HERBERT LOCKYER Internationally know n Preacher and A uthor

JOIN DAILY BIBLE READERS CLUB. Helps children and adults become Bible readers. Write for information. See our other advertisements on this page. Chris­ tian Education Company, Dept. K, Box 31, Highland, 111. CHRISTIAN YOUNG W O M E N ; P o s i tions in Bible Conference open all year. Office workers. Waitresses, Nurses, Musi­ cians, etc., Radio Broadcasts, Meetings and Numerous Activities. Salary with opportu­ nity for advancement. State all particu­ lars. Address: P. O. Box 75, Irvington 11, N. J. INSPIRATIONAL DUETS — “MAKE ME Worthy Lord“ and “ Do You Love Me?” both on folder, 25c. Also Sacred Solo, “ He Walketh Beside Me,“ 40c. Brown & Brown, Publishers, Boscobel, Wis. WANTED—FOR O F F I C E AND PART Time Bindery Work in Christian printing office. Permanent forty-hour week. Church Press, 3906 San Fernando Road, Glendale, Calif. SPECIAL! 240 S C R I P T U R E - T E X T Stamps—25c. Assorted, two-color. Spread Gospel on letters, cards, packages, etc. Crusader, Dept. “ K“ , Seward, Nebr. BIBLE FILMSTRIPS (600 PICTURES) $24 Also projectors, filmstrips. See our other advertisements on this page. Christian Ed­ ucation Company, Dept. K, Box 31, High­ land, 111. SUCCESSFUL C H R I S T I A N EDITOR, male, would like to work for Christian publisher of newspaper, magazine. Best references. Box 482, Bellflower, Calif. FAIVRE ANNOTATED NEW TESTA- ment. English 50 cents. Bound copies $1.25. French, German 60 cents. Alice Fontannaz, 506 Oakdale Ave., Chicago 14, 111. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hymn-poem. Assured editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged edited and printed. New books. Poetic Me­ tre—Explained, 25c. Est. 1918. Raymond Iden, (K.B.) Mount Vernon, Ohio. WANTED — FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST Minister with standard degrees in theology and Christian Education desires to re-en­ gage in an active ministry. Good record. Best references. Box 752 King’s Business. ROLLS D E V E L O P E D EXTRA EN- larged prints, 8 exposures, 30c; 12 expo­ sures 40c; 16 exposures 50c. Reprints 10 or more, 4c each. 5x7 enlargements 25c. 8x10 40c. Write for souvenir, Mt. Horeb Photo Service, Box 583, Mt. Horeb, Wis. BEG INNERS AUTHORSHIP COURSE. 50c. Pacific School of Journalism, Bellflow­ er, California. COLORED GOSPEL TRACTS. TIMELY, attractive. Send 10c for sample packet. Northwest Gospel Publishing House, 435 E. 72nd. Seattle 5, Wash. WILL YOU HELP PREACH THE GOS- pel with Scripture tracts—500 assorted $1. 100 'assorted 25c. All money received is used for the Lord’s work. Scripture Tracts, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N.J. “ SONGS OF LOVE AND TRUST,’’ AND “ Loving Songs,” two books, containing 197 new hymns. Restful, lifting melodies. Seri­ ous, comforting words. Each book 75c, both $1.25. Rev. Fred M. Waehlte, Mulino, Oregon. THE WILSON INDEX SYSTEM OF FIL- ing and indexing. Designed for needs of clergymen and other Bible students. Cir­ culars upon request. Wilson Index Com­ pany, East Haddam, Conn. 48 BASS ACCORDION WITH CASE shipped anywhere for $100. In good shape. H. E. Widmer, Beaver, Ore. Page 44

Beyond the Grave........1.00 When God Died, Calvary Studies...... $ 1.25 Satan & the Spider, Unique message..$l.00 The Ten Strings, An unusual study....... 25c The Great White Throne........ . 25c Palms and Willows....__ ....................... 25c

Complete set $3.50 postpaid LOCKYER BOOK MINISTRY P. O. Box 61, Sharon Hill, Pa.

\\\ NOIL?/ For Ijour FlannelboardZ \W

TheTabernacle in theWilderness Our latest flanndgraph creation—five lessons on the Tabernacle, thepriesthood, and the offerings, with their meaning and New Testament application. Cut-outs coloredandmounted, ready for use, $ 1 . 50 ,


A crayon workbook to keep busy hands active, based on the flannel* graph lesson. Teaches children the colors of the Tabernacle, furnish* ings, and corresponding Scripture. 12c. Other Flannelqraph Stories (A ll colored but unmounted)

• She Spoke for God. Story of Naaman the leper, withmissionary application. 75c. • Samson's Riddle. Howthe story of Samson solves the mystery of life. 50c. • Two Remedies.^ The seipent in the wilderness and the Christ of Calvary. 50c. • The Thanksgiving Story, A seasonal account of two Thanksgivings—-one from the Old Testament, the other from American history. 50c. • Phoning Heaven. A lesson on prayer. (Colored and mounted.) $1.00. A t you r church supply house WILLIAM H. DIETZ, Inc. 10 South Wabash Avenue, Dept. 103 Chicago 3, Illinois The SHADDUCK BOOKS Dr. Arthur I Brown, that great scientist God has raised up to defend the faith, says of these books:

"I have been reading—and will read again twelve of the most interesting books it has been my good' fortune to examine. These books ought to be circulated by the hundred thousand. . . . They are unlike any other literature with which I am familiar.* The quiet humor, the homely phrase-making, the unanswerable logic . . . the wide range of knowledge . . . ” Can you imagine a colored janitor, coached by college boys, ex­ plaining, with “ educated words,” the theory of evolution? If you en­ joy fun with philosophy, get “ RASTUS AGUSTUS.” If you would better understand what Is back of many superstitions, get “ SPIRIT­ ISM .” “ Pastor” Russell sold millions of books no longer used by the cult called “ Witnesses.” “ SEVEN THUNDERS” will tell you why. The less a skeptic knows, the more likely he will attack the Book of Genesis. After r »0 years a Bible teacher, the author de­ fends the truth with “ PUZZLES OF GENESIS.” These four books are 2.*i cents each; all others are 20 cents each. “ JOCKO-HOMO HEAVENBOUND,” “ PI DOLE TO PARADISE,” and “ TOADSTOOL AMONG THE TOMBS,” are three books unloved by Evolutionists. Modernistic publications have refused to advertise them. “ ALIBI, LULLABY, BY-BY” is a three-word history of any

church that discredits the Bible to unscare sinners. The title of “ THE GEE-HAW OF THE MODERN JEHU” will be better understood if you reflect that "gee-haw” would confuse a horse. “ MISTAKES GOD DID NOT M AKE,” and “ DUST AND DEITY” show the necessity of a divine mind t.o explain the marvels of. the world about us. Does God have gifts and blessings for you that have never been claimed? Read “ HARNESS MAKER“ and “ EAGLE W INGS.” “ STOPPING THE STORK” i» a book that two Fundamental papers have republished in whole or in part. Don’t take it to a sewing circle if you want work done. Any five books for $1 postpaid. All 14 for $2.80. Take a supply to camp and see how easily you can loan them. Write for very low quantity prices. H O M O PU B. CO., 5609 W ashington Ave., Ashtabula, Ohio T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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