Door. This man of God was cer tainly a gift from the Lord to the newly-formed Bible Institute. Under his spiritual leadership, the work grew apace. Dr. Torrey brought with him a wealth of experience gained in other Bible Institutes, and from meetings and evangelistic cam paigns which he had conducted around the world. It is fitting that this spiritual convocation, held every year in January, should honor his name. A rich spiritual feast is in store for those who attend the sessions of the conference this year. We are happy to have with us Dr. A. I. Brown, Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., Dr. E. B. Jones, Dr. Bob Munro and Dr. H. Framer Smith. As in previous years, simultaneous meetings with those in the great auditorium of the Church of the Open Door will be held in the sur rounding cities of Pasadena, San Gabriel, Long Beach, and Santa Ana. The conference will begin on Sunday morning, January 19, and conclude the following Sunday night. A fold er, listing the speakers and subjects, has been prepared and will be gladly sent to all those who address their re quest to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Extension Department, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. ☆ Walter D. Kallenhach A S WE go to press, the information has just reached us that Dr. Walter D. Kallenbach has gone' to be with the Lord. We understand that he was standing beside a friend on the highway, as he repaired his car, and that he was struck by a passing automobile and instantly killed. Dr. Kallenbach, while still a young man, had become a nationally- known figure on the evangelistic arlU Bible conference platform. The writer will not soon forget the tre mendous impact of the meeting in the Church of the Open Door some years ago, at which Dr. Kallenbach told the story of his life. The vast auditorium, seating four thousand, was crowded to capacity, and in that assembly there was scarcely a dry eye, as the evangelist related the story of God’s dealings with him. It seems that, as a young man, Walter Kallenbach ignored the call of God as he advanced in the world of modern music. He got to the top, becoming first trumpeter in a big name band which traveled all over the world. One day, while hunting with a friend, an accident occurred in which he received the full contents (Continued on Page 43) Rase 3
Feather appears. The newspapers are full of allusions to the drive for funds. Magazines give cover space. Street cars are decorated with its symbol. Store windows and store in teriors feature it. Stickers have been furnished for envelopes and posters for lamp posts. The moving pictures and the radio donate time to it. Naturally, their goal is being reach ed. What if the church of Jesus Christ were to become as dead in earnest about enlisting the support of all Christians of this land in reaching the unevangelized foreign fields with the Gospel? What could not be done if all the children of God were to dig deeply into their own pockets for funds to send out trained young people to every land? What if a real advertising campaign for missions were begun? A great lesson in genuine zeal is to be found in organizations like the Community Chest. ☆ Testimonial W E quote this from The Christian Herald: “This is old (it appeared in the Detroit News of April 15), but it’s so good we just had to pass it along to you. On page 23 of that News, was this ad: “ ‘There’s no hocus-pocus about it!’ says Hank Greenberg, baseball’s home run star. T’ve read the reports and medical science has proved you can’t beat Raleighs for less nicotine . . . less throat irritation . . . all- around safer smoking! I recommend Raleighs to all my friends. Raleighs are right!’ "So far, so good. That puts it pretty straight that Hank smokes Raleighs and likes ’em, since they do him so much less harm (with that ‘less nico tine’) than other and more unhealthy brands of cigarettes. “But look ye! On page 17 of the same ■ News is this; in an interview with the same Hank Greenberg: “ ‘I feel fine now, better than I have for some time,’ said Greenberg, ‘The doctors said I had a stomach disorder and I’m giving up cigarettes and coffee. I never was much of a smoker, anyway. I’m sleeping better now and I feel much better.’ ”
dom that is from above” in every detail of our lives. Surely this is reasonable. How can we, who have no knowledge of the future, de termine whether a decision- is im portant or not? Some turns in life’s pathway, which appear to be very insignificant, may prove to be open ings into tremendous enterprises. The more one advances spiritually, the more he realizes how utterly in adequate and unsatisfactory is his own,common sense. One of the most delightful revelations of the Word of God is that our Heavenly Father, omniscient as He is, desires to par ticipate in, and to be consulted about, everything in the life of His children. In the history of the Chris tian church, the success of spiritual giants has been due to this reliance upon the direction of the Holy Spirit in their lives and ministry. ☆ Ten For One TTERE is a plan for the advanee- -£1 ment of missions that seems to have real merit: e a c h Christian family in a church to be responsible for one-tenth of a missionary’s sup port. In other words, ten families would get together, and plan to keep one missionary serving on the field. Thus, in a c h u r c h of one hundred families, there would be ten missionaries laboring as their personal representatives. The ad vantages of such a plan are almost innumerable. The number of mis sionaries would be multiplied; the areas which could be reached would be greatly increased. The spiritual benefits which would come to the donors in many instances would change their lives completely. The outpouring of God’s blessing upon a needy world would be incalculable. The local churches and enterprises would not suffer from this plan, for God has promised that those who give lovingly and sacrificially for this cause so close to His heart will be blessed above all that can be asked or thought. ☆ Red Feather A S this editorial goes to press, a highly-organized United States’ Community Chest campaign, is in progress. We are not now speaking of the value of this work except to say in passing that it is most worthy and deserving of the support of all right-thinking people. What we do want to poin t out is the lengths to which the Committee of the Red Feather has gjone to promote its cause. Across this great land, in cities, towns and villages, the Red JA N U A R Y , 1947
A T THE beginning of each year, the Bible Institute of Los An geles promotes a conference honor ing Dr. Reuben A. Torrey, one of the first deans of our school and the first pastor of the Church of the Open
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