PGBT - Company Profile

B fore excavation we always present computer generated designs for approval, be it an indo r, outdoor or rooftop pool. We build with special prefab panels to build much quicker than the conv ntional way and we can build any shape you want. A keen musician once asked for a guitar- shaped pool. “No problem”, s he reply, “You want Haw iian or coustic shape?” Many houses today are on smaller l ts and our “C ol Pool” is fast becoming a popular way for fam lies to e joy a co ling dip and get some exercise swimming ag inst a je pump that doesn’t need a lot of space. Untuk men mbah peng m nan, kami dapat juga menyediakan jasa pemasangan pagar di sekeliling kol m rena g. Sebagai bonus, kami selalu mem- berikan pelampung gratis kepada klien yang me- ercayak pembangu a kolam renangnya pada kami. Curren System” (fasilitas berenang melawan arus), ke iatan berena g i rumah menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Prima Pool juga menyediakan produk pen- cahayaan kolam yang mutakhir. Selain keunggulan dari segi estetika, la pu ter ng hemat biaya LED kami enjaga kesel matan Anda dan keluarga s at berenang pada malam hari. 16 metre Diving Pool for Training Special Forces Ko l am renang Kopassus seda l am 16 me te r

Before excavation we always present computer generated designs for approval, be it an indoor, outdoor or rooftop pool. We build with special prefab panels to build much quicker than the conventional way and we can build any shape you want. A keen musician once asked for a guitar- shaped pool. “No problem”, was the reply, “You want Hawaiian or acoustic shape?” Many houses today are on smaller plots and our “Cool Pool” is fast becoming a popular way for families to enjoy a cooling dip and get some exercise swimming against a jet pump that doesn’t need a lot of space. Current System” (fasilitas berenang melawan arus), kegiatan berenang di rumah menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Prima Pool juga menyediakan produk pen- cahayaan kolam yang mutakhir. Selain keunggulan dari segi estetika, lampu terang hemat biaya LED kami menjaga keselamatan Anda dan keluarga saat berenang pada malam hari. Untuk menambah pengamanan, kami dapat juga menyediakan jasa pemasangan pagar di sekeliling kolam renang. Sebagai bonus, kami selalu mem- berikan pelampung gratis kepada klien yang me- mercayakan pembangunan kolam renangnya pada kami.

Telah banyak

pemilik hotel, apartemen, dan kolam renang pribadi yang menyerahkan sepenuhnya pemeliharaan

kolam renang mereka kepada petugas kami.

Many of the leading hotels, apartments and private pool

owners leave looking after their pools completely in the capable hands of our maintenance crews.

Untuk info lebih lengkap, kunjungi:

There is, of course, a lot of technical stu, mostly underground that you never see, like pumps, piping and cables for pool lighting that makes swimming at night more appealing and safer. We can take care of every aspect up to weekly maintenance. For added safety we recommend a fence around the swimming pool and to be extra safe we always give out a free lifebuoy with our nished pools.

There is, of course, a lot f ech ical stu, mostly underground that you never see, like pump , piping and cables for pool lighting that makes swimming t i ht mor app ali g nd saf r. We can take care of ev ry aspect up to weekly maintenance. For added safety we rec mmend a fence around the swimming pool and to be extra safe we always give out a free lifebuoy with our nished pools.

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