
Jan Joyce and Melissa Jaeger from their mobile command centre responding to Hurricane Fiona damage in Nova Scotia.

Recovery road trip in Glace Bay

together with Project Director Nick Hamm selected, the most vulnerable for MDS’s help—seniors, people with health or mobility issues, and those with limited resources. Homeowner Edith Cerovich was overjoyed when told by Joyce and Jaeger MDS would deal with the trees in her backyard. “I’ve been waiting so long,” she said, tears in her eyes. For three days after the storm, she couldn’t bear to go into her backyard. “All those memories are gone,” she said of the fallen trees. “It doesn’t look like home anymore.” “People like Edith are so grateful to see us and know their yards will finally be cleaned up,” said Jaeger, who was serving with MDS for the first time. “It really lifted their spirits when we said we could help.” As for their role as organizers, “we’re just doing our small part,” Joyce said. “We want to keep the volunteers busy and give them meaningful work to do.” “It’s been a great

They called it their MDS mobile command centre. “It” is Jan Joyce’s 2019 Subaru Crosstrek, a moving office that enabled her and Melissa Jaeger to log about 1,000 kilometres/600 miles in Glace Bay, Cape Breton Island visiting people impacted by Hurricane Fiona. The hurricane, which struck the province of Nova Scotia

September 24, had winds of up to 140 kilometres/86 miles per hour. It blew down thousands of trees and damaged the roofs of many houses. The two women, both from Ontario—Joyce is from Manitoulin

“We’re just doing our small part”


experience working with Jan and doing my bit to make a difference here in Glace Bay,” added Jaeger. And then it was back into the car and off to another home to see how MDS could help. — John Longhurst

Island, Jaeger is from Oshawa—had never met before they volunteered with MDS. But they became quite a team, sharing friendship, stories and laughter while meeting homeowners who needed assistance. “We joked we are the Thelma and Louise of MDS,” said Joyce, referencing the movie of the same name. “But not with the same ending!” added Jaeger, with a laugh. The list of people they visited came from the local regional municipality, which received the requests for assistance via its 311 line. They were then passed on to MDS. Joyce, serving as crew leader, and Jaeger, her assistant,

Homeowner Edith Cerovich holds up an MDS t-shirt given to her by volunteers.


behind the hammer

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