King's Business - 1931-12

December 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. /• ' Thé Bible begins with a tremendous fact—“In the be­ ginning God created the heaven and the earth.” For years, philosophers groped in the dark after this truth and found it not. Genesis 1:1 is not the product of human specula­ tion ; it is a statement of divine revelation. There is neither height, nor length, nor depth, nor breadth to this truth. The mind is lost in the incomprehensible. The greaest in­ tellect staggers at the revelation. Human pride is humili­ ated by this condensed compilation of profound facts. “In the beginning”—what a majestic introduction this is ! Back of it are endless ages, and on the other side of it, the silence of endlessness. No human mind can penetrate the mysteries of eternity in which God. was the solitary existence. From it there come the scenes of human expe­ rience, the facts of earthly existence, the events of history, the periods of time. The Bible does not tell us when these things took place. Science has guessed, but science does not know. Science speculates and estimates the beginning as anywhere from a million to a billion years ago. Faith accepts the statement of Genesis 1:1 as it is written by the hand of God. T h e E xistence of G od Who made God ? Where did God come from ? These questions arise in many minds. The questions, however, imply a contradiction. By God we mean the ultimate, abso­ lute, self-existent Being. If God were created, then the question would arise : Who made the one, who made God ? So we go back endlessly, coming always to the Ultimate Being. It is easier and more satisfactory to approach the matter otherwise. We are beings. We live in a universe. We are something surrounded by some things. Therefore, there must have been something always, for out of nothing, nothing comes. It is easier to conceive of the something before other things as being an all-powerful Personality, rather than an impersonal force: The fact of God is here and elsewhere in the Bible stated, not debated. “For he that cometh to God must believe that he is ; and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Heb. 11:6).

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God;” No man knows enough to make such an assertion. Man lives on one of the smallest planets in the astronomy of God. He is one of millions on this planet. He does not know where he comes from nor where he is going. He does not know that he will be alive when the sun shines tomorrow mor­ ning. He does not know why his finger nails grow nor why his heart beats. He does not know whether there be a man in the moon or not. Who is the insignificant entity, there­ fore, that he should say, “There is no God” ? At the best, he knows little enough, and yet blatant infidelity cries out, “There is no God.” G od in C reation Creation means to bring into existence an entity, a principle, a force, or a quality that had no prior being. It implies the creation of something out of nothing. This text tells us definitely that all matter had beginning. The abso­ lute origin of everything is here set forth in words which leave no one in the dark. The ancient philosophers traced everything back to fire, water, and air. But who made these? The scientist today traces everything back to molecules, atoms, electrons, and protons. But who made these? God is seen in the works of His hands. “The heavens declare the glory of God.” The earth is full of His glory. The clouds are the dust of His feet. The thunder is the sound of His voice. The summer zephyr is the whisper of His love. The earthquake is the stamp of His foot. The sun is the smile of His face. We enter a church. We see the stained glass windows, the pews, and the pulpit. We hear the organ and the choir. Everything is arranged with one thing in mind. It is evi­ dent that back of the building and everything therein there is one mind, the mind of the architect and builder. It is also evident that the church had a beginning, likewise the universe. Symmetry, beauty, design, and order appear everywhere. All this had beginning, and “in the beginning God created.” “Known unto God are all his works from the beginning.” The word “God” implies the Trinity. Every member of it had a part in creation. The Father was the Architect;

The Kind of Preaching the People Want

T h is is the subject of a remarkably fearless and straight-forward article, which will appear in the January issue of T h e K ing ’ s B usiness , written by a distinguished layman, SENATORB. L. EDDY Senator Eddy is an attorney, a member of the upper house of the Oregon Legislature for many years, an elder in his home church, and at present is the Moderator of the Synod of Oregon of the Pres­ byterian Church. His article, written especially for T h e K ing ’ s B usiness , will undoubtedly call forth a hearty “Amen” from many readers, as it did from the Editor of this magazine. You will enjoy every moment spent in reading it. And you will say, “Why, that is just the message that So-and-so needs !” You will want to send the maga­ zine to a large number of your friends. You may have the January issue, containing Sen-

ator Eddy’s article, for only 15 cents a copy. Or, better still, you may have three monthly issues, begin­ ing with January, for 25 cents. Use the accompany­ ing coupon, and send your order today.

t h e : K IN G ’S BU S IN ES S 53 6-558 So . H op e St„ Los A ngeles, C alif. D e ar F rie n d s:

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