King's Business - 1931-12

December 1931


T h e . - K i n g ' s - B u s i n e s s

S h e Æ l L L S n d ' d i d e FAMILY CIRCLE . .. By CUTLER B. WHITWELL

A Happy Anniversary O n O ctober 21, Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fuller provided a very interesting and pleasant surprise for a number of their friends whom they had invited to their home in Placentia, Calif. When all the guests were assembled, Dr. and Mrs. Fuller appeared, dressed in the wedding garments in which they had been arrayed twenty years previously. A period of greeting and happy reminiscing followed. Later, Dr. and Mrs. Fuller, with their son, Dannie, left for a three weeks’ automobile trip into the Arizona desert. Special Meetings President W. P. White held a profitable series of evangelistic meetings in the First United Presbyterian Church of Los An­ geles. A number of conversions were reported. Dr. Isaac P. Ward conducted a series of meetings in Porterville and another in the Bethany Presbyterian Church of Sacra­ mento. In both cities, appreciative audi­ ences waited upon his ministry. New Field Representative Mr. Harry Moore Hillis, son of the be­ loved W. A. ( “Daddy”) Hillis, has come to the Institute to take up the mantle of his father and to assist in the work of the Field Department. Mr. Hillis’ two sons, Dick and Don, are members of the present student body. Mrs. Wallace Promoted Mrs. Edith Gold Wallace, for several years manager of the Women’s Hotel of the Bible Institute, has been chosen Assis­ tant Superintendent of Women. In this new position, in which she will cooperate with Miss Mabel M. Culter, Superinten­ dent, her fine capabilities will have wide scope. To the Regions Beyond After a period in the homeland, Dorothy Campbell, ’26, sailed recently for China. She is ; a nurse in the hospital of the Women’s American Baptist Foreign Mis­ sionary Society, Swatow, China. Their furlough ended, Rev. and Mrs. F. Ernest Diem returned to South America. They are missionaries of the Inland South America Missionary Union, stationed at Yegros, Paraguay. On, September 22, at an impressive cere­ mony, William Blackstone was ordained to the Presbyterian ministry at the First Pres­ byterian Church of Hollywood, Calif. Later, he sailed for China, where he will join his sister, Eleanor, and her husband, Rev. Kenneth Wilson. A brother, James Blackstone, is now enrolled at Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. James Ker are at the Mis­ sion Bungalow, Panadura, Ceylon. This

item concerning them appears in Darkness and Light, the organ of the Ceylon and In­ dia General Mission, under which they labor: “Mr. Ker reports the conversion of an aged Buddhist whose life had been a round of ceaseless but unsatisfying effort to acquire merit. A faithful Bible woman visited him from time to time, preaching Jesus as ‘wisdom, righteousness, sanctifica­ tion, and redemption.’ Light began to dawn, and the old man came to realize that God’s love reached even unto him. His feeble faith reached forth, and he laid hold on eternal life and became a new creature in Christ Jesus. He is weak in body be­ cause of his age, and cannot live much longer, but while life lasts, he is seeking to tell others, of his new-found joy.” A Beloved Teacher Mrs. Anna L. Dennis, who was closely connected with the work of the Institute as a Bible woman and as a member of the Institute faculty for six years in the palmy days of Dr. Torrey, has returned to the

Married Rev. Oscar E. Sanden and Carolyn Pe­ derson, September 4, Clifton, Tex. The couple are at home at La Feria, Tex. Mr. Sanden is active in evangelistic work. In Service at Home Fred Greene is pastor of the Baptist Church, Milton, Ore. Clara Miller, Brule, Wise., writes: “Even here in northern Wisconsin, the influence of Biola is felt. The phono­ graphic records of the gospel songs, ‘Jesus Whispers I Am With You’ and ‘I Am the Shepherd True’ have been a great blessing to missionaries connected with the Shantymen’s Christian Association. These, records were made by the Bible Institute Male Quartet known as ‘The President’s Bodyguard,’ composed of David Quiring, ’29, Harold Amstutz, ’29, Jack Wells, ’30, and Eugene Riddle, ’30.” Lucy Radford, ’26, has completed five years of Christian Endeavor work—four years as Central Division Intermediate Superintendent and one year as Los An­ geles County Intermediate Superintend­ ent. Students Again Harlan Fischer, ’26, and his wife are at­ tending the Westminster Theological Semi­ nary. It will be remembered that it was Mr. Fischer whom God used to organize the Bible Clubs at the University of Cali­ fornia at Los Angeles—a large and ever­ growing work which is now directed by Rev. Milo F. Jamison. Percy Crawford, ’26, who is this year completing his work at Westminster The­ ological Seminary, has been offered the op­ portunity of arranging a young people’s ra­ dio hour to be broadcast over stations WIP and WFAM, Philadelphia, each Sunday evening from 5 :30 to 6 :30. This will be a venture of faith. Mr. Crawford may be reached at Post Office Box 1, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bom To Mr. and Mrs. Everett B. Cowan (Marjorie Rideout), a daughter, Virginia Blanchard, on September 3. Mr. Cowan is a student at Princeton Theological Sem­ inary. To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coen, a daugh­ ter, Ruth Marie, October 30, Los Angeles, Calif. To Rev. and Mrs. Keith L. Brooks, a daughter, Pauline Eleanor, on October 25, Los Angeles, Calif. Send Them In This p ag e is w hat you m ake i t ! If you know of any interesting news ab o u t fo r­ m er Institute people, please send it to THE KING’S BUSINESS. W rite ab o u t y o u r own w ork, a n d if possible, send a p ic tu re to accom pany th e item . P h o to ­ g raph s will be used w henever possible.


teaching staff. It would be difficult to find a more expert, devoted, and beloved teacher than Mrs. Dennis. Her classes in Child Study and Bible Story Telling are larger than in the former days. As always, the students are deriving much pleasure and profit from her classroom work. Bible classes in various churches enlarge the range of her splendid ministry.

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