King's Business - 1931-12

December 1931

T h e


K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

affliction and the prayers of her friend, Joan, she was finally led back to her faith in Christ. 159 pages. Cloth. Price 75 cents. Agnes Dewsbury by Laura A. Barter Snow. At their mother’s death, Agnes and her brother refused a home of wealth, because the uncle who offered the home was a brewer, but the Lord more than made compensation to them with the rich blessings that He showered upon them. 320 pages. Cloth. Price $1.25. Twixt Altar and Plough by Laura A. Barter Snow. The heroine of this story longed to serve God in a big way, yet she learned that His way was far above hers even when it called for a life of sacrifice. 320 pages. Cloth. Price $1.25. Aileen by Laura A. Barter Snow. Through a- bright and cheery life, in spite of personal griefs, Aileen Ellestone is en­ abled to bring the joy and peace of Christ into the lives of some of her child-friends. The story is suitable for girls of junior age. 128 pages. Cloth. Price 75 cents. Some Builders by Amy Le Feuvre. Sid­ ney Urquhart, in her seaside home, found a real work to do for her Lord in under­ taking the religious education of the or­ phaned Chuckles. 342 pages. Cloth. Price Sunday-School Lesson Comm entaries Peloubefs Select Notes edited by Amos R. Wells. This splendid volume has for many years been a favorite among Sun­ day-school teachers. Each lesson is ably and thoroughly treated from many angles. Maps and illustrations abound. For the studious teacher, it is an invaluable aid. 379 pages. W. A. Wilde Co. Cloth. Price $ 2 . 0 . 0 . Arnolds Practical Commentary edited by Burton J. Vincent. This is the last work of Bishop Vincent, who passed away shortly after having completed it. It is a well-arranged commentary written from the conservative standpoint. The lesson treatment is divided into introduction, ex­ position, questions, and topics for discus­ sion and research. Illustrations, mission- ary applications, sidelights from science, and blackboard outlines furnish ample and varied material for pupils of all ages. 233 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price 90 cents. Points for Emphasis by Hight C. Moore. This vest pocket commentary is reverent, spiritual, and practical. The arrangement is attractive and the contents satisfying. Some of the divisions are: “Lesson Text and Outline,” “Notes Analytical and Ex­ pository,” “The Lesson of the Lesson,” and “Gold in the Golden Text.” 256 pages. S. S. Board, Southern Baptist Convention. Board. Price 35 cents. A Daily Digest of the Sunday School Lessons by Amos R. Wells. This vest pocket edition represents in compact form the positions taken in Peloubefs Select Notes. A vast amount of information is crowded into small space. The material is arranged for the study of a portion each day. 158 pages. W. A. Wilde Co. Board. Price 35 cents. The Gist of the Lesson by R. A. Torrey. This yearly “Gist” is appearing for the thirty-third time. So voluminous were Dr. Torrey’s writings that it has been possible to compile these expository comments even after his decease. The notes are terse, thought provoking, and always to thé point. No taint of uncertainty attaches- to them. 160 pages. Revell Co. Board. Price 35 cents.


T he Real Romanovs By G leb B otkin

T h e C h a rte r of th e C hurch B y J. R. C aldwell

In this two-volume exposition of 1 Cor­ inthians, the author gives a valuable verse- by-verse comment upon the text. Many truths which are otherwise seldom men­ tioned are brought to light. Each volume is provided with a subject index which makes possible ready reference to any por­ tion of the epistle. •Pickering & Inglis. 271 pages. Cloth. Price $1.25 per volume. Safety and D anger Signals on the H ighways of Bible Study B y E. R. B lack In this brief pamphlet, Professor Black points out, with much discrimination, the way of safety and the way of danger in Bible study. Without question, many are treading in dangerous paths these days. The spirit of evangelism, as the pamphlet shows, cannot be . surrendered without peril. 6 Pages. Paper. Price 10 cents. Yes and No B y E lmer O. C appers and R ussel H. P otter , J r . The book consists of thirty series of test questions, twenty to a series. The subjects of the questions are facts of history, liter­ ature, Scripture, biography, and general in­ formation. The material may be used as a game at social gatherings. The facts brought out are exceedingly worth while. Answers are furnished. 63 pages. W. A. Wilde Co. Cloth. Price $1.00, T he Devotional Year Book B y A mos R. W ells Dr. Wells has the happy faculty of see­ ing a moral of a spiritual illustration in every striking fact. He writes in a sprightly, entertaining way, so that his les­ sons are read. This book is quite as much a splendid volume of illustrations as it is a daily homily on Scripture texts. 371 pages. W. A. Wilde Co. Cloth. Price $2.50. St. P au l’s F irst Epistle to th e C orinthians and St. P au l’s Second Epistle to the C orinthians B y S. N owell -R astron These two books are excellent commen­ taries on the great epistles to the Corin­ thians. They are highly spiritual, and they present a faithful interpretation of Paul’s gospel. In difficult passages, care, research, and painstaking accuracy of statement are shown. The author has gathered in these pages many choice bits of poetry and prose. Vol. I, 237 pages. Vol II, 156 pages. Re­ ligious Tract Society. Cloth. Price $1.25 each. Books for Girls The following stories, published by Pickering & Inglis, are designed to bring before young girls the plan of salvation and the joys of a yielded Christian life. The Long Pursuit by Dorothy M. Barter Snow. Eileen Fitzpatrick, after the death of her mother, wandered far in the field of agnosticism and finally became a worshiper of Pan. But, through the providence of

The author was sixteen years old when, in 1917, the Russian Revolution began. He is the son of Dr. Eugene Botkin, who was appointed in 1908 personal physician to Emperor Nicholas II. The family lived at Izarskoe, Selo, the imperial village, fif­ teen miles from St. Petersburg, the cap­ ital. The families of the Emperor and of his physician were in close contact, and the author was a playmate of the prince and princess. With such intimate knowledge of royalty and of the Russian court, Gleb Botkin has given a most remarkable story of the situation preceding the Revolution and of the kaleidoscopic changes that oc­ curred in those dark days. Dr. Botkin, with his son, shared the exile of the royal fam­ ily and perished with them at Ekaterin­ burg, July 17, 1918. Gleb Botkin, however, escaped through Japan and came to Amer­ ica in 1922. His book bears every mark of honest history. Though in his boyhood a most intense royalist, he is able with his present outlook to picture the weakness of the Russian court and to reveal the steps that led to revolution. 336 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $3.00. The author is a journalist, who is fa­ miliar with all the horrors of East Lon­ don. His pictures of the poverty, sin, and hopelessness of the overcrowded masses are vivid and exact. Into this gloom, the bright rays of Christian missions have pen­ etrated, and modern miracles are seen in this light. 160 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. In this series of addresses, Dr. Howard drags out into the open the grim specter of fear, which terrorizes so large a portion of the human race. He does not deny the causes for fear, but he points out the truth that a potent deliverance has been wrought. The book is written with the sparkling clarity and perfect precision that mark all of the author’s writings. 207 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. B aha’ism— Its O rigin, H istory and Teachings B y W illiam M c E lwee M iller The author is a missionary of the Pres­ byterian Church, U.S.A., living in Meshed, Persia. He shows the background of the system of Baha’ism, which is wholly Mo­ hammedan. Babism was an offshoot from Islam, and Baha’ism is an offshoot from Babism. The system is a modern Gnosti­ cism, asserting as it; does that God is so far removed that He can be known only in manifestations. According to this doctrine, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Baha, etc., are all manifestations. The book shows that “no follower of Jesus Christ can accept Baha’ism without denying abso­ lutely his Christian faith.” 214 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. C hrist Down East B y R. G. B urnett T he D efeat of Fear B y H enry H oward

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