King's Business - 1931-12

Are You Looking for a Missionary Challenge?

W e s t w a r d ,toward the sunset, in the fa r away Philippines, a t Tetuan, on the shores o f the Sulu’ Sea, one o f our graduates is serv­ ing as a member o f the faculty o f a Bible Institute, while an­ other graduate is on Christen­ dom's rugged fron tier in mys­ tic India! Surrounded by the tower- ( ing peaks o f the Andes in the little tow n .o f Acacio, in Bo­ livia, a graduate is proclaim­ ing the message o f the gos­ pel, and down in tha t inhos­ pitable region, the Belgian Congo, are several graduates, all zealously laboring fo r their Master! Up in Alaska, close to the

full and somewhat difficult, ye t they have proved in a marvelous way the sufficiency o f His grace as I had not known it before." A young lady graduate o f the Institute has been among th e . Pigmies o f the Belgian Congo. She says, "I consider the training I had a t the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles to be o f paramount importance in my life and work as a mis­ sionary." In South America, a mis­ sionary paid this sterling trib ­ ute to the Biola missionaries on his field, "A lmost without exception, they are all splen­ did personal workers." L ittle wonder, then, is it

Let me introduce to you, Mr. Paul. Roper, Presi­ dent of the Student Mis­ sionary Union, an organ­ ization of missionary vol­ unteers in the Bible Insti­ tute. Mr. Roper says, “The Student Missionary Union endeavors to pre­ sent the need of every land and strives that its members may be fully yielded to serve in the field o f His choice.”

tha t so many Christians find unmeasured satisfaction and lasting joy in directing at least a portion o f their missionary g ifts to the Institute. It's important to provide the means o f supporting missionaries— it's equally im­ portant to provide the means of educating men and women to become missionaries. Said the Christ, "G o ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Perhaps you cannot go, but your g ift to the Institute will help to prepare some one else to go. Isn't the challenge o f tjie Institute the very kind o f a missionary challenge tha t you have been looking for?

59th parallel o f north latitude, where win­ ter's breath is cold and piercing, a grad­ uate has under her watchful Care, as a Christian charge, twenty-three native Alaskan girls from five to fourteen years o f age, the majority o f whom have no par­ ents interested in their welfare, here or hereafter! No t so long ago, the mail brought this word from a- graduate in Addis Ababa, the very heart o f Ethiopia: "How I do praise the Lord fo r the wonderful health and strength He has given! I can stand so much more than many o f my fellow-work­ ers, and I often stop and say to myself, 'This is indeed the g ift o f God and meant to be used only in His service.' And though these months have been busy and


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