King's Business - 1931-12

December 1931


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

7. Study the laws of the separation of priests and people and the various laws of holiness in the light of the New Testament injunctions for the Christian. Should we be any less careful in keeping ourselves free from every defilement of sin than were the Jews of old? JANUARY 24, 1932 Numbers, the Book of Service 1 h e book of Numbers is a book of ser­ vice. We find portrayed therein the organization, the walk, and the war­ fare of God’s chosen nation, Israel. P re p a ra tio n MONDAY: Read chapters 1 to 6. TUESDAY: Read chapters 7 to 12. WEDNESDAY: Read chapters 13 to 18. THURSDAY: Read chapters 19 to 24. FRIDAY: Redd chapters 25 to 30. SATURDAY: Read chapters 31 to 36. SUNDAY: . Select some practical lessons which may be drawn from the study that you have been making during the week. Prepare this in outline form and give it as a brief devotional talk at the earliest opportun­ ity. A nalysis I. Preparation for the March (chapters 1 to 10). 1. Numbering of the people. ! 2. Organization of the people. 3. Levites. 4. Sanctification. 5. Gifts. 6. Pillar of cloud and fire. II. The Journey (chapters 11 to 21). 1. Taberah—“place of burning.” 2. Murmuring against the food. 3. Murmuring against God’s leaders: 4. Complaint about the land. 5. Years of wandering. III. On the Plains of. Móab (chapters 22 to 36). 1. Opposition of Israel’s enemies. . ,2. Second census. 3. Final instructions. E x pression T h e S erpent of B rass Numbers 21:5-9; John 3:14, 15 I. Introduction. One of the most familiar passages in the entire Bible is John 3 :14, 15, yet there are many who do not know very much about the event which forms the basis of the simile used in vèrse 14. II. Discussion. 1. The sin of the people (Num. 21:5). a. It was a sin against God—“the people spake against God.” b. It was a sin against God’s servant —-“the people s p a k e a g a i n s t Moses.” c. It was a sin against God’s provi­ sions—“our soul loatheth this light bread.” 2. The punishment of the p e o p l e (Num. 21:6). 3. The repentance of the people (Num. 21:7). a. They came.


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M r.C .T .

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